[A/N: Sorry about the late chapter, had a dentist appointment that went over my soon to be removed wisdom teeth, now that I am done and tired, I am going to sleep]
Three weeks passed since I made the deal with Sanguine and he has become an avid buyer of Beer, just from Sanguine Alone I have earned a little over 500 Divine Energy from Sanguine after selling him a little over 5,000 boxes of Beer.
I even started giving him different kinds which only increased his taste for beer, he even informed me that his partiers have begun falling in love with the beverage just as he has.
And since he has parties in quite a few realms daily, he orders quite a bit of beer from me.
Besides that, in the world of RWBY, Blackwood has been learning quite a bit while Tommy returned to Earth to get some rest from adventuring.
Blackwood, with my help, traveled to Beacon and has been staying in the city while he learned all he could about the world, going as far as to learn about the Grimm, Sembelances, History of the World, Technology, and even Hunters and Huntresses.
He was quite fascinated by the world of RWBY and the secrets hidden within.
He has even been getting samples and sending them back to the farmhouse for extensive study with the help of his Colleagues which included Mortimer, Miss Jay, and to my surprise, the Otaku that was known as Cthulhu, which turns out, since he is over a century old and entertainment back then was pretty abysmal, he spent a decent amount of his time reading and learned quite a bit of things, heck I found Miss Jay was teaching Cthulhu all she knew about Tactics, Strategy, and game mechanics.
When I found out his reason for learning these subjects I laughed, he was learning these subjects, all in order to become a better gamer...
But when it came to Intellectual Studies, Cthulhu's passion was mostly with Biology and Mythology, which is understandable given his nature. (A/N: You know, since he is an Eldritch God?)
The samples included Dust, Preserved Grimm Flesh, Tree, Gas, and Dirt samples.
He also sent back several books that contained detailed information on the history of the world of RWBY for Miss Jay and Atlas to look over.
And in my free time this last couple of days, I have gone to several different facilities and either destroyed or kidnapped a couple of the more dangerous SCPs contained by the SCP Foundation while freeing several SCPs and bringing them back to the farmhouse, which I have expanded a lot more than what it once was, I even improved an SCP to make it much...better.
I destroyed the following SCPs: SCP-4511(The Swine God), SCP-953(Polymorphic Humanoid), and SCP-082(Fernand The Cannibal)
I freed the following SCPs: SCP-1440(Brothers of Death) and SCP-053(The Young Girl)
I kept the following SCPs: SCP-407(The Song of Genesis), SCP-035(The Possessive Mask), SCP-387(The Living Lego), SCP-1370(Pesterbot), SCP-682(Hard to Kill Reptile), and SCP-662(Butler's Hand Bell)
And I modified the following SCP: SCP-666(The Spirit Lodge)
I upgraded the Spirit Lodge to instead of killing addicts, the lodge would instead do everything in its power to help the addicts remove their problems, so long as they honestly wanted to get better and remove their addictions.
As for the two SCPs I freed, The Young Girl's ability was pretty bad, but I could completely suppress it with divine energy and as for SCP-1440, The Old Man was cursed by Death and his two brothers, which I could also suppress, but to my surprise, his civilization-destroying ability was generated by Divine Energy, so all I had to do was just absorb the Divine Energy that was being emitted from his body.
Besides that, the next world would be upon us in a few hours.
Heading upstairs, I lightly knocked on Tommy's door, and asked, "You up!"
I then heard a groan come from in his room and moments later he opened the door, showing me his messy hair and drooping eyes.
"How much longer on the timer?" I asked Tommy.
"Around 2 hours, why did you wake me up? You know that I haven't had sleep as good as this in a long time, especially with a modern and comfy bed..." Tommy told me with a tired and annoyed expression.
"I woke you up since it is already 2:00 and you have slept for a little over 9 hours," I told him with a smile as I laughed internally, thankfully I could sleep whenever I want and can literally remove my hearing and other senses to prevent others from waking me up.
And I knew that Tommy would be looking for revenge later for waking him up.
Suddenly I felt small hands grab onto my leg and a burst of childish laughter enter my ears.
"Haha, I caught you!" Exclaimed the little girl known as SCP-053, who had an ability to produce negative thoughts in those around her, going as far as to make the people around her want to kill her, luckily her ability also kind of protecting her, by killing those that try to attack her via a lethal cardiac arrest.
"Yes, yes you did!" I chuckled lifting her up in my arms which caused her to laugh.
"Say, little Alice(Couldn't find her name), why don't you go play hide and seek with Lizard and Hilda?" I asked Alice and suggested for her to go play with the Water Nymph and the surprisingly docile murderous Hard To Kill Lizard, who has not once done anything violent since I have brought him here.
"Sure!" She laughed as I let her down and watched as she ran down the hall!
"No running!" I shouted before she could make it far in the truly massive house that was much larger on the inside than the outside.
"Now then, let's get you something to eat," I told Tommy who just nodded in his half-asleep state.
Word Count: 1,030
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