

Mohammed_Hamdi · Horror
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Chapter I: Missing

In this world everything has a price

If I want to know the truth,

You will pay for it

August 7, 2002

Southwest Arizona, USA

The residents of Arizona witnessed on this day the presence of a giant black cloud that suddenly appeared and in moments blocked the light of the sun with the spread of dust and did not stop or calm for two continuous weeks and when it disappeared 10 children disappeared with it and there was no trace of them, and the strange thing in this incident is its importance, but no one knew What was the real reason behind this cloud, and no one was able to answer where the 10 children disappeared, and when there are no explanations, this is the appropriate environment for rumors, so people came out saying that the aliens started attacking the Earth and other people said that it was a volcano explosion and some people said that they heard the sound of a giant explosion from Then they saw the cloud shooting in their direction and strewn with creatures they had never seen before, and because of the many rumors, no one could know what was the cause of this cloud and the location of the missing children and they remained a dark secret.

September 14, 2012

Phoenix, Arizona, USA

In one of the neighborhoods of the city of Phoenix and in one of the secondary schools, there were four students in this school, and they had a strong friendship, and even some of them were friends from childhood, and they are

(Daniel Beecher, Matthew Duke, Carter Rockefeller, Emily Duke )

One day in September, in one of the seasons, Daniel was talking with Carter and Matthew about what happened in 2002, he was completely convinced of the existence of a monster that humanity has not yet known, and the reason for this cloud," he was saying that he will catch this creature and make him his new pet", At the end of his speech he said that he was going on the next holiday in October and he wanted to include both Carter and Matthew on his trip.

After Daniel finished speaking, Carter strongly opposed his request, and said to him, "This event has been 10 years since if you wanted to hunt such an object, it should have been earlier than now, but now it is impossible to find a thread that connects you to this creature if it was

It is basically there"

As for Matthew, a lover of all things horror, he was a supporter of Daniel and told him "enthusiastically, In order to tame a monster we must We weaken his strength by hitting him with a rifle and then feeding him"

Because of this, Daniel made Matthew his assistant in seconds, then looked at Carter waiting for his approval

But Carter kept his opinion, but his position became weak, so Daniel asked, "Why do you insist that we come with you, even though you hate that anyone share your adventures with him? Will we be the bait? Are you crazy?"

Daniel replied, "I wouldn't do this. I thought it would be a good opportunity for us to have fun together and also hunt the beast and become famous like me, that's it.It's not because I'm crazy, Carter"

Carter replied, "No... I didn't mean this, no, but all my money I'm going to buy books with her and I can't come and have fun with you"

Daniel replied, "If you want to have fun with us, but money prevents you, isn't it, then there's no problem, my father can pay for all of our trip and don't be shy about it, we're friends, but if you Refuse this time, I won't consider you a friend anymore"

Then Carter asked Daniel a question before entering their team, "Do you The monster you want to hunt is meat-eating or not"

Daniel's answer was that he doesn't know, but he has dog and cat food and bird food

Carter told him "if he ate meat"

Daniel replied that "he had a hamburger from Mac"

And then Carter had nothing but to agree

After the holiday ended, the three returned from their trip and found nothing but an old key

And when they came back, they found a new student who joined their class, his name was Levid Regnar from Germany, and although he was still a new student, but he was helping the whole class with everything he could so that he could integrate with them, and he was always the first student to arrive in the class every day

A day later, Daniel started talking about an old newspaper he found in the library saying that aliens were the cause of what happened in 2002, and those who were listening to him this time were Carter and Matthew, who were with them Emily and Levid, and then he tried to connect what was written in the newspaper to the key they found and showed the key to me Emily and lived

Emily was staring at this bug-covered, muddy key in disgust, but Levid was looking at him, his face in shock.

Everyone noticed this and Carter asked him if there was a problem

Levid asked Daniel to give him the key and Levid began scanning it to find a word on the key written in German and the word was Regnar.

Matthew started laughing at me and said to him, "There is no need to be afraid now that person who wanted to rob your house is dead"

Matthew tried to raise his face to avoid shock and horror, but it did not work, so he tried again and said " Do not be afraid , it is very possible that what is written is just a coincidence..."

Levid interrupted his words saying "my father had disappeared on August 7, 2002"