
I Saw The Son

-I saw the Son, as it walked upon the sky and gazed at the stars. I saw the Son lonely and everlasting, wishing for just one companion. I saw the Son as it bled and wept, for it had killed its only friend. I saw the Son once golden and glorious, now only scars and anger remain. I saw the Son dying in a sputter, no more than a beggar…- Author: Weeping Willow

I am the Child, the only Child, a godly Child, I am the Immortal Child. I was born to rule the Heavens, the Earth and the Blood. I am the Child destined to shine and rise nothing standing in my way. All who bleed bow before me, and all who don't cower at my name. Gods bow, immortals burn, and Mortals sacrifice just to please ME. I am the Child, and Only Blood knows the penalty.

I am Blood, servant of all, servant of none. I am Blood ever flowing, never dying, I am You. I am Blood, I am the Penalty, I know no bounds. For I am Blood, not thought of until it is too late.

I was the Child, now I am dead.