
Scott Pilgrim: Changing Things Up

Cifer Powers, our new protagonist for this version. A new character taking the place of Julie Powers’ older brother. Well-connected and much older than the rest of the cast at 27-years-old. Fresh new characters interacting with the old, new events and old events taking place at the same time. We dive in the perspective of our new protagonist and see how he fares and what he and other characters changed and will change due to their involvement in both the past, present, and possible future. Book cover made by: @RexVest

TheNarrator_ · Anime & Comics
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CHAPTER 4: Game Start


[9:00 pm. Just right beside Hillcrest Park]


The night sky was shrouded in thick clouds, not a star in sight or the moon as light. Walking the stone-cold sidewalk, a cigarette dangling from his lips, was a weary looking man, his eyes heavy with fatigue. Despite the biting chill, he dressed quite lightly, seemingly indifferent to the cold.






Cifer Powers: "Damn Wallace, making me walk to their place…"


Cifer muttered, taking a long drag from his cigarette. The ashen smoke offers subtle warmth against the freezing air.


Cifer Powers: "Why the hell is it snowing NOW?"


Crunch. Crunch. Crunch


The cold night made his body shiver, his steps crunching on the snow-covered street. Though he kept walking despite the weather having no signs of slowing down. He kept going, his steps slow and steady as if trying not to slip on the almost frozen pavement.




With an exhale, his breath mixed with the ashen smoke mingling with the falling snowflakes, he finished his cigarette, flicking it away and letting the snow melt around it. He carried on with his steady pace, his breath forming mist with each breath, replacing the smoke.


He reached back into his pocket and took out a small carton of cigarettes, halfway empty. Upon closer inspection it seemed like the same box he had at his sister's party a few days ago.


Tapping the carton on his palm lightly, a stick among the pack slowly shot out. Without thought, he put it between his teeth and pulled it out, though before he could a faint sound caught his attention.




Following the sound that seemed like it was getting closer, he turned his head to the side, towards a small hill-like landscape. He squints his eyes to focus through the darkness of night and snow, but as soon as the sound completely vanishes for a while he shrugs it off and carries on walking. But the sound suddenly came back and clearer.


Cifer Powers: "Ah…"


Whoosh~ Thud!


As if he got swept off his feet, he finds himself flat on his back and looking up at the night sky. Despite his unaffected expression, pain went through his body, specifically his head and back.


'Fuck…' Was his only thought as he felt disoriented.


As he gingerly sat up, his hand instinctively rubbed his head hoping he didn't get a concussion. His vision was a bit blurry, though it wasn't something he wasn't used to.


???: "Ugh… Sorry dude, you good?"


A smokey sounding voice gained his attention, sounding just as disoriented as he was. Though his vision is still impaired, he managed to make out that they had their back turned on him.


Cifer Powers: "Yeah, I'm alright. You?"


He asks as he pushed himself to stand up, patting the dirt and snow off him, his muscles protesting the movement but gradually easing as he regained his bearings. He rubbed his eyes and noticed they were still sitting on the ground, so he reached his hand to them, offering his assistance.


Cifer Powers: "Here, let me help"


???: "Thanks"


His vision cleared as she grasped his hand and noticed the familiar vibrant pink hair instantly. Wearing a dark blue hoodie under an open brown jacket, paired with a blue skirt and purple stocking. A necklace adorned around her neck, seeming to tightly embrace it. It was one of the people he thought stood out when he first saw them.


Cifer Powers: "Oh? Ramona?"






Ramona Flowers: "Cifer?"


Ramona thoughtlessly mumbles as Cifer gently pulls her up.


Standing up she feels her head spin from the sudden movement, a disorienting sensation that forced her balance to betray her. Stumbling slightly forward, her fall was cut short, and she finds herself leaning into Cifer's chest.


Cifer, on instinct, encircled an arm around her, while his other still clasping her hand.


Cifer Powers: "You sure you're alright?"


He makes sure, patting her back. His worry was faint but evident with his voice.


Ramona Flowers: "Mhm…"


Ramona snuggles up comfortably against Cifer, nodding in response to his question as her head rustled against his clothes. Leaning her head on his chest, she listens to the calm, steady beat of his heart.


Cifer Powers: "So uh… what were you doing up there?"


He questioned, understandably curious as he looked back at the landscape above him. He can't help but be curious why she was sliding down a small slope in the first place.


Ramona Flowers: "Just hanging out… with… this… dude. Ah?"


Her words trailed off as a sudden realization hit her. With a blush creeping across her cheeks, Ramona slowly pushes herself off Cifer, flustered but manages to make it seem like she kept her cool.


