
Screw the Hero!

My life was mediocre, but that's okay. I got run over and died, but that's okay. I revived, but... wait... that's not okay! This miserable world, full of magical creatures, dangerous people and daily threats of planetary destruction. I know it --- this is the planet of that damn game! A doomed paltry world, whose salvation lay at the hands of despicable brainless characters! And, as if that weren't enough, I'm reincarnated as one of the protagonist's many romantic partners?! ''Long live the great hero!'' ''Stop calling me a hero!'' Why is everything falling apart? Sh*t! This is not good at all! [Volume 1 - ''Way Up to be Stronger!'' (On Going)] [The cover's photo is not mine. If you're the author and wants me to take it down, just contact me~] = Collections Goal: 95/100 (Bonus Chapter as soon as we hit it) = PS Goal: 17/100 (Bonus chapter for each 50 PS)

jonasjonasjonas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

A Friend's Favor (1)

Just when the sun began to peek over the horizon, I received an expected summon from the academy's faculty team.

The blonde woman in the sharp suit, who had welcomed me to the academy on my first day, was flanked by three other grim-faced employees.

Their disapproving looks told me everything I needed to know -- the news of my brawl with those two idiots had spread like wildfire through the academy's halls.

Sincerely, it was really astounding to me how quickly rumors could travel in a world without cell phones or social media.

People were truly amazing when it came to gossip.

But now, I needed to focus on reality since I had to face the consequences of my reckless actions.

Thereupon, without any other choice, I left Auriel resting and made my way to Johan's room.

"Look, it wasn't entirely my fault," I explained to the director, hoping to defend myself.

As I recounted the details of the altercation, the director's beady eyes remained fixed on me.

His sharp, cold features betrayed no emotion, but I could feel his scrutiny weighing heavily on my shoulders.

"... And that's what happened," I finished, my voice trailing off uncertainly.

The director nodded slowly, a deep furrow creasing his forehead.

"I understand. It's exactly as I imagined. So, this was really my mistake."

I was taken aback by his admission, but before I could respond, he reached down and pulled out a pink binder from his desk drawer.

With a flick of his wrist, he flipped open the cover, revealing pages upon pages of indecipherable script.

"Forgive me, but give me just a moment, Rodiel," he said, his eyes already scanning the pages intently.

I nodded mutely, watching as he pored over the arcane texts.

Despite his bulky frame, he moved with surprising grace, his fingers deftly flipping through the pages.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally looked up at me, his expression inscrutable.

And as he tapped them on the table lightly to arrange them properly, I could see that some of the documents in his possession had the names ''Mael Dashner'' and ''Rodiel Dashner'' written at the top, taking over as the pages titles.

Could that be the reason for his concern? I wondered.

I mean, his former countenance was a terrible fake show to please me, but now he seemed genuinely troubled.

''Huh-huh...'', he gasped, a look of worry etched on his face.

Although I knew that he was the one who declared the news that I was in the Regular Class, with the clear intention of embarrassing me and diminishing Mael's influence, that didn't stop me from acting like a normal person.

What's more, with all things considered, if I was going to live in this place for the next two years of my life, I'd better not have animosity built up with the ruler of the place.

Therefore, I took a precise action.

''Look, director. I apologize if I caused you trouble. It wasn't my intention."

''Uh? Oh! No, don't worry about it, boy. As someone in my rank, I should have predicted this outcome.''

I sat up straighter in my chair, studying the person before me.

Relaxing my expression, I looked the fat-man in the eye.

"Seriously? Why do you say that, Director?" I asked, hoping to get to the bottom of this.

He sighed, scratching the empty regions of his head absentmindedly.

I couldn't help but wonder if this was some sort of phantom limb syndrome, a residual habit from when he still had hair.

''I mean, you're the direct disciple of that guy. It's only natural that you'd be monstrously powerful,'' he continued, looking at me with a mix of curiosity and disgust.

Looking even older than he had when we first met, the man set his papers aside and drummed his fingers on the table.

As I watched him, I noticed how much his sparse-gray-hair had receded since we first met.

It was a good thing that the Guinness Book didn't exist in this world, or he would have surely made it as the world's fastest balding man.

''However, it's certainly curious that you'd be able to handle someone with an innate ability like that.''

He added, his tone laced with a hint of awe.

''You mean: an innate ability ranked higher than both that I have?''

The man didn't care to keep his inner thoughts to himself when he answered too harsh honestly.

''Yes. Exactly that. I see you get my point.''

I didn't answer him.

It looked like his true personality was finally making its way into the conversation; the man's tone of voice changing.

''So what we'll do now, Director?''

Poking his finger against his temples, back and forth, he hissed:

''I have a plan that might work. Even if I didn't want to do this to you, there's no other choice. The rules cannot be broken, even if part of the mistake was my fault.''

