
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

Didn't notify him(2)

Jane didn't notify him.

Translation: There was no sign of Jane in the corridor. He strode out quickly, and Brian was waiting for him in the car.

"Did you see her?"

Brian immediately replied, "Yes, she left in her own car."

After speaking, he looked at the boss sneakily, and his expression was very ugly.

"Go to Starlight," John said.

Brian didn't ask why and drove directly there. When they arrived at the entrance of Starlight, the car had not yet stopped, but John had already pushed the door and walked down.

With his imposing presence and appearance, he was always the center of attention wherever he went.

So, when he appeared in the Starlight lobby, everyone in the lobby looked at him one after another. He walked to the front desk and said in a low voice, "I'm looking for your deputy general manager, Jane. Where is her office?"

The front desk had never seen such a handsome man before and was so shocked that they stared blankly for a while without speaking.

John frowned impatiently, "Jane, where is she?"

He was getting impatient.

The front desk finally reacted and said, "General Garcia just arrived. She should be in her office on the third floor, room 303."

John strode forward and went directly to the revolving staircase.

The front desk finally remembered their duties and chased after him, shouting, "Sir, you need an appointment to see our deputy general manager."

"I'm John." John didn't even look back, just said his name.

His name is a powerful business card throughout the entire city of S.

The men and women in the lobby who had been watching him were all surprised and stared at John with even more intensity. However, John was completely unaware of the commotion he caused. He strode up the stairs and after taking only a few steps, a heavily made-up woman caught up to him and exclaimed with excitement, "Mr. John, are you here to see Miss Alice Garcia? She's in her resting room."

The woman who caught up to him was Sarah Ford. She deliberately spoke loudly enough for everyone around to hear that John was here to see Alice Garcia.

Ignoring her, John continued up the stairs and soon arrived at the door of Room 303. Without hesitation or knocking, he reached out and turned the handle, pushing the door open and walking inside.

Inside, he saw a young and handsome man holding a glass of red sugar water, which he placed in front of Jane. Jane sat in a large chair, her face pale, with a pillow placed on her stomach.

Both of them looked at him in surprise, clearly not expecting John to show up here.

John approached Jane's desk step by step with a calm face, and gave a sideways glance at the young man, recognizing him as Oliver Ford, who had taken care of her in the hospital and was said to be a rising influencer.

Without expression, he lifted his hand and directly knocked over the glass of sugar water on the desk.

With a loud bang, the glass shattered into pieces and the sticky sugar water splattered everywhere, making a mess on the floor.

Jane stood up in anger, but suddenly clutched her stomach in pain, propping herself up on the desk. "John, what are you doing?" she exclaimed.

Without a word, John stepped on the sugar water with his leather shoes, grabbed her wrist, and said in a low voice, "Come with me."

Jane stared into his eyes.

There was a flicker of sinister light and a menacing aura in his eyes. If she resisted, the consequences would only be worse, especially since she was feeling mentally and physically drained at the moment.

"Be gentle," she lowered her head and glanced at the wrist he was holding. He always gripped the same spot and held on tightly.

She followed him out, turning back to say, "I'm sorry, Xiao Ye, could you help me clean up the floor and lock the office door?"

Oliver Ford immediately nodded, "Take care of yourself, Jane."

As they left the office, John's face became terribly grim.

At that moment, Alice Garcia rushed over.