
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

The child is mine(2)

Along the way, Jane felt as if she was receiving countless rays of admiration.

She thought to herself that after this, her two projects were secure.

"Go to Lavender Manor," John immediately said after getting into the car.

Brian drove the car out.

Jane leaned weakly on John's shoulder, not because she wanted to, but because she was really in too much pain.

When her fragility emerged, she felt somewhat out of control.

Upon arriving at Lavender Manor, she was almost semi-conscious, and only felt John carrying her out of the car and settling her on the bed, followed by what seemed like a burst of talking.

Later, she fell asleep. When she woke up, she was sleeping on a soft, large bed. The curtains in the room were tightly closed, creating a dim atmosphere.

Feeling much better, she lay there for a while before getting up and pulling open the curtains, only to see the sun setting outside.

The door to the room was knocked on rhythmically, and she responded. An auntie came in with a tray and said, "Miss, it's time to eat."

Jane was indeed a little hungry, and sat down at the round table nearby. However, what was placed in front of her was black chicken soup. The auntie explained, "You still need to take good care of yourself even after a miscarriage, otherwise, it could leave complications."

It seemed that the auntie was specially arranged by John.

Jane felt strange in her heart. Why was John being so good to her?

She wasn't a picky eater and began to eat the soup. The auntie was quite good at making soup, and it tasted great.

After finishing her meal, the auntie immediately instructed her to lie down and rest in bed. Feeling much better, Jane was a little tired of lying down and wasn't too willing.

"I want to take a shower."

The auntie nodded and said, "You can take a shower, but don't take a bath, and the water temperature should be a little higher."

Jane nodded and opened the closet to get some clothes.

Looking at the clothes in the wardrobe, she felt a little dazed. There was a moment when she felt like these clothes were meant for her, but then she laughed at herself for being silly.

After taking a shower, she felt comfortable all over, except a little hot. The air conditioning in the bedroom was set too high.

She went downstairs and found it cooler there, so she sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV. The housekeeper was surprised to see her and immediately brought a blanket to cover her, "Mr. John instructed us not to let you catch a cold, miss."

Jane pulled the blanket closer. She wanted to leave, but it seemed like John wasn't around. Without his permission, she didn't dare to leave.

She remembered that she left her bag in the office, so she used the landline in the living room to call Aunt Xia for help. Aunt Xia kept asking where she was, and Jane had to say she was with John.

After hearing this, Aunt Xia fell silent for a moment, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of Jack. But this child..."

"What's wrong with Jack?" Jane asked.

"He always hides and cries secretly. He's afraid that you will die. He also said that he was going to make snow pear soup for you when he got home from school today, but you didn't come back."

Jane's heart ached. "Please take good care of him for me, Aunt Xia."

After hanging up the phone, Jane felt sad. Jack was such a good kid. What would happen to him if she died? He would be an orphan.

"Miss, it's time for dinner," the housekeeper came to remind her.

For the next few days, John didn't show up. Jane stayed at Lavender Manor and found a notebook in the study. She worked on her computer every day, and as she suspected, with those two words from John, her two projects were progressing smoothly and were already in the pre-production stage.

One day, she asked Oliver Ford to help her retrieve her bag from the Starlight office.

When Oliver Ford saw her, he took a deep breath when he saw that she looked better. "I'm glad you're okay."

Jane smiled, "Don't worry, I'm fine." She paused, "And you? 'Immortal Love' has already started filming. How do you feel?"