
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · Video Games
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Thanksgiving Dinner (Rewrite)

I was currently on the rode to my cousins house in the backseat of a pickup truck. I found it odd how my mother wasn't currently with us. And upon asking my dad he just said she had more important things to do. This was rather strange as what would be more important than Thankgiving? However I had no say in it, nor would I be able to change it as we were quite a ways away by now.

Taking the time I had I mentally went over my plan of fleeing to the Canadian Rockies. And the best course of action to secure George and David as scientists. But I was still worried about how to get away from the Foundation.

As even if they didn't know I was anomalous I would still be hunted down by the Foundation. That is if what I thought my fathers position in the Foundation were true. After all his Foundation ID said he was the "Hand Sinister". And if that wasn't an important position that held sway within the Foundation I would be surprised.

On another note my mother was expecting a baby as my father had done some tumbling in bed. Which I found rather odd as my parents relationship hadn't been the best because of my father practically completely neglecting me. But it wasn't completely unbelievable and he did seem rather rowdy a few months ago.

On other news I was in a rather tight spot. My father held a large amount of influence within the Foundation. And considering my consistency in my grades I was probably bring watched by to Foundation. And would be approached by them, if not my dad, in regards to joining them. So I had a time limit if I wanted to avoid the Foundation as a whole.

My new plan was securing George and David to then have all three of us "disapear". Set up the Site at some mountain in the Canadian Rockies and then extend my influence across the globe. And at the same time capture some anomalies for our own benefit. I at least believed it was the framework of a successful plan.

But needed some going over as I had to address problems such as transportation, how to avoid the Foundation and money. I unfortunately wasn't able to go over and review my plans any further as we had arrived at the front of a rather large house that looked like it was built in the 70s.

Parking infront of the building I had noticed a rather inconspicuous black van that seemed parked a ways away. My suspicion grew as it was parked in front of a small house with two cars in the driveway. Upon further inspection I noted the lack of any liscense plates on the van and marked it down as either a Foundation listening van. Or another possibility was my father, or any of my other family members were in such a position that demanded protection.

Wondering if I was so screwed as to have my entire extended family somehow connected to the Foundation I had a rather intriguing thought. Would it be more beneficial to get involved with the Foundation and get to a position in which I'd have more influence? I however didn't entertain this thought any further as the Foundation at its core values would conflict with my goals.

An organization who is tailor made to contain anomalies wouldn't exactly react well to someone wishing to prepare for an all out war against the apacolypse. And even then unless I were to get into a leadership position I would be sacrificing all the benefits that came along with my [System]. And if this world ending scenario were to be so great that reality was reset I needed every advantage possible.

My best bet would probably be to just be on decent terms with the Foundation and come together in the defense of the world. After making sure not to stare to long at the van I made my way with my father towards the house. Upon ringing the doorbell the door was opened and an elderly man answered. The elderly man held an air of authority around him. His wrinkled face and grey hair spoke volumes of his age yet he still held him up high. Almost as if his pride wouldn't let him stoop too low. He seemed surprised upon seeing us sending a glare towards my father, yet brightening up upon seeing me accompanying him.

"Mikell I haven't seen you in decades. I was beggining to wonder if you would ever show up again. Let alone allowing me to see my grandson. Especially with how little contact we've had since I've retired." My now identified grandfather sternly reprimanded my father. Though his tone softened as he seemed excited upon meeting me.

"Tell me boy how has this grouch been treating you? He has always had a sour attitude." He asked me while my father sent a look at my grandfather.

"He's been treating me well grandpa." I replied as I saw some visible relief spread across my dads face.

"Come in, come in." He said to me when he then pointed at my dad. "You however are going to have a chat with me." My grandpa said before wheezing as his body shaked. As my father went to help my grandpa up he swatted his hand away. He then reached to his left and pulled out a wooden cane from a container full of umbrellas.

As my grandfather pulled my dad away I closed the front door behind me and started walking up the stairwell. Going over the ibformation I gained from that conversation I knew that it seems my grandparents are involved in the Foundation. Upon nearing the top of the staircase I was met with the sight of an old women cooking.

It seemed like they had known I was there the entire time as just as my final foot reached the top of the stairwell she spoke. "Now, now dearie I haven't seen you in anything besides those pictures your mother sends." As she said this she started stuffing the turkey while looking at me straight on. "But those pictures only tell the story of a single moment. So tell me about yourself."

She kept staring at me as I formulated a response. "I like reading, get good grades in school and have two friends Goerge and David." I gave a barebones answer as I hadn't expected to be put on the spot.

"There's gotta be something more happening in your life. Besides I already knew that much already." And with a six sense the elderly women I assumed to be my grandmother had caught some falling croutons with surprising grace not letting even a crumb get on her floor.

I was a little unnerved at her already knowing a lot about my life so I