Cifer, noticing this, just lets her move away, understanding the importance of personal space.


Cifer Powers: "So you've made a friend then?"


He sounded almost like a concerned parent. Remembering how she kept to herself when they first met.


Ramona Flowers: "Not exactly… Haha…"


Embarrassed for reasons unknown to Cifer, Ramona let out an awkward laugh.


Ramona Flowers: "How abo-"


???: "Hey~! Are you alright~?"


Cutting her off, a familiar, energetic yet awkward voice called out from the direction Ramona slid from. The two paused, listening as the sound of heavy footsteps grew louder, crunching the snow with each step.


Coming out of the thickness of snow and leaves, a young man with light, orange-colored hair appeared. He wore a navy parka with its fuzzy hood down and denim pants, his breath visible in the cold air as he breathes heavily.






Scott Pilgrim: "You fell pretty deep, it wasn't even that far a fall"


He remarks casually as he lands on the pavement. It's only when he finally notices Cifer that he pauses.


Cifer Powers: "Scott?"


He questions, clearly curious.


Scott Pilgrim: "Cifer?"


He questions back, though much more surprised.


Cifer Powers: "Uh~~? Ah~!"


An awkward silence blankets the three of them for a moment until Cifer breaks it with a sudden realization.


Cifer Powers: "Date?"


Cifer could immediately figure out the situation just by guessing.


Scott Pilgrim: "Yeah!"


Ramona Flowers: "In a way"


His assumption turned out right when the two answered while nodding their heads, though Ramona's answer seemed toned down in contrast to Scott's more enthusiastic mood.




[Not that long after. At a house. Well, Ramona's house]


As the snow outside worsened, Ramona invited the two men to her house for shelter. The three stayed in the kitchen to dry up, the two men with towels around their necks, sat across each other with the table dividing them, the hard blizzard clear from the window on their side.


Scott, now in just a black shirt, was wet was visibly affected by the cold, shivering slightly he has his arms wrapped tightly around his own body in a futile attempt to keep himself warm. Though he tries to maintain a sense of composure, it was evident from his constant shivering that the chill got under his skin.


In contrast, Cifer, though in a worst state than Scott since he didn't have a jacket in the first place, appeared composed. He leans back in the chair with his arms crossed, the discomfort nonexistent from the outside, though inside he's feeling winter itself.


Meanwhile Ramona, equally soaked from the snow, rummages through her kitchen cabinets, looking for something.


Ramona Flowers: "What kind of tea do you two want?"


She asks as scans multiple boxes of different teas stacked on one of the shelves.


Scott Pilgrim: "There's more than one kind of tea? What do you have…?"


Cifer Powers: "If you got Sleepytime I'll have that."


Though Scott was oblivious to the tea names, Cifer managed to name one at least.


Ramona Flowers: "Pft. Yeah, you definitely need one."


Ramona, catching the paradox, scoffs at Cifer's choice of tea. A fatigued looking man who looks like he needs to sleep more preferring tea that makes him sleep.


Ramona Flowers: "Well… Let's see…"


Composing herself, Ramona carefully scans each of the tea brands printed on the boxes in her shelf, her eyes darting from label to label before answering Scott's question.


Ramona Flowers: "Blueberry, Raspberry, Ginseng, Green Tea, Green Tea with Lemon, Green Tea with Lemon and Honey, Liver Disaster, Ginger with Honey, Ginger without Honey, Vanilla Almond, White Truffle Coconut, Chamomile, Blueberry Chamomile, Decaf Vanilla Walnut, Constant Comment, Earl Gray..."


She narrates each tea she kept safe in her cabinet, without fumbling, finishing off with one more.


Ramona Flowers: "… and the one Cifer chose, Sleepytime."


Scott Pilgrim: "I… uh… What are you having?"


Left speechless, since he didn't really get half of those, he left it up for Ramona to decide.


Scott Pilgrim: "Were some of those made up?"


Ramona Flowers: "Do you just want to have Sleepytime as well then?"


Choosing to ignore Scott's second regarding the authenticity of the tea names, Ramona offers him the one Cifer chose.


Scott Pilgrim: "That sounds good to me"


Since he didn't really know the difference between teas, he simply agreed to her offer.


Cifer Powers: "Can you just make mine extra hot?"


Ramona Flowers: "Sure, just don't blame me if you get burned"


Complying with Cifer's request, Ramona prepares the tea on her counter. She hums as she carefully tends to the beverages. Meanwhile Cifer decides to initiate a conversation.


Cifer Powers: "So~~ she's the girl you were talking about"


Scott Pilgrim: "Yeah, you said you didn't know her"


Scott replies, recalling that Cifer claimed not to know who Ramona was.


