
SCP - The Game Console

[This Fanfic goes over Game-Elements, Multiverse Traveling, and more. If that is not your cup of tea, then it's your choice in whether or not to read the novel] [Synapsis] From being run over to finding out that I am an SCP within a world full of beings that could end the world as we know it... Arc 1: The Beginning(Chapter 1-25) Arc 2: Multiversal Travel and Divine Energy Collecting(Chapter 25-?)

Unholy_Student · Fantasy
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77 Chs

074 - A Meeting with the Foundation

[A/N: So I am still debating whether or not to post the weekly chapter on Wednesday or Friday, your thoughts?]

[A/N: Also, apparently my school has blocked Inkstone(the website that the authors write on to post on Webnovel) is currently blocked on my Chromebook(The device I use to write your chapters), meaning, I have even less time to write chapters now...So, I am thinking we should do Friday uploads, which should give me more than enough time to write the weekly chapters for all of my novels]

Looking at the 04 Scientist before me I waved my hand, momentarily opening the barrier before calmly walking towards the Scientist who was sitting at a table waiting for my arrival.

Sitting down at the table, I asked, "What do you want?"

"Greetings, my name is William Shryke, a level 04 Scientist of the SCP Foundation," He introduced himself before taking out a piece of paper.

"And?" I asked annoyed that the 05 sent an 04 instead of coming here personally themselves.

"The SCP Foundation that I am representing would like to create a...cooperative alliance with you," William informed me.

"Alliance? So the 05 Council finally decided to wisen up? I mean how many times did I have to repeatedly show them that I had the abilities to eradicate or calm some of their most aggressive Anomalies?" I asked baffled.

William just looked at me but didn't say anything.

"Now that I am done ranting, why now?" I asked curiously.

"Why now?" William asked confused by my question.

"Sigh...I swear...Why now, why did your oh so precious 05 Council finally decide to make a deal with me? How arrogant are they to think that every problem can be sold with violence? Especially when it involves a being like me and my companions currently on the other side of that barrier?" I asked before gesturing to the barrier where you could see a wide array of quite deadly entities.

Mortimer, The Hard-To-Kill Reptile, Cthulhu, and an army of angels flying in the sky waiting for my orders were all seen behind the barrier ready for any kind of conflict.

I say Cthulhu is a deadly entity for a few reasons...

He has been training...

Mortimer and I have brought back Magic Tomes from the College of Winterhold and the Tower of Magic from Labyrinthian. Not only was Cthulhu extremely talented in Illusion and Destruction Magic, but he was also talented in Alteration Magic...

And that's not all...I have been giving him lessons on how to control and manipulate his Divine Energy and turns out, he is very dangerous if he decided to use his Divine Energy in combat...

Basically, of the three heavy hitters behind me, the hard-to-kill lizard was the weakest...

Looking back to the scientist and his companions I noticed how they were all sweating upon seeing the quite deadly force that could annihilate them behind me.

"Don't worry about them, they would only attack if you were to attack me, I assume that we can keep things civil without any need for bloodshed?" I asked the scientist who nodded quickly in response.

"Good, now then, what does this alliance entail?" I asked with curiosity.

"The Foundation wants you to swear that you will intervene if the Earth happens to be under a threat that mankind cannot defeat and in exchange, the Foundation is willing to leave you and your...tenants all alone as long as they do not pose a threat to humanity," William told me.

"And the SCPs currently within your Facilities?" I asked with a serious look.

"I-I don't know...I would have to ask my superiors," William informed me.

"Then you talk to them about this and come back another time, if the Council continues to try to stop me from ridding the world of monsters that would eat or kill without hesitation or try to stop me from freeing those SCPs that are innocent then your precious council will face the consequences, understand? Now leave," I told William before walking back through the barrier, and with the others following behind me, we returned to the farmhouse.

Once we reached the farmhouse I looked tiredly at the others before saying, "I need a break, see yall tomorrow, I need some rest."


Meanwhile in Hell(Quite literally)

A man wearing strange armor and wielding some kind of shotgun could be seen slaying hordes and hordes of demons with brutal efficiency.

Unbeknownst to the man, a flock of Angels were watching this display of might with a curiosity of how a Mortal seemly entered hell and was somehow thriving in it.

"We must send a message to the Creator, it seems we found the mortal he was looking for!" Commanded the only Angel with Golden Eyes.

Word Count: 803

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