
Scumbag’s second chance

A member of a criminal organization dies in a mysterious way and gets transmigrated into another body that looks like him from the time when he was younger. He enters a chat group filled with weird people and goes on missions in order to collect rewards. Don't expect any updates if you like this fanfic, I just posted it cause someone said they want to read the unreleased ones out of boredom.

parkgun · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Standing inside a hotel room that was rented out of Yumeko's money, all the people from the group chat except her were present.

Everyone had their own private rooms since the whole floor was rented out for a long period of time.

Kazumasa made them change in normal clothes that suited this modern world, of course, he made them choose from clothes of their liking.

The guy with the armor was dressed casually and he had a handsome face, black hair and red eyes.

This guy too had a ever-present stoic expression on his face.

Kazumasa had his phone in his hand and he was looking through some information he got from a kid from Yumeko's school.

The information contained stuff all about how the school operated together with information about people who are probably to interfere in Yumeko's battle against the student council president.

How he got this information?

He threatened to kill him if he didn't cooperate.

He of course didn't do it in a barbaric way that would put too much pressure on the kid.

He just displayed his unnatural strength a little and subtly hinted at his death if he were to not do what he says.

Everyone except Kazumasa was sat down on their own chairs, sofas or couches.

He closed his phone and said out loud breaking the silence that was present in the room.

"From the information I've got it's safe to say that it's relatively easy to stop people from interfering in their battle since there aren't a lot of people that want to do that either way.

The match would eventually happen anyway without us doing anything from what the big player's stands are.

So I'm suggesting that all of you lay back and let me handle this mission.

I'm just going to meddle here and there to make it easier for Yumeko to have a match against her."

After he said that, a little silence was present again.

The silence didn't persist for long before the girl with blue hair whose name was Esdeath said with a smile. "I get that what we were assigned to do by Yumeko is easy.

But our original mission is to make her WIN against that person, not have a match against her."

Kazumasa looked her in the eyes and said. "That's true.

But I've chosen to trust her capabilities as someone who's in the same group chat as me.

From what I've seen everyone here specializes in something.

So if she fails in a domain she specializes in, that's simply because her opponent was better than her.

And that's where I'll eventually figure something out to complete the mission since it wasn't specified in what she should win against that person in.

Yumeko wants to win against her in gambling, but if she fails , then she'll simply have to win against her in another domain, like life for example."

The light in Kazumasa's eyes was strange and he said. "If the student council president were to die mysteriously, Yumeko would win against her in life.

Since you can win against your opponent simply by you being alive and them being dead."

Esdeath's smile was wider and she said. "You really thought about this deeply.

You seem to be a very capable person.

What is your occupation?"

Kazumasa decided to tell her a half-truth. "I used to be the action leader of one of the biggest criminal organizations.

Basically the one who was in charge of all the dirty jobs inside the organization.

But due to special-circumstances, I had to retire."

Esdeath's expression remained the same smiley one and she said. "So that's why you even thought about killing a person you never met just to complete this mission."

Kazumasa was reminded of his old missions and he said with a strange smile on his face. "A mission is a mission.

It must be done no matter what since failure is impermissible where I worked.

This is nothing compared to the other missions I've done."

Esdeath's smile seemed even bigger and she said. "The strong get everything they want from the weak.

That's the natural order of things."

Kazumasa still had that strange smile on his face as he said. "True.

I learned that on my own at a young age.

And from what I can tell, you're currently stronger than me and have a similar mindset.

It's no wonder you're a general back in your world."

Kazumasa was genuinely praising the woman in front of him.

Even though he hasn't seen her in action personally, he knew that she was stronger than him by instinct.

Being able to induce that kind of feeling into him has never happened to him before since no one was ever exponentially stronger than him.

But this woman was different.

The difference in strength should be enough for him to be defeated almost in one shot for him to feel that type of way.

"Hmph, it looks like you know how to use your mouth too."

Kazumasa had the same expression on his face and he said. "Of course, I've had to learn talking like this in order to survive."

Being able to not offend and instead please the person you're speaking with is an important skill.

He saw down on a couch too and said while looking at Esdeath and the others who were sitting too. "Alright, you are all free to do whatever you want now that our discussion is over.

Just don't interfere with that school and we'll be good."

The diabetic samurai, Gintoki, and the Goblin Slayer whose name he didn't get stood up almost at the same time and walked towards the exit.

Gintoki waved his hand and said. "Alright, if you've got it all covered then I'm just going to relax in this hotel while eating some parfaits."

The goblin slayer said something too with a stoic expression on his face. "I'm going to the library"

Kazumasa took out a cigarette from the pack he had in his hands and said while putting it in his mouth, not even looking at the remaining person in the room.

"What are you doing?"

Esdeath still had a smile on her face and she said. "You said we're free to do whatever we want, and it's not like you can order me around anyways.

So I'm just going to hang around with you since you're the most interesting person here."

Kazumasa closed his eyes and said while lighting the cigarette with a stoic expression. "Is that so?

Suit yourself then."