
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Fraternal Twins with Different Biological Fathers.

The man's gaze was fixed on two paternity test reports:

Jack and John - violated genetic laws, denying paternity.

Jill and John - complied with genetic laws, confirming paternity.

What fuck!!!

He, John's wife Jane, gave birth to a pair of twins, and the biological father was not just him!

His hand, holding a cigarette, trembled.

The lighter burned his fingers several times, but he didn't feel it.

Soon, the cigarette was finished.

Amidst the smoke, his gaze remained fixed on the test reports, his whole being terrifyingly cold.

Suddenly, he stood up, grabbed the reports and threw them into the shredder.

With lowered eyes, he watched the white paper and black words turn into scraps, a cold frost spreading in his eyes.


"Mum, why haven't Dad and sister come yet?"

When the clock struck ten, Jack, who had been waiting all night, couldn't help but ask.

Jane smiled, "Maybe they're stuck in traffic, I'll call and check."

She picked up her phone and walked to the living room to dial John's number. It connected, but no one answered. After three repeated attempts, she thought of something and opened her social media.

Sure enough, some of the second-generation friends in her circle had posted photos.

When she saw the picture of John and Jill cutting the birthday cake together, her eyes suddenly became sour.

Jack and Jill were a pair of twins, but Jill had been showered with John's love since childhood, while Jack had been neglected.

Even on their birthdays every year, John deliberately kept it a secret from her.

Jill's birthday party was grand and luxurious. However, Jack was not only not invited, but also deliberately forgotten. On their fourth birthday, he performed the same play again! Anger surged within him.

"Mommy-" Jack walked over, gently pulling her sleeve, looking up with a face that seemed to anticipate something, "Daddy must be too busy with work, we don't have to wait for him, it's already great to have Mommy with Jack for his birthday."

Jane's eyes became even more sour. She hugged Jack and lovingly held his little hand. "Come on, Mommy will take you to find Daddy and your sister."

They arrived at John's mansion at half past ten. Luxury was already present, but now it was decorated with colorful balloons and lights, making it even more beautiful.

Jack looked out the car window, with longing and sadness in his eyes. All of this was prepared for Jill. Jane understood, but didn't know how to comfort him.

She unconsciously pressed harder on the accelerator. The car rushed to the front of the main house and stopped steadily.

The Land butler, who was seeing off guests, frowned and walked over. When the people in the car got out, his frown deepened. "Madam, what brings you here?"

Jane raised her eyebrows. The Land butler's tone made it sound like it was so inappropriate for her and her son to be here at this moment! What was going on? They were all treated differently!

The suppressed anger surged up again.

She led Jack's hand and deliberately walked inside with her head held high.

At this moment, the guests had all dispersed, and the servants were cleaning the hall.

Jill, dressed in a pink princess dress and wearing a crown, sat on the sofa happily unwrapping gifts, with John sitting next to her.

"Good evening, dad, sister," Jack greeted them warmly, pausing for a moment before adding, "happy birthday to my sister."

However, Jill continued to unwrap her gifts as if she hadn't seen her mother and brother arrive, not even bothering to acknowledge them.

Let alone greet them.

John remained calm and doting, showing no hint of correcting her behavior or teaching her manners.

Jane's heart sank.

When Jack was born, he was diagnosed with a rare congenital heart disease. John's mother, Mrs. Land, sympathized with her and insisted on taking care of Jill, while Jane had focused most of her energy on Jack and her career in recent years.

Gradually, Jill became more and more distant from her.

Countless thoughts raced through her mind, and she clenched her fingers, finally speaking calmly, "John, since you're having a birthday party, why didn't you inform me and Jack?"

The same thing happened four times, and even if she was slow to catch on, she realized that it wasn't right.

They were clearly favoring one over the other.

But she couldn't understand why?

Both were his flesh and blood, so why did he treat them differently?

Moreover, as a male member of the John family, Jack was likely to inherit the John family name in the future and should have received more attention. But for some reason, John's family seemed to reject him.

Was it because of Jack's illness?

"I forgot." His deep and pleasant voice sounded dismissive.

She couldn't help but feel angry. "Why?" She persisted.

After a moment of silence, John asked Jill to go upstairs to rest, then strode up the stairs himself.

Obviously, John didn't want to answer Jane's question.

Jane caught up with him in the hallway and blocked his way. "John, explain why you're showing favoritism."

John, with his long legs, had already climbed three steps in one stride, leaving Jane breathless and stuttering with anger.

His expression was unreadable, hidden in the shadows.

"Don't you know?" He coldly retorted, saying nothing more.

Jane really didn't know, her delicate eyebrows filled with heartache and indignation for Jack. "Know what? Explain yourself."

No matter how she asked, John remained silent.

Her restrained anger broke through, and she approached him, grabbing his arm. "John, we're husband and wife. Is it necessary to keep things hidden from each other?"

John's eyes flickered, the corners of his handsome lips slightly curled in a sneer. "Do you even remember that we're husband and wife?"

His tall figure leaned forward, almost whispering in her ear.

His tone held a hidden pain and a hint of bitterness.

She was stunned.

Shortly after they got married, she quickly became pregnant with twins, and her pregnancy was particularly difficult.

At the time, she was working on her third album, and was very busy, but John, who was just as busy, spent almost every day with her. Even on days when he was traveling, he made sure to come back for her check-ups.

Throughout her pregnancy, he took extra care of her.

But then, after the children were born, something changed in him.

Four years had passed so quickly, and it wasn't until now that she realized the severity of the situation.

She even remembered that in their four years of marriage, except for their wedding night, John had never touched her again.

During her postpartum recovery, she would often take Jack to John's mansion, but she never saw him there.

He was either abroad or on a business trip, and she couldn't even keep track of his schedule.

She vaguely felt that he was deliberately avoiding her.

Although she couldn't see him, he had never been involved in any scandals. Slowly, she lost her thoughts and focused solely on her children and her career.

Suddenly, four years had passed.

When she snapped back to reality, John was already gone from the hallway.

But Jack appeared from around the corner of the stairs. "Mommy-"

She bent down and picked up the little guy. "Jack, do you want to stay here tonight?"

Usually, she would bring Jack to the recording studio to work overtime, but now she couldn't.

Jack's eyes lit up at her words and he nodded quickly.

After deciding to stay, Jane realized that John's mansion had a children's room for Jill, but not for Jack.

Afraid that Jack would feel left out, she stayed with him until he fell asleep before leaving the guest room.

After gently closing the door, she went to Jill's bedroom to read her a bedtime story, but the door was locked.

Welcome to the world of our main characters, John and Jane. As a reader, you will be transported into their lives, filled with drama, suspense, and of course, romance. In this novel, we will explore the complexities of relationships, the power of love, and the challenges that come with navigating through life's obstacles.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this story is the mystery surrounding Jane's "medical miracle." What really happened? Who is involved in this conspiracy? And how did Jane uncover the truth? These are all questions that will be answered as you follow our characters on their journey.

But that's not all. This novel is also about the trials and tribulations of marriage. Trust and love are tested as John and Jane face the aftermath of the conspiracy, ultimately leading to their separation. However, John's persistent efforts to win back Jane's love will leave you rooting for the couple to rekindle their relationship.

As a writer, my goal is to create a story that not only entertains but also leaves readers feeling connected to the characters. I want to take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, from heartbreak to happiness and everything in between. With each turn of the page, I hope to engage you in a way that keeps you invested in the story and eager to see what happens next.

So buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable journey with John, Jane, and the rest of the characters. Let's dive in and see where this story takes us.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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