Cifer Powers: "You did a terrible job describing her that time"


Scott Pilgrim: "I did…?"


Scott already forgot the details of their previous conversation.


Ramona Flowers: "Scott looks like he's gonna die so why do YOU look fine?"


Setting the tray of mugs on the table, Ramona remarks at how unaffected Cifer looked towards the cold, meanwhile Scott was shivering so much the chair he sat on kept creaking.


Cifer Powers: "I'm dying quite peacefully, thank you very much."


Cifer replies, his tone a bit sarcastic, though he meant well.


Ramona Flowers: "Heh. Guys want a blanket?"


She chuckled lightly before offering her guests something to help ward off the cold.


Cifer Powers: "Sure"


Scott Pilgrim: "That would actually be awesome."


Ramona Flowers: "Alright, I'll be back"


After getting their agreement, Ramona leaves the kitchen, her footsteps fading as she disappears down the hall.


Ramona was only gone for a few minutes, but Scott's curiosity, and unnecessary worry, got the better of him. He stood from his seat, still slightly shivering, and began making his way towards the hallway


Cifer Powers: "Where do you think you're going?"


Scott halted in his tracks as soon as Cifer spoke.


Scott Pilgrim: "To check on… Ramona?"


He answered, though his response came out more like a question.


Cifer Powers: "She might just be changing, wait."


Scott Pilgrim: "She's taking a while though. Who knows, she might have gotten kidnapped by robot ninjas"


Scott remarked, his imagination running wild for seemingly no reason.


Cifer Powers: "We're two men inside a single woman's home. Sit down and behave."


Cifer tone was firm, leaving no room for argument.


Scott reluctantly complied, returning to his seat. The chair creaked slightly under his weight, and he shivered from the cold.


A few moments later, Ramona reappeared, now dressed in a long-sleeved shirt and pants, looking much more comfortable than before. Her hair, still damp, clung to her neck. Despite leaving earlier to fetch something for her two guests, she returned empty-handed.


Ramona Flowers: "So, you two crashing here for the night?"


Ramona asked, leaning against the door frame, crossing her arms casually.


The two men glanced at each other, clearly undecided, before looking back to Ramona and answering.


Scott Pilgrim: "I'm cool with that."


Scott, ever the eager one, flashed Ramona a grin.


Though Scott seemed enthusiastic about it, Cifer was hesitating, his brow furrowing slightly in thought before he spoke up.


Cifer Powers: "Hold on, I need to make a call first."


He seemed more reserved, though he seemed like he was worried about something.


Cifer Powers: "Is there another room I can borrow for a bit?"


Cifer asked, glancing around.


Ramona Flowers: "You can go up to my room for a bit if you want."


Cifer Powers: "Thanks, it'll just be a few minutes"


Cifer responded, rising from his seat and pulling his phone from out his pocket. He made his way out of the kitchen and down the hall towards the stairs, his footsteps echoing faintly in the quiet house.


Ramona Flowers: "So, how'd you two know each other? College?"


Left in the kitchen, Ramona settled into the chair Cifer had vacated, crossing both her arms and legs as she asks Scott a question out of curiosity.


Scott Pilgrim: "I thought we were avoiding the past? Hehe."


He giggled softly, recalling their earlier agreement regarding avoiding the past, echoing Ramona's own words back to her.


Raising an eyebrow, Ramona smirked playfully, leaning forward with her arms resting on the table.


Ramona Flowers: "Heh. Not a past, he's a person, isn't he?"


She countered with a light tone, teasing Scott by reflecting on his earlier response to her as well. Scott chuckled, scratching the back of his head.


Scott Pilgrim: "Hahaha. Well…"


He paused, his brow furrowing in concentration as he tried to piece together the memory.


Scott Pilgrim: "I actually don't remember much, he just showed up one day."


He shrugged as he admitted, a sheepish grin across his face. That was the best he could remember.


Ramona Flowers: "That's it?"


She asked, her tone a mixture of disbelief and disappointment at his lack of recollection.


Scott Pilgrim: "Pretty much. It was like one day he wasn't there, and the next he just… was? I'm not too sure though…"


Ramona Flowers: "Well I can't say I don't get it…"


Scott Pilgrim: "See? You get it."


He shows off a bright smile, thinking Ramona recognized what he meant. Though Ramona's comment had a more philosophical meaning, Scott's interpretation was purely based on his literal memory—or lack thereof.


They continued to chat, delving into small talk about the weather, what they had for breakfast this morning, and some other casual topics. Scott, ever so curious of the girl in front of him, would occasionally probe with more personal questions hoping to learn more about her, but Ramona deftly redirects the conversation each time, casually transitioning to safer topics.


