
Scream in the Distance

A young adult and her brother are going camping. Suddenly, a tall creature comes out of the wood and captures the young woman. Her brother leaving her behind.

Myla_ · Teen
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3 Chs

Going Camping

On our way to the camping site, I see a figure standing on the side of the dirty road in the middle of nowhere. We arrive at our destination and unpack our stuff. My brother is preparing our sleeping bags, while I prepare the food and drinks in the cooler, inside the car. My brother asks me to go get wood for the fire, so I can make dinner, I agreed and went behind the tent my brother put up for us. Suddenly, my brother calls my name in a scared tone, I run up to him with sticks in my hand and eyes wide open, trying to understand why he called me. He tells me he saw a shadow behind the giant tree in front of the tent. He tells me we should go back home. I tell him, maybe it's his imagination. He replies that what he saw, was not his imagination, and the figure was real. As I was telling him that I also saw a figure as well, I see it, the figure is standing not far behind my brother. It's tall, has red eyes and looks like a human but, it has horns, a tail and long teeth, it's really pale and has black hair going from the head to down his torso and back. I look at it and look back at my brother. I tell him not to move in a really low voice, so the creature doesn't hear me. My brother starts shacking none stop. I tell him to calm down and not to make any sound, again in a really low voice as I start shacking, the tall creature then looks at me and walks towards me and leaves my brother behind. I start crying as my brother gets in the car and leaves me here, in the middle of nowhere, with a tall creature walking towards me with his red glowing eyes. Then, it grabs be and looks at me intensively. He puts me down as I try to move. He grabs me again and goes deep inside the scary forest, where me and my brother wanted to camp in. The tall creature then enters a dark cave, he puts me down on a bed made of hay. I tell him what he wants and why he brought me here. In my suprise, he tells me he wants to keep me here, I ask him why and he doesn't respond and gives me a flower. I was curious why he gave me this beautiful flower, the creatue tells me I'm beautiful and that he wants me to be his female with a big smile on his face. I didn't know what to say. I tell him why he picked me and not an other camper that came in the forest. He starts laughing and tells me that's because I'm the prettiest female camper he ever seen. After a moment, he gives me water and some fruits to eat. I grab the cup of water made of wood and drank a little before saying I didn't want to stay here in a scared low tone. He looks at me with eyes wide open and his pupils became so tiny that I couldn't even see them. He walks up to me and tells me that I'll never leave the forest, and see my family again.

I'm bored during this virus going around. I'm sorry if I made any mystakes, please tell me if I did any! My English is still in progress.I normally speak French, not English. So please, keep in mind that if I make mystakes, it's because of that.

Thank you.


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