''Pardon me?''

He smiled vividly, his yellow teeth showing.

The gold ring on his finger seemed to match the color of his unkempt teeth.

''It's that! Precisely that! Starting today, you will be accompanied by one of our trusted exemplary students!''

As the animation in his tone became more evident, sweat trickled down my face.


I raised my tone and voice, but he didn't care.

''I understand that you are very animalistic because of how you were raised by that man. So this is a great opportunity! You will learn manners and courtesy from the best---!''

Offending Mael and me without realizing it, the man continued his tedious monologue.

That morning, I wasn't released from the principal's office even when blood started pouring from my ears.


Making friends was definitely simple, but maintaining them was far more challenging than it seemed.

No newspaper or book could provide any comprehensive insights into the matter. Plus, there were no-usable mathematical formulas in this field.

So, what exactly did it take to be someone's innermost comrade?

And how would you approach someone without seeming forced?


As the morning light filtered through the window, a girl with vivid lime-green hair sat at her desk, her gaze fixed pensively on the blackboard.

Unusually, she twirled her hair around her fingers.

Bemused, the other students whispered to one another, perplexed by the girl's unusual behavior.

"Is she feeling unwell today?"

"What's going on with Qiyana?"

Her odd conduct, which resulted from her ruminations unrelated to the lesson, drew the attention of the other pupils in her class, as well as the health teacher who was tutoring at that time.

The whispers and murmurs in the classroom grew louder, causing Qiyana to tense up even more. She could feel their prying eyes on her, and it made her feel like a caged animal.

''A stroke? Come on, don't be ridiculous," she heard someone say.

''But something must have happened. Qiyana is always so focused in class,'' another voice chimed in.

''Hey, Qiyana, are you feeling okay?''

A classmate asked, leaning over to get a better look at her.

Qiyana recoiled slightly, feeling the urge to push them away.

But she knew she couldn't. She had to keep up the act, at least until she could figure out how to proceed with her relation with Rodiel.

''I'm fine,'' she said, trying to keep her voice steady. ''Just a little distracted, that's all.''

''Is it because of the Steel Demon?'', another voice asked.

Qiyana's heart skipped a beat. She felt bent on a single question.

''Steel Demon?''

She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

''Ah! You must not be aware of the stories circulating out there, given that you only read books.''

The student shuddered.

''The Steel Demon is that miserable delinquent who dares to call himself a disciple of Steelheart.''

She narrowed her eyes.

''You're referring to Rodi---?''

The boy jumped up, his face sweating.

Qiyana, surprised by the sudden action, fell silent in mid-speech.


The room abruptly fell silent with the shrill sound of the boy's screams.

All eyes turned to him, but he quickly returned to his seat, cowering like a frightened small animal.

The teacher, her dark eyes glowing with an ominous fire, looked like she was about to cast a spell over him.

''Cahum! So, shall we move on?'', the teacher asked, her voice cold and cutting like a sharp sword.

The students turned their attention to the lesson, but tension hung in the air like a dense fog. So the hours dragged slowly by with teachers coming and going.

In the midst of this, despite her anxious anticipation, Qiyana was unable to detect Rodiel's presence in any of the class periods that followed.

It looked like he had disappeared into thin air, as if he had never existed.

His existence affirmed only by rumors, perpetuated in low voices by cowardly people who, for some reason, feared for their lives.

While the others insisted on exaggerating the story of the fight, Qiyana only had one concern:

Was Rodiel avoiding her? Had he purposely gotten himself into trouble so he wouldn't have to interact with her?

The girl's face contorted. Frowning, she grimaced.

Hours passed, and the bell finally rang.

Crossing the Academy's grand halls with silent, elegant steps, Qiyana entered the boys' dormitory under the watchful eyes of the male students.

They seemed intrigued by the girl's presence there.

"Who's she visiting?"

"The ice queen has a boyfriend now? That's hilarious!"

"For real, who's the lucky guy?"

The answer to the questions of those passing by came within minutes.

She stopped outside Rodiel Dashner's door -- the one everyone in the dorm strictly avoided.

A crowd of curious onlookers discreetly followed her, but they quickly moved away as she stopped outside the door.

''Is this bastard now threatening the ice queen?''

''This guy has no restrictions!''

''Someone has to put limits on him! Call Truman immediately!''

Some thought of calling for help, others vehemently asserted that she was coming there under threat.

Nonetheless, Qiyana ignored the whispers that flew down the hall, reaching her ears.

''Rodiel, it's me. Qiyana. Please open the door, we need to talk.''

Qiyana took a deep breath and tapped lightly on the door.

A shrill sound of footsteps sounded inside the room, and she corrected her facial expression quickly as the door slowly opened.

