
First Day

We headed down to the training room where Reizo was waiting for us. Once we arrived, Reizo unlocked the door to the training room and signaled for us to come in.

I was nervous. I had to make sure that the things I do won't make Reizo suspicious of me, which is a problem since I don't know what will make Reizo suspicious of me.

When we entered the room, to our surprise, Reizo somehow managed to clean the entire place up in one night. There were no signs of rubbish or filth anywhere. Not even a speck of dust was found.

"Since the three of you passed my test, I am now officially your captain. I will be teaching you the basics of being a ventgard and I will be supervising everything you do, so don't try anything funny."

It turns out that Reizo naturally sounds monotonous. Even text to speech has more emotion than this guy.

Serith asked Reizo what happened to the ghost girl from yesterday and if she is alright.

"First, she's not a ghost, she's a type of monster known as a hauntling. Second, she wasn't even alive to begin with."

Serith was confused after hearing that explanation so Reizo told him that everything will make sense once he explains how to use our bracelets.

Reizo then instructed us to look at our bracelets and imagine a screen appearing above it. I did just that, causing a screen with two icons that says 'stats' and 'scan' to pop up.

"Whoa, a screen appeared above my bracelet!"

Saliza and Serith stared at me and told me that they don't see any screens.

"This bracelet is called the yutri bracelet. It is an essential tool for all ventgards. When you use it, a screen will appear but it will only be visible to you." Reizo pointed at his bracelet.

Saliza and Serith then tried to make the screen appear, and they did. They said that they also saw the same thing as me.

I tried to tap one of the icons, but my finger just went through the screen.

"The screen that you are seeing is like a hologram, you can see it but you can't touch it.

This bracelet is linked to your thoughts so in order to select one of the icons, you need to think to yourself that you want to select the icon." Reizo said after seeing me poke the air several times.

I thought about trying to select the stats icon and it worked. The screen changed and

displayed my stats like an RPG game. The stats were ATK, DEF, SPD. Just like my level, my stats were all 0. There was also a blue bar with 100/100 displayed over it.

Reizo told us to select the stats icon and explained that levels are like limit breakers for our bodies that can only be increased by killing monsters, which was why Saliza was level 1 and I was level 0. He also explained that the higher our level, the more exp is needed to increase it.

"I have 3 stat points, what do they do?" Saliza asked.

Reizo explained that a stat point allows us to increase one of our three stats.

Increasing ATK makes your body stronger and allows you to hit harder.

Increasing DEF makes your body tougher and more resistant to attacks.

Increasing SPD makes your body lighter and faster.

Afterwards, Reizo took out 3 coupons and gave it to us. "I'll explain what scan does later, for now, go to the armory and use this coupon to get an armor. Once you're done, come back here. Do not buy anything that costs more than $50."

The coupon said that we could get any armor $50 and below for free.

As we were walking to the armory, Haler saw us and rushed over. "Hey guys, congrats on passing your test!"

I explained to Serith that Haler saved me and Saliza from a pack of rats so that's why we know each other.

"So what are the new recruits up to?"

We told Haler that we were going to buy armor, so Haler decided to accompany us to the armory.

There, we looked around for armor that was under $50 and tried some of them on. Most of the armor we found were leather armor that would give us some protection.

While I was trying out an armor, Haler took an armor he found and told me that I should try it.

The armor that Haler gave me had blue scales and metal platings around it. It wasn't heavy and had a chilling touch. Haler whacked me at the back to test the armor. I didn't feel anything from that hit.

Haler had already picked out armor for both Saliza and Serith so we went to pay for the armor. The cashier told us that we had to pay a total of $37500.

We didn't have the money for it so we were gonna put the armor back, but Haler said that he will pay for it. We didn't want him to spend so much money for us, but he insisted on paying and said it was a reward for passing a test no one else managed to pass.

Now that I think about it, I should be rewarded for passing a test that many considered impossible.

We decided to let him pay for the armor and explain to Reizo about it when we got back. Before Haler could pay for it, we heard a familiar voice coming from the entrance of the armory.

"Like I said, I will be supervising everything you do." Reizo was standing at the entrance, watching us. We already knew how scary he can get, so none of us wanted to piss him off.

"Now put all of those back and get armor that you can pay with the coupons. If I wanted to give you such expensive armor I would have already done so."

Haler stopped me from putting back the armor and told me that he would talk to Reizo.

"Don't you think it's important for new ventgards to have good armor to protect themselves with?"

"I have my reasons for doing what I do so mind your own business. They're my recruits, not yours. If you wanna give people fancy armor then go become a captain."

After failing to convince Reizo, Haler sighed and left the armory. Reizo then threatened to kick all of us out of the team if even one of us came back with any armor above $50 before leaving.

If only if someone like Haler was our captain. He's kind, friendly, protective, and wants to help us out. Reizo on the other hand is the complete opposite who tried to traumatized us.

Me and Saliza bought leather armor and Serith bought chain armor before heading back to the training room. Reizo had placed a pile of weapons on the floor and set up a few wooden dummies.

"Good, you three learned how to follow basic instructions. Now I want you to find a weapon and attack the dummies. Once all of you have found a weapon you're comfortable with using, we'll head out to do some training.

There were all sorts of weapons in the pile, but they were all pretty standard looking and none of the weapons stood out.

Saliza grabbed the first weapon she saw and started hitting a dummy with it before going back to pick another weapon. Serith took a sword and slashed a dummy a few times before choosing it as his weapon.

Unfortunately for me, most of the weapons were hard for me to carry around since I'm not as fit as Saliza and Serith. They have some muscles while I'm skin and bones.

Knowing that I will have to carry a weapon all day, I decided to choose a dagger since it was lightest weapon I could find.

After attacking the dummies with everything she could get a hold of, Saliza finally decided to use a two handed axe. Once everyone chose their weapons, Reizo brought us out of the headquarters and lead us to Feilo Forest.

He talked to a ventgard who was guarding the entrance before bringing us into the area. The guard was different from the one me and Saliza saw last time.

"As ventgards your duty is to protect the town, gather resources, and help the locals. But since you three are new, all of you are not much different from an average person."

Reizo said as we kept walking deeper and deeper into the area.

"For the next three weeks, you three will be training here."

Oh yay, I'm so excited to train in the place littered with monstrous rats.

Reizo slowly laid down on the ground. Shortly after, a grus rat who thought Reizo was letting his guard down jumped out of a grass patch and tried to attack Reizo. He turned around and grabbed the rat before throwing it at me.

I quickly took out my dagger and barely managed to react and stab the rat that nearly got on my face.

My bracelet then started to shine for a second, and when I checked my stats it said that I gained 7 exp and leveled up.

"What I just did was no different than what the monsters in this area will do." Reizo said as he turned his head to the grass patch where the rat came out of.

"It's time to begin your training."