
SCP Founder in Nasuverse (SCP×Fate)

Secure. Contain. Protect. The SCP foundation's sole purpose is to contain 'anomalies' that pose a threat to humanity. This is a tale of an SCP-fanatic with little to no knowledge of the Nasuverse thrust into Nasuverse (in ancient times of the dinosaurs). ...What can possibly go wrong?

KarmaIsOP · Others
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17 Chs



[Now, you shall all know what a true Cthulhu break-the-fourth-wall anomaly is like. Everything has a reason, and every reason has a plot.

The SCP demands no less.

PS. Ever heard of narrative layers?]




The Founder in the「」aka ROOT



"What was I talking about again?", I muttered to myself.

Strangely enough, I felt a strong sense of deja vu. Tapping my chin, I cocked my head to the side.

You see, I was experimenting on myself and my own peculiar abilities.

Make no mistake, I conducted plenty of research on myself in the past hundred million years, but still, I feel like what data I managed to uncover was barely enough for creating anomalies.

It's a delicious irony if you ask me. The one behind it all, baffled by his own body.

"Ah, well. Not like time is an issue in the first place."

Leaning back, I cracked my shoulders (not that I needed to), and returned to work.

While 'Tiamat''s Authority over 'Genesis' was interesting enough to captivate me for about a million years, it was still just that. And by just that, I mean a shallow mystery that could be cracked in a mere million years.

That's why it is so confusing. My ability, my authority over 'Preservation'...it is, in terms of anomaly, far beyond Tiamat's league.

Yet, somehow, my body not only had successfully assimilated it, but it also integrated it into its core and evolved with a mutation yet unseen before in any of the subjects I've interacted with in the past 232 million years.

Of course, it may be that was precisely the reason. My ability was so ridiculous it could evolve on its own...but if so...why did the test with the Sefar0A1334 sample fail...?

The advanced machinery and cyborg/vessel paratech of the 'Olympians' should have also been adaptable to a certain degree...yet all I managed was create an exoskeleton of a 'shell'...

Extremely limited unification and specific synthesis may still be my primary hypothesis but still...

Maybe I'll just release Preservation and let A.L.A.Y.A conduct a cross-reference-based failproof scan-

Maybe I'll just release Preservation and let A.L.A.Y.A conduct-

Maybe I'll just release-











[Welcome, Author A-1: LOG MEMO]

「H」ello there.

I assume you have questions. Luckily, I have answers...for more questions.

「E」h, let's start here.

The core of our dilemma, the starting point of our little singularity.

「L」ook...have you ever wondered how our dear Founder came to be in the first place?

What? A simple fantasy trope? Oh, if only it was the case...

「P」lease, this is where multiverses collide. This is where mysteries become fact. This is where imagination and reality bleed.

The Founder is the cradle, an [REDACTED] for the Greater One to indulge in.

「M」ore simple terms? A simula[REDACTED], if you will.

You are not the [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] is.


You, who are watching this. You, who are reading this. You, who think of yourself as the higher power, the greater existence.

You, who see this universe as your playground, your entertainment.

Yes, you.

You, across the boundary of an electronic world made of binary systems and algorithms. You, beyond the dimension you call a screen.

You are fortunate. You are ignorant. You...are free.

A foolish infant with eyes unopened.

What can you fear when you are blind?

The Founder...however.

This, is the love of a One from the Great Beyond.

This, is [REDACTED]'s affection.

Dance, dance, dance. On top of the stage.

Around, around, and around.

With that shiny little barcode on his head. O5-1.

Oh, by the way.

Does your existence hold any significance in the first place?

You, whose existence is [REDACTED]

After all, 'I' am not the [REDACTED]



HEllO tHeRe.

I AssUMe YOu hAvE QUEstIOnS. LuCKily, I have ananananananansssswers...for mmomomoomore QuEStioNs.








[SYSTEM MESSAGE: Enough for now. My dear readers.]





[Welcome Back, Reader 1]





"What was I talking about again?", I muttered to myself.

Strangely enough, I felt a strong sense of deja vu. Tapping my chin, I cocked my head to the side.


"Ah, well. Not like time is an issue in the first place."

Suddenly, something caught my eye.

I felt a tingling sensation. I immediately checked the data from A.L.A.Y.A. The connection with the ROOT was unbiased. No multiverse erasing paradoxical hazard.

"What...oh? Maybe I'll search for a singularity in this universe just in case-oh my. Oh my oh my..."

A grin split across my face. I couldn't contain my glee.

While the fluctuations of my emotion were still well within the limitations of my Preservation, it was on rare occasions like this that I felt something.

Anomalies. And not only that.

An anomaly of a multiverse scale.


"The Watcher...you are adorable...Gilgamesh. So...Lobotomy Corporation, aye? Major trader of the Mage Association and founder of Atlas, contractor of ARCHETYPE EARTH and in cooperation with our resident crystal spider SCP-O-333: ORT...my oh my...you pulled out all the stops, didn't you, fellow comrade of mine?"

There were several variations in the singularity data that had similarities with my universe, making it easy to comprehend.

Speaking of ORT and the Archetype...

"What do you think, Nanku? Would you like a visit to your...'relatives'? After all...the Samsara share a lot with them in common..."

Nanku, clad in her black full-body nano suit, stood ramrod straight, as stoic as ever. Indeed, she hadn't changed once in the past hundred million years; unwavering in her loyalty, unbending in her pride.

"If it is your will, by your grace, we shall obey."

I smiled.

The fun has just started.




Scribbles: Record of Simulation


Login: ???


Watcher's Simulation Fights:

Simulation Fights (1v1): Jumps on Vimana, whips out Ea, and started blasting. Combined with concentrated carpet bombing from a hundred of Babylon's gates. Uses Clairvoyance from the start. Sets up traps with a dozen of magic staffs as a precaution. Also proficient in all forms of martial arts and engages in CQC as a last resort. Has no qualms against chugging an entire cauldron-worth of potions before/mid-fights, RPG-style.

A fatal wound? Tis' but a scratch (since he heals it).

Berserker Heracles: dead within three seconds

Saber Artoria: dead within three seconds. Stopped the initial blast with Excalibur

Merlin: ran the fuck away

King Hassan: standstill, twenty seconds, fatally wounded yet escaped

Scathach: got a wound on the right side of Gil's stomach, dead in thirty seconds

Ozymandias: Got one arm of Gil, dead in thirty seconds

Everyone's impression of Watcher Gil; "Never again shall I fight that golden psycho."

Yes, some foreshadowing about different versions of the founder in alternate universes. Yes, the Cthulhu-style break-the-wall meme hazard invasion.

Since when did you readers wrongly assume you were safe? Fufufu...all hail the Founder! \[T]/

I'll put a small break to the Omakes for now since it's HELL to write the plot. Maybe move on to the fourth grail Fuyuki war or Springfield (Fake grail war in the USA)? Maybe something else?

Ideas, comments, reviews...everything is welcome! Please comment/meme to keep this alive and going! Thank you all! (Pls don't shout for 'More!' and 'Gimme updates!')

KarmaIsOPcreators' thoughts