A few minutes passed, and as their conversation was naturally beginning to die down, Ramona realizes Cifer hasn't shown himself yet.


Ramona Flowers: "I'll go check on Cifer for a bit."


Ramona announced, pushing back her chair and standing up decisively, cutting off their conversation before they reach an awkward silence.


Scott Pilgrim: "Ah are you sure? I mean it's probably important. Don't want to barge in on a guy talking important stuff. Haha…"


Scott, still wanting to talk to Ramona, makes a poor attempt at making her stay. Though she smiles as she finds it cute.


Ramona Flowers: "I'm just gonna make sure he's doing fine."


Ramona reassures him, her tone gentle as she made her way to exit the kitchen, leaving Scott by himself, his tea now cold and his body now dry.


Scott Pilgrim: "Yeah, sure. I'll just be here"


Scott does a little goodbye as he watches Ramona leave the Kitchen and towards the hallway of her home.


As Ramona disappeared down the hallway, Scott glanced around the kitchen, his thoughts drifting as he settled back into his chair.


Meanwhile, as Ramona ascended the staircase, she overheard Cifer on the phone, though it sounded as if he was about to finish so she waited by the doorway.


Cifer Powers: "Sure, I'll get you sushi when I get back"


—Also, we're out of Cat food, can you fetch some on the way?


From the other end, a husky but distorted voice answered.


Cifer Powers: "Just give Butch a call, he'll probably just send it there"


Cifer suggested, clearly hoping to delegate the task.


—Get. The. Cat. Food.


The caller asks in a more commanding tone, leaving no room for Cifer to negotiate. Cifer couldn't help but imagine that they currently have their arms crossed.


Cifer Powers: "Ha… Fine fine. I'll see you tomorrow morning."


Left with no choice, he conceded with a sigh.


—Fuck off already, I want to sleep.


As call abruptly ended, Cifer lowered his phone, taking a deep breath to relax.




But the sound of someone clearing their throat made him tense up again. He turned to the direction and saw Ramona standing in the doorway.


Ramona Flowers: "You done?"


She asked casually, stepping into the room.


Cifer Powers: "Yeah, I'm staying for the night as well"


He responded and nodded, lowering his guard a bit.


Cifer Powers: "But I have to leave early to pick some stuff up."


He added in the end, his voice trailing off in the end.


Ramona Flowers: "Girlfriend? Wait you mentioned you weren't dating someone before."


She curiously assumes but immediately brushes it off upon remembering their past conversation.


Cifer Powers: "No, uh… Friend. Lived in with me"


Ramona Flowers: "Is it a sugar daddy situation? Like Scott's?"


Ramona smirked and raised an eyebrow, teasing him with a playful tone.


Cifer Powers: "Heh. Definitely not… Just a small circumstance"


Cifer responded, a bit amused by Ramona's jesting.


Cifer Powers: "So… I noticed you don't have a couch, or a tv for that matter."


He commented casually as he glanced around Ramona's room, restraining his curiosity to avoid seeming rude. He turned back to Ramona who was walking closer to him.


A while ago as he had headed upstairs, he couldn't help but survey Ramona's house as he walked, taking in what was there and what was not. He found himself wondering where she even intended for them to sleep for the night.


Ramona Flowers: "I'll just set some blankets on the floor and you two can sleep there"


She responded casually, her tone a matter-of-factly.


Ramona Flowers: "Didn't think you were the type to wear ink."


She remarked, noticing a black mark on his upper right arm, which she could only assume was a tattoo.


Cifer Powers: "Oh this?"


He noticed his tattoo was visible due to the damp fabric sticking to his skin.


Cifer Powers: "It's just some dumb highschooler thing I did."


Ramona Flowers: "Guess we all did dumb stuff in high school."


Ramona nodded knowingly, reflecting as a brief moment of nostalgia crossed her expression.


Cifer Powers: "You as well?"


Cifer picks up on her memory lapse, asking gently and bringing her back from her thoughts. At first, she looked like she was willing to answer, but shrinks down immediately.


Ramona Flowers: "It isn't really something I want to talk about."


She replied softly, her tone indicating she wants to steer clear of the topic. Cifer, sensing her hesitation, responded gently.


Cifer Powers: "Ah I get it, least favorite thing to talk about?"


He assumes based on her mood, Ramona's expression softens up at Cifer's understanding. She leaned back against the wall, crossing her arms.


