
SCP: Unbroken Chains

Jordan has been imprisoned for being framed of murdering his father. A stranger offers him an opportunity to become a Class-D personnel to earn his freedom. Now as 'D-9834', he must survive a month from the horrors of the Foundation, while solving the mystery behind the murder and his guardian angel.

UncleJimbo95 · Others
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12 Chs

Trouble with a boomer

James is reviewing the footage of SCP-173's chambers from his laptop. He is alone in his office with the only source of light being the screen. 

"Careful! It's about to attack!" Jordan shouts. James writes in his notebook. He is noting every subtle movement. An Asian  American woman steps in his office. 

"Would it kill you to have some light in here? You'll be blind as bat if you keep forcing your eyes like that." She flips the switch, bathing the room in light. He recoils from the sudden illumination.

"A warning would've been nice." He takes off his glasses to rub his eyes. 

"I brought the documents you've asked for." She places the papers on his desk. "Need anything else?"

"That will be all. Thank you, Jess." He says. She slams his laptop shut. 

"Why are you interested in his son?" She asks. 

"I'm only curious. Especially with the events that happened a couple days ago."

"I heard about that. Crazy to think 173 was moving and floating around even with eyes on it." 

"That's not how I saw it. This is only a hypothesis, but there was another anomaly in the room causing it." Her eyes widened. 

"Are you serious!? We have to file it immediately. You did report it, right?" James thinks for a moment.

"Not yet." 

"Jamey, you've been acting weird lately. Is it all because of Alex's death?" 

"I believe there's more to his passing than we thought and it involves his son in some way."

"Well, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into. I need to get ready for the experiment with SCP-055...Wait. What was I about to do?"

"Something with the number fifty five."

"Oh yeah! I fucking hate that thing making me forget." She leaves. He opens the laptop and keeps noting.

Courtyard of Double-D

Jordan is sitting alone on the newly installed courtyard. Like any other prison, it has a basketball yard and a football court for the D-Class to entertain themselves. The monster hasn't appeared since the incident. Though he has been careful not to be near anyone. 

"JOOOOOJO!" Robert approaches him. Jordan backs away. "What's with you?"

"Me? What's wrong with you? I just saw you bawl like a baby the other day and you're acting all happy and shit." Robert raises an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? I was in my chamber the whole time." Now Jordan is confused. Then figures that the trauma was too much for him, that his brain must've blocked it.

"Right. Sorry about that. I haven't been sleeping these past couple days." He yawns.

"That's no bueno. Got something on your mind?" He sits next to him.

"Psh. A lot. Are you telling me you're not?"

"Our time on this planet is very fleeting for such trivial things." He says in a bad English accent.

"Yeah? Lucky you."

"Look over there." Robert nudges Jordan's arm. He points at D-9982, who is reading a book next to the bathroom. "I'm going to check up on him." He goes towards him. Knowing his acquaintance, Jordan follows. "Yo!" D-9982 looks up, frowns, then goes back to reading. 

"Leave him alone, man. He clearly doesn't want to be bothered." 

"I know that. But that just means he must be a tsundere. Acting all tough on the outside, but truly wanting company on the inside." 

"No I don't." The man says his piece.

"Ay dios mio! What's with you two? We as a species evolved through companionship and working together as a group. Humans have to make connections with one another to stay socially healthy." Robert pouts.

"We also evolved to a point that people like me, can live their solitary life peacefully just fine." D-9982 says.

"I highly doubt that. Don't tell me you consider that book as a friend?" Robert peeks at the book. It reads 'Poe's Collection'. 

Suddenly, the alarm goes off. 

"We have a containment breach! Everyone go to your chambers in an orderly fashion!" The guards commands. One of them approaches Robert. "We need you to help us contain it. Come." 

"Seems I'll be the hero! Deuces, brother." He lightly punches Jordan's shoulder before leaving. Both him and D-9982 are escorted back to their chambers. On the way, he sees all the armed militia moving quickly throughout the base. "Sheesh. We got a riot goin on?" Robert asks, but the question goes unanswered. He is taken into a room with the walls rusted. The guard puts a bracer on his left leg and it snaps the bone. He screams in pain and they leave him locked inside. His screams are broadcasted through the intercoms. 

"Is that Robert!?" Jordan is worried. He's currently in the hallway. The guard looks at him.

"Let's hope he's attracted by those screams." Sam sighs.

"What's happening to him?"

"He's bait for SCP-106. So far, it's the only method to contain him." 

"Will it kill him?" Sam nods. "We have to save him!"

"Look, we've tried many methods. This is the only way to reduce casualties."

"Like hell I'm going to let another person die." 

"If you try to resist, I will shoot."

"Good. At least I'll go down trying to save him." They stare at each other. Sam sighs.

"If you run down this hall and make a right, you'll find the section where the SCP are held. He's in the third one to the left. I didn't see you escape." They instruct as they turn their back.

"Thank you." He dashes towards the given direction. There's a dead guard in front of the door. He takes the keycard and opens it. Robert is on the floor wailing in agony. "I got you, man. Hold on to my shoulder." Robert weakly stands, still grunting and moaning. The wall behind them starts to rust. They turn around to witness a hand emerge from it. Then they see a whole body coming out. The old man looks like the stuff from nightmares. He smirks. "Fuck this!" Jordan carries him and runs out of the room.

"AAAH! OUCHAAAAH!" Robert is screaming in pain and fear as he sees the old man closing distance. 106 grabs and pulls them towards him.

Jordan wakes up. He looks around and sees they're in a labyrinth. There are buzzsaws in front and the abyss from behind.

"Urgh! Where are we!?" Robert says.

"No idea. Looks like a deathtrap." Jordan helps him up. "We're going through."

"Are you crazy!? We're going to die!" 

"We'll be dead if we d-!" The monster emerges from his chest. She sniffs the air and looks out the dead end. She spreads her wings. "Oh no. Hold on tight!" She flies down, while dragging the other two. Robert is screaming to the high heavens as they reach an opening and land back to the hallway. The old man is surprised, then becomes angry.

"Aargh! He's back!" Robert points at the man, who is approaching them. The monster growls and attacks him, scratching his body. He is shocked by the assault and retreats to his chamber. The monster returns to his chest. Back up arrives and they escort Jordan back to his chamber and Robert to the infirmary.