
SCP system in the multiverse

We Secure, Contain and Protect. Being first sent to the marvel world, it was rather easy since S.H.I.E.L.D and Hydra generous sent their troops as cannon fodder. First world: Marvel Other world as undecided

Asorath · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

The Admin approaches

"Let's move it, people!" A black man with an eye patch and a trench coat commanded a group of 30 people. It was only yesterday when S.H.I.E.L.D. found out that Hydra was trying to blow up a city to dust. Now Nick Fury leads a team of 20 into battle not knowing if they could make it out. Both Black Widow and Hawkeye will participate in this operation. They all got into 5 armored vehicles and started approaching the cave.

"Hey big guy, you think we can make it out alive?" Hawkeye nudged Fury into answering his question.

"If we can't make it out alive, I'll be the first to kill you, now get off of me." Fury replied with a threatening tone.

"What about you Nat?"

"Call me that in front of other people now eh? You must really want to die today." Natasha or Black Widow said with the same tone as Fury.

Unknowing to them, a group of people was watching the vehicles while following them.

6 hours earlier.

[Sub-quest activated.]

[Quest info: After you save the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, go in there and act cool. You got this, my dude. The SCP foundation does not always have to be hidden in the shadow. - That one Goddess that isekai'd you.]

[Rewards: {Fully Superhuman}, 1 million USD, {Copy Cat's eyes}, ???.]

"Huh, I don't think this will go well. I have never once acted in my-"

[Beginning rewards: Master acter]

Satori now had no excuse not to do this. Not like he ever had one.


"We're here. Get off and move quietly." Nick Fury ordered.

Everyone hopped off their vehicles and started approaching the cave. They are all dressed in military-like equipment that covers them from head to toe. The cave entrance was near a nuclear power plant that was abandoned years ago. They turned on their night vision goggles and moved into two units. One in the back, and one in the front.

It was a wide cave that could fit multiple trucks of supplies to build a bomb or to transport the bomb here. The cave was rigged with different paths and obstacles to take cover in for a gunfight.

The team did little talking and a lot more hand signs to communicate or tapping each other's shoulders and once they were deep into the cave and without warning, lights turned on.




Several people grunted in response to the light while wearing night-vision goggles and removed them, however many people came out of their covers and attacked the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Many people got shot while Nick Fury was trying to drag an agent to cover.

"Contact, contact! I repeat contact!" Nick yelled into his piece and got no response. "Motherfuckers, they jammed out coms!"

Both Natasha and Clint were either shooting back arrows and bullets or helping a fellow agent by dragging them into cover.

"Nick, can you call for reinforcement?!" Natasha yelled from across the cave.

"No, they jammed coms! Find the bomb and disar-"


7 figures entered into the fire-fight, leaving the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to the dust. They were mowing down the Hydra agents like grass with a mulching mower.

"Nehahaha." Reaper blasted someone with his shotgun and laugh at his blood splattering on the ground. A Hydra member sneaked up behind Reaper as Soldier 76 shot him in the head before he could stab him with a knife.

"Watch your back, that's the only time I'll save you." Soldier 76 warned Reaper before going somewhere else with more Hydras.


That was the sound of Bastion's turret form that was tearing through anything that prevented his bullets from his targets.

"Die, you stupid robot!" A Hydra shouted before using an RPG against Bastion.

"Bam!" Lucio booped the Hydra and moved on to Bastion. "Aww man, I don't know how to fix a robot. Sorry Bud but I think you need to sit there and look pretty for the rest of the flight ok?"

"Bee Boo." Bastion beebed(?) in sadness as he could not stand anymore as his legs were taken off completely.

"Here." Lucio grabbed the hat that fell off Bastion and puts it on him. "Take care."

In a different area, a S.H.I.E.L.D. screamed for help because he was shot in the leg and was bleeding out hard.

"Let's get you back into the fight." A somewhat angelic voice approached the wounded soldier and puts her hand on the wounded leg. A pulse of yellow/gold energy came down her arm and onto the man's leg as it stopped the pain and the bleeding.

"T-thank you." The man studded the words out of his mouth as the angel moved on to help someone else.

At the center of the gunfight, a black man was shielded by a different and bigger robot than the last one.

"Man, what the fuck is this?" Fury was being shielded by Ramattra using his Void Barrier and punching anyone who gets too close. "Who the fuck are you now?"

"You do not need to know," Ramattra said plainly as Mercy approached them while flying with her wings.

"How are things there, Ramattra?"

"There is a man who needs healing behind me."

Mercy looked at who he is shielding and swiftly healed Nick Fury without a problem.

"You are good to go." Mercy gently lifted Fury by offering her arm and pulled him up.

Suddenly a cyborg with green outlining appeared without a sound.

"Mercy, there are people who need healing from my area. I have done my part so you should be able to help them in peace." Genji sheathed his wakizashi as he walked past them to the enemies while pulling out more shurikens.

Outside of the cave, Hydras were trying to run out of the cave in fear and to try to save their life from the monsters inside

"Personne n'échappe à mon regard" A blue-skinned woman in a skin-tight suit shows off her curvy body and assets and a sniper in hand muttered as she took down another target.

All hostile enemies were eliminated inside the cave, and most of S.H.I.E.L.D. was also saved by the two healers. Some bodies did not make it out in one piece and their parts were splattered across the battlefield while all Overwatch members gathered together as another person became visible.

"I thought hacking them would be some trouble, but it's so boring." Sombra said.

"Sombra, you are here on the Admin's orders, not to play around." Reaper looked at the woman that was invisible 15 seconds ago. "Widowmaker, have all enemies been eliminated?"

"Yes, the Admin is safe to approach the cave." Widowmaker was on the outside of the cave on a high satellite tower nearby.

"Good, because he is here already."


Sorry for the late upload