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah, something like that"


She nodded slightly, a small smile tugging at her lips. Grateful for Cifer's consideration, especially after a while ago during Scott's attempts to steer their conversation. Not wanting to dampen the mood again, Cifer redirected the conversation to a more practical topic.


Cifer Powers: "Speaking of which, I guess we should set up the blankets now huh?"


He suggested, offering to help Ramona set up sleeping arrangements for both Scott and himself.


Ramona Flowers: "Oh yeah sure."


She agreed, her tone appreciative.


Cifer Powers: "Great, let me just grab Scott to help out."


Ramona Flowers: "Sure, I'll just set up a bit in the meantime."


Ramona replied warmly, watching Cifer leave her room to fetch Scott.


Left alone, Ramona walked over to her closet and opened it, rummaging through the shelves to see if she had any blankets to use. After a moment, she pulled out a few soft, thick ones, running her fingers over the fabrics to check their warmth. Thinking it was enough, she carried them over to her bed, setting them neatly down and waited for Cifer to come back with Scott.




She sat next to the neatly placed pile, breathing out a sigh. Even if she doesn't admit it, she had her guard up the entire time. Though she hardly knew them personally—only just meeting Scott briefly and only meeting Cifer a few days ago—it wasn't a matter of distrust. In fact, she actually enjoyed interacting with the two of them.


Scott's painfully obvious obsession was something she found cute. On the other hand, she found Cifer's understanding and kindness kind of endearing, which she appreciated a lot more than she let on.


It was because Ramona knew she was still working things out, she was not done sorting through her past.


Ramona leaned back against the headboard, her thoughts swirling as she contemplated what she should do.


'Meh, I can just work it out some other day' she thought as she brushes off her uncertain thoughts and feelings.


Just then, she finally hears Cifer and Scott walking up the stairs, their footsteps signaling they are coming. Ramona stood up, setting aside the weight of her unresolved emotions for now and focused on her guests.




[Same Time. Cifer's House]


The blizzard raged outside, covering everything in a thick blanket of snow. Trees bowed under the weight, sidewalks disappeared, and cars and roofs became indistinguishable under the frosted coverage. Cifer's house, nestled amid the frosted storm, was no exception.


However, it seems the interior was spared from the frozen fate outside. The upper floors were darkened, with curtains drawn and only a few lamps casting a soft glow on the first floor. There was warm lighting leading down the stairs towards the basement level of the house, brightening the place up.


Much like the floor above, the basement was quite spacious. In the center stood a circular gaming table with four chairs surrounding it. Behind it was a shelf, neatly stacked with a number of board games, and a fridge directly beside it. Adjacent to it was a third living room, complete with a fireplace that kept the place warm amidst the freezing weather.


The basement also had its own washroom for convenience's sake and a storage room. Directly beside the living room was a small gym area, equipped with the essential fitness equipment, weight racks, a treadmill, a stationary bike, and mats for floor exercises. An area that offers activity no matter the weather conditions.


Another room can be seen directly near the staircase, its door left open as if to let the warmth in. Inside, blank white canvases of different sizes were placed neatly in the corner of the room, some were stacked on shelves, the walls were decorated with different completed paintings. Shelving racks were either lined up or gathered in the center, carrying multiple art supplies ranging from paint and brushes to pencils and crayons.


At the center of the art studio, perched a stool amidst shelving racks and an easel that displayed an elegantly painted canvas, sat a petite, fair-haired, young girl. She held a palette in one hand and a small flat brush in the other, an additional brush was tucked behind her ear. A head band pulled her bangs up, showing a concentrated expression. She wore an oversized gray shirt and snug white shorts that accentuated her thighs, all covered by an apron already splashed with paint. Though even with the protective cover, her skin wasn't safe as strokes of paint could be seen surrounding her fair skin, visible on her arms, face and legs.


Unbothered by the mess, she stared intensely at the vivid colors of the canvas, her sharp eyes taking in the vibrant colors.






Roxanne Richter: "Ergh…"


Frustration painted her face as she lost her inspiration in the middle of creating an artwork.


Roxanne Richter: "God… dammit… Ha…"


She sighed, setting down the brush and palette next to her.


Stretching her arms overhead, she loosens her stiffened joints before standing up and carefully making her way out the room, avoiding hitting the numerous shelves and canvases scattered around the room.


She headed toward the washroom, the soft hum of the faucet filling the silence as she turned it on. She splashed her face with cold water, the chill providing a momentary relief from her frustration. She glanced up to the mirror, looking at herself as droplets of water clung to her skin, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, feelings that left her uncertain and unable to continue with her artwork.


Roxanne Richter: "Maybe I just need a break…"


She murmured to herself, her voice barely audible over the sound of running water.