''How are you, Rodi--!''

However, the person who attended to her was not who she expected.

Instead of Rodiel Dashner, there was a girl with gorgeous cascading hair.

Dressed in a white shirt and a pair of men's black pants, the girl exuded natural elegance and a strong scent of roses. Shyly, she poked her head out.

But who was she in the first place?

"Yes? Rodiel is not there now. He left for the principal's office," the girl said.

Qiyana gasped in surprise. "Who exactly...?"

The girl added shyly, "A-Auriel Briar! And you must be Qiyana Belize, right?"

''You know me?''

Qiyana narrowed her eyes.

''Of course! You are a role model that every girl wants to follow! Determined, intelligent and very flexible!''

Auriel Briar gushed, leaving Qiyana feeling embarrassed by the amount of compliments the girl fired at her.

''H-hmm... Thank you very much for the compliments.''

Qiyana was embarrassed by the amount of compliments the girl fired at her.

''But what brings you to Rodiel's room?'' Auriel asked.

''We're friends. I came to discuss a matter with him.''

Qiyana replied, casting a disgusted look at the boys lurking around the edges of the walls.

''Anyway, mind if we continue this conversation inside?''

''Not even a little! Please feel free to enter.''

Qiyana stepped into Rodiel's room, taking in the disheveled state of the place. As she sat down on a nearby chair, Auriel took a seat across from her, looking at her curiously.

"So, what brings you here, Qiyana?" Auriel asked, her tone friendly.

Qiyana hesitated for a moment, unsure if she wanted to share her personal problems with someone she barely knew. Nevertheless, there was something about Auriel that made her feel at ease.

"I need to talk to Rodiel about something personal," Qiyana said, looking down at her hands.

Auriel nodded understandingly. "I see. Well, Rodiel should be back soon. In the meantime, would you like some tea?"

Qiyana was surprised by the offer, but she accepted gratefully.

As Auriel went to the small kitchen area to prepare the tea, Qiyana took a moment to look around the room.

And, without knowing anything about TWOF's plot, that was the first time that the two (former) villainess interacted.


Okay, this is a shitty situation.

From what the principal had said, from now on I would be watched for some time by one of the Student Council members.

I didn't like that one bit.

I mean, who would be happy to share space and share personal information on a daily basis with an unknown and far-from-intimate individual?

Johan had restated the fact that he would look for someone trustworthy who wouldn't disturb me with my daily activities. I didn't like that puffy man, but I could surely trust his words.

They sounded genuine, and considering he had a position to uphold, it made sense that he meant what he said.

But well, I'll worry about that later.

For now, I had to go back to my room and do some studying -- the mid-terms exams were getting closer.

I had already wasted enough time on these silly problems and clichés from a third-rate world!

''Could this world give me some peace?''

Walking resolutely, I felt devastated and exhausted by the long conversation I had with director Johan.

My body felt like it was about to fall to the ground.

We had spent hours on end talking non-stop, and he came up with that unpleasant solution.

''Auriel must have already left, given the time.''

Scanning my bedroom door, I stated.

I had told the girl to go seek expert medical help from Professor Cassidy and her team as soon as she was rested enough.

For the time that had passed since I had left for the principal's office, I believed she was no longer there. I sighed, using some of my little strength to stay on my feet.

For the past few days, I'd felt like a zombie walking on instinct alone.

I was being sleep deprived. And, to tell the truth, from what I could see, it seemed to be happening more and more.

''Well then, let's relax a little--!''

I stopped myself in the middle of my monologue.

I already expected something bad to happen, but did it have to be right here?

In MY sanctuary -- my bedroom?

''Ah! Hi, Rodiel! Welcome back!''

Auriel greeted me and I returned the gesture.

I thought it was strange that she was still here, but I didn't criticize her for anything. At first, she might still need to recover. So a few more hours of rest wouldn't hurt Auriel or me.

What made me wide-eyed was the fact that another girl was sitting in the last remaining chair in the room, directly across from Auriel.

A cup of tea steamed on her hand, a sweet lavender scent permeating my nostrils.

''You've finally arrived. What happened to make you absent for so long?''

Qiyana was there.

Sitting imposingly, she sipped her tea.

I looked her up and down, a look of disgust and surprise making her shudder.

''Will not you answer me?''


Out of patience, I turned and walked back the way I had come.

I closed the door behind me and walked a few steps. I really wasn't calm enough to deal with both girls right now.

So, I started to distance myself from the room... until I realized:

''Wait.. Isn't that my f*cking room?!''

Yelling to myself in the hallway, I headed back to my quarters without much of a choice.

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, so I'm sorry. I'll be correcting the chapter little by little -- let me know if you find any mistakes.

jonasjonasjonascreators' thoughts