
Screams of Hope

A dragoness born in captivity for the sole purpose of serving and obeying orders, but what if she was freed?

Jotech · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Unknown1: "Kill That Dragon!"

The moment I heard these words I remembered when my master threatened to kill me if I did not work hard enough, but this time I have the option to run. So I ran away until I came to a large bay that curved around to the other side with two smaller islands in the middle.

I made the quick decision of jumping in and learning how to swim at the same time, waving my paws around aimlessly doing anything to keep myself afloat before I feel the bottom of the bay and pick myself up using my own legs realizing I only made it out about a meter out into the bay still in the shallows. I quietly laughed at myself remembering, I'm not small enough to drown in the shallows of this bay.

Moment after moment as I kept trudging on into the deeper parts of the bay, I could hear the people coming closer, my ears flicking to the direction of the sounds getting louder, when the moment the bay suddenly dips into the depths making me back up trying to using my wings to help push myself back up looking at them grunting thinking.

Me: "I'll need to learn how to fly later, but for now I need to get out of here."

Constantly looking around for a spot to move on I see a bit of a shallow spot in the bay I could cross, so I start heading in that direction the water now starting to reach my neck before the sounds get any closer, I take a deep breath and dive under the water. Time almost feeling as if it slowed, I looked back at the shore where I just came from, seeing it from under the water while waiting to feel the impacts, when they start shouting words to fire again at the water.




A shot landed right above me forcing my entire body a bit farther down into the depths looking back up watching the water splash, stopping my movements as I use more oxygen while moving before the explosions stop and I hear the slight sound of people walking away.

I slowly start to turn around and lift my head from under the water to where the shore was, scanning the shoreline to see no one there anymore. Sighing a breath a relief, finishing my long trek over to one of the two islands, dragging myself over on to land, slowly starting to roll myself back over on to my back to catch my breath starting to cry with tears of joy.

Me: Finally.. I'm free.. I can't believe it I'm actually free... No more orders, no more stupid small tasks. no more master... where do I go? what will I do?

With the sun starting to set I decide to continue crossing the bay, going on to the last island before I make it to the other side hoping it's not too deep. When I finally make it to the second island I try and look from above the water I see that there are hardly any shallow spots for me to stay on top of, but if I go back I could run into those people again and I'm not willing to do that again.

After a short while of going back in forth in my head with the idea of crossing the waterway, I decided agest it and rather opted to stay on the island that's away from anything worse like the people I just met. Walking over to the tree line of the small island I lay down resting in the underbrush slowly closing my eyes, as the sun falls and the night rises.

Don't hurt me I'm trying

Jotechcreators' thoughts