She splashed herself again hoping the cold water would keep her head cool. Grabbing the towel hung by the mirror, she wiped her face dry, feeling the soft cloth on her wet skin.




In the middle of drying her face, she froze up at the familiar sound of a door clicking open. Her heart rate shot up as she hung the damp towel around her neck and peeked out of the open washroom door towards the staircase, her senses heightened. Moving cautiously, she reached for the sword that was hanging on the wall beside the washroom.


???: "Cifer! Where are you? Why is the damn place so dark?"


A sharp voice, faint but distinct, echoed from upstairs, combined with stomping footsteps.


???: "Are you downstairs? You don't mind if I crash here for the night, right?"


The visitor, noticing the light coming from the basement, decided to descend the stairs.


Roxie, who kept quiet the entire time, concealed herself behind the staircase, gripping her sword tightly. She was already calculating her next move as her mind raced. She hadn't expected any visitors tonight; in fact, this was the first time anyone came over since she started living here.


As the footsteps got closer, she could only prepare to fight.




She listened closely to the sound of footsteps echoing from the glass stairs.


???: "C'mon, this isn't funny"




As Roxanne heard the voice was close enough, she decided to make her move. With a swift motion, she leaped out from her hiding spot, sword gleaming in the light. She swung her sword just enough to stop it by an inch to the visitor's neck.


???: "Holy shit?!"


Startled, the guest stumbled back, landing hard on their butt.


???: "What the fuck?!"


They exclaimed, rubbing their rear in pain.


When Roxanne finally got a closer look at the visitor, she saw a young woman. Though she was quite damp, she wore a black coat with a furry hood over a brown jacket and blue tank top, round glasses sat askew on her nose due to the fall, and her hair tied up in a ponytail. Then something caught Roxanne's eye—a familiar black wristband on her wrist, with Powers embroidered into it.








[2:00 am. Ramona's house.]


Late into the night, Ramona woke up on her bed, feeling parched and unable to get back to sleep. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and pulled a small blanket around her shoulders before stepping out of bed. She noticed the messy floor in her room, pillows and blankets scattered around, recalling she had people over.


Walking around, she spotted one of her guests, Scott, the orange haired young man, shirtless and sprawled unconscious on the ground, limbs splayed awkwardly. However, the other person seemed to be missing. As Ramona searched, a chill breeze suddenly brushed against her skin, causing her to shiver. She instinctively wrapped her arms around herself and turned towards the source of cold air.


Her balcony door stood ajar, slightly open, and through the small gap, she caught a glimpse of movement outside. Curious, she walks towards the door slowly so as not to wake up the sleeping guest.


Peeking through the glass door, she spotted Cifer, looking weary as ever. He wore the same clothes, already dry, though it seems he kept it halfway buttoned up. His gaze was fixed on the now clear sky above, a cigarette between his fingers, its smoke drifting upwards and dissipating in the breeze.


Ramona slid the door fully open and stepped out towards him.


Ramona Flowers: "Can't sleep?"


She asked, her voice carrying across the quiet night air, soft yet was enough to make her presence known


Noticing her, Cifer turned his head and smiled before answering.


Cifer Powers: "Yeah, I don't know. I just got a bit worried for some reason."


He replied, his gaze returning to the now starry sky above. Ramona joined him, leaning her arms on the balcony fence beside him.


Ramona Flowers: "Mind if I have one?"


Cifer Powers: "Hm? You smoke?"


He asked, raising an eyebrow.


Ramon Flowers: "It's just on occasions. Or uh… when I'm drinking."


She claims, a hint of sheepishness in her voice.


Cifer Powers: "Heh. Smoking is bad for you. Bad."


He quipped sarcastically, a playful smirk curling his lips.


Ramona Flowers: "I don't want to hear that from you, of all people."


She retorted, playfully rolling her eyes, masking her amusement beneath a poor façade of annoyance.


Ramona Flowers: "C'mon, don't be an ass."


Cifer Powers: "Fine fine, hold on."


Complying with Ramona's request, Cifer reached to his pocket and pulled out a carton of cigarettes. He tapped it lightly until a single cigarette poked out from the pack before offering it to Ramona.


Ramona Flowers: "Thanks"


Ramona reached for the cigarette and placed it between her lips. As she thought about lighting it, she realized she didn't have anything to ignite it with.


Ramona Flowers: "Got a light as well?"


Cifer Powers: "Sure, I think this still got some juice left."


He replied casually, reaching into his pocket again to retrieve a lighter. He flicked it open a few times, but no spark emerged.


Cifer Powers: "Ah fuck, looks like I'm out."


He continued to flick the lighter a couple more time, hoping for a spark, but to no avail. After trying for a few times, he finally gives up.


Cifer Powers: "Yep, I'm out. Sorry."


He puts the now empty lighter in his pocket and looks around to see if there's anything he can use as a fire source.


Ramona Flowers: "Its fine, I think I still got a light inside."


Ramona tapped his arm gently, letting him know before turning to head back into the house.


Cifer Powers: "Ah wait, hold on."


Cifer calls her out, making her stop to turn back around.


Ramona Flowers: "What? Got an idea?"


She raises and eyebrow, placing her cigarette back between her lips and leaning against the fence.


Cifer Powers: "Just keep still."


Ramona Flowers: "Alright. Hm?"


Ramona was caught a bit off guard as Cifer leaned closer, their faces momentarily close. Despite the surprise, she maintained her composure. She glanced at Cifer taking a drag from his cigarette, the ember igniting brightly. With a deft motion, he leaned in further and lit her cigarette.


As Ramona took a drag in turn, she noticed sparks igniting from the tips of both their cigarettes. They glowed in unison, casting a warm, flickering light on Cifer and Ramona's faces. For a moment, she wondered if she might just be seeing things and decided to brush it off.


Once her cigarette was properly lit, Cifer backed off slightly and returned his gaze to the night sky. He exhaled a puff of smoke, watching it disappear into the dark, carried away by the chill wind. Ramona observed him quietly, her eyes following the wisps of smoke as they dissipated.


Ramona Flowers: "Thanks. You do that to everybody?"


She breaks the momentary silence, holding the now-lit cigarette between her fingers.


Cifer Powers: "Very rarely, I don't run out of lighters often."


He replies casually, tapping his cigarette to knock off the ashen tip, seemingly almost halfway finished.


Cifer Powers: "Anyway, sorry for interrupting your date. I would've just gone home if not for the… you know, blizzard a while ago."


He apologizes sincerely before taking another pull from his smoke.


Ramona Flowers: "I don't mind, not like I could just leave you in the middle of a snowstorm."


She replied casually, with a hint of warmth in her voice.


Cifer Powers: "Enjoyed yourself?"


Ramona Flowers: "I'll say, it was quite… something. It was different at least."


A vague response, as she didn't even know how to describe her date with Scott.


Cifer Powers: "He likes you quite a lot huh."


He comments, turning around to lean his back on the balcony fence.


Ramona Flowers: "Is it THAT obvious?"


She scoffed lightly, though she wasn't oblivious to it she still found it hard to ignore since Scott was being obvious about it.


Ramona Flowers: "Ugh~ God. I swear, this always happens to me."


Cifer Powers: "Popular girl?"


Cifer questions, glancing at Ramona as she took a drag from her smoke before responding.


Ramona Flowers: "You could say that."


Her tone was conflicted, she seemed proud, but also as if she grew tired of it.


Ramona Flowers: "I don't know, but it's not like it's a bad thing."


She places the cigarette between her lips, inhaling what she can before slowly exhaling a large cloud of ashen smoke.


Cifer stared at her for a moment, then took the last drag from his cigarette, flicking it to the floor, and extinguishing it under his foot. He let out a slow exhale, releasing the smoke from his lungs.


Cifer Powers: "I'm not really the best person to talk about these things with. But I think you need to sort things out for yourself before you try to do that with someone else."


Aware of his inexperience, he gave the best advice he could with his lack of romantic history.


Cifer Powers: "But what the hell am I talking about? Not like I get your problems."


He added with a shrug, downplaying his own advice, treating it as idle chatter, though his sincerity was still apparent.


Ramona Flowers: "Heh… You aren't all wrong though... Guess there's no rushing things for now."


She lets out a soft chuckle, taking another drag from her cigarette and watching the smoke dissipate into the night sky.


The two lapsed into a comfortable silence for a few minutes, neither feeling a sense of awkwardness. The two savored the tranquility of the moment. Cifer rolled up his sleeves casually, leaning against the balcony railing while Ramona finished her cigarette with slow, deliberate drags. As she smoked, she stole occasional glances at Cifer


Cifer Powers: "I should probably turn in now."


Breaking the silence, Cifer pushed himself off the railing and stretched his arms above his head.


Cifer Powers: "I still need to be awake early uh… later"


He added with a small, tired smile, acknowledging the late hour. His voice was as weary as ever, however.


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah, me too. I still have work now that I think about it."


Ramona finished her smoke, flicking her cigarette to the ground and crushing it under her foot.


Cifer Powers: "Early start as well?"


Ramona Flowers: "It's not like there's anyone else to deliver packages."


Cifer Powers: "Why though? Wait… Are you the only delivery person in the area?"


He asked, a bit surprised at his own realization.


Ramona Flowers: "When the one they got is THIS good, I'm the only one they needed"


She declares proudly, puffing out her chest with a playful grin.


As they engaged in small talk while heading back inside, Ramona noticed Cifer staring blankly at the floor after she locks the balcony door.


Ramona Flowers: "Problem?"


Curious, she inquired.


Cifer Powers: "Nah it's just. Scott taking up quite the space."


He scanned the floor, searching for any space to squeeze in. Scott appeared to be deeply asleep, sprawled out with his limbs spread wide, covering the entire blanket the two were supposed to share.


Ramona Flowers: "Hehe. Come on, you can just sleep with me."


She chuckled softly, amused by Scott's comfort, and gestured for Cifer to join her in bed.


Cifer Powers: "Oh no. I really can't."


Though he declined politely, his reluctance was obvious.


Cifer Powers: "I'll just… find somewhere else?"


He suggested uncertainly, obviously out of options.


Ramona Flowers: "I'm not making you sleep in the kitchen. Come on"


Ramona grabbed his hand and led him over to the bed, climbing onto it herself. Cifer complied reluctantly, knowing he didn't really have other choice at the moment. Cifer stood at the bedside and glanced over at Scott who was knocked out. Ramona noticed Cifer's hesitation and patted the empty space beside her.


Ramona Flowers: "Dude, I said its fine~~"


Ramona assures him, giving him a warm smile to show she didn't mind. Making Cifer just accept her offer.


Cifer Powers: "Uh Sorry for… intruding? I guess Haha…"


Cifer hesitated for a moment longer before reluctantly sitting down on the edge of the bed.


Ramona Flowers: "There's plenty of room, don't worry."


Cifer Powers: "Ah yeah, thanks."


Finally relaxing, Cifer slipped under the blanket and laid down beside Ramona. He tried to make himself as small as possible, feeling a bit awkward about the situation for no reason.


Ramona Flowers: "God, you look like a fish out of water Hehe."


She chuckled softly, teasingly, trying to ease the tension as she adjusted the thin blanket over them. Cifer shifted, trying to make himself comfortable. Which wasn't really hard, he found the bed was quite soft, despite the blanket being so thin since the thick ones were used as a mattress on the floor.


Ramona Flowers: "Still cold huh?"


She comments, feeling the chill against her skin despite the covers.


Cifer Powers: "Not really."


He responded casually, though inwardly he was feeling cold as well.


Ramona Flowers: "Well I'm cold."


Ramona moved closer to Cifer, causing the sheets to shift with her.


Ramona Flowers: "I'm cold"


She repeats for no reason, meeting Cifer's eyes expectantly.


Cifer, noticing her gaze, turned his head to face her. For some reason he felt like she would keep going if he ignored her.




He sighed softly and shifted, gently sliding his arm beneath her neck to provide support, Ramona noticed his adjustment and shifted slightly to make it easier for him. Pulling her close, he cradled her head on his chest. Ramona, appreciating his kind gesture, just smiled and allowed herself to relax. Despite appearing unbothered, she was feeling quite tense as well; after all, she was still sharing a bed with a man.


If she was being honest, Ramona expected more from Cifer, anticipating behavior similar to other guys she had known in the past. She had anticipated such things from Scott if they were left alone, but with Cifer, she wasn't so sure. Even this gesture from him was unexpected, but she didn't hate it. There was no sense of being put on a pedestal or overwhelmed by obsession. Instead, he was being considerate and respectful.


She couldn't ignore how he maintained a clear boundary between them, subtly avoiding personal topics and keeping things comfortable. Ramona noticed his efforts to steer clear of deep conversations about themselves, which she appreciated. Though she found out now that if she asked for it, he'll comply.


Ramona wrapped an arm around him, snuggling closer and feeling the chill of his skin through his thin clothes.


Ramona Flowers: "You liar, you were cold as well."


She teased playfully, nuzzling deeper into his neck.


Cifer Powers: "Shut up… Go to sleep."


Ramona couldn't see his face, but Cifer could feel his own cheeks warming up with embarrassment. As inexperienced as he was in romance, Cifer has always considered things like this normal yet still felt quite self-conscious when doing things like this outside his own sister.


Ramona Flowers: "Come on. You're cold."


With her arm wrapped around his waist, she tries to pull him closer to her, making him shift nearer.


Cifer Powers: "Happy?"


He asked softly, making sure she was comfortable.


Ramona Flowers: "Very, thanks"


She replied, seemingly satisfied.


Ramona Flowers: "Really