
SCP ----Rise Of The Foundation------

The MC "Henry Austin" ended up with a system allowing him to bring over a Limited amount of foundation sites personal weapons and more The system or better know as SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A is a man made scp created using SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A is described to be similar to "systems" in novels this was brought to light by Head Researcher-[REDACTED] SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A was brought to Universe-[REDACTED] from original Universe-[DATA EXPUNGED] SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A contains [REDACTED] Number of Sites [REDACTED] Number of E-A class personal 78,573 D-class Personal [DATA LOST] Number of weapons [DATA EXPUNGED] Number of Nuclear warheads [REDACTED] Number of AIs and Webcrawlers 10 Years of Food supplies are stored [DATA LOST] Number of various munitions [REDACTED] Number of Vehicles of all types [DATA LOST] Number of Reality Anchors Currently [DATA EXPUNGED] Number of 05 are stored in SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A uses a pocket dimension where time is slowed down to [REDACTED] times speed compared to baseline reality SCP-2000 has been moved to SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-A Designated as SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-B everything coming out of SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-B is to be considered SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-C "side note it will get tiring calling them SCP-[DATA EXPUNGED]-Cs all the time this is just an official title use it if you wish" -Dr [DATA LOST] Use of SCP-2000 is permitted to increase number of personal ( END OF SYNOPSIS ) So this will be my first SCP fanfic and stuff hope you enjoy it -Author

TheHighElite · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter 4.5 info


was a Site that was average in size for the old foundation, yet when the foundation needs to be rebuilt its big enough for the early to middle phases of reconstruction.


Are small in size just enough for maybe the early phase of reconstruction of the foundation. This does not mean they are useless far from it small sites were in fact the most common in the Foundation.

[ 7:52--27--8--2023 ]

a long white hallway with many corridors, twists, turns elevators and checkpoints make up the first level of Sites. the second to third floor is light containment this has SAFE class SCPs stored including D class offices and storage space. The fourth to what level it ends makes up Heavy containment. Heavy containment has Euclid to Keter class SCPs.

Heavy also has laboratories, sterile rooms, maintenance equipment such as water filtration, and much more.

-author here just a small info chapter to help explain stuff I will probably update this a bit so come back here occasionally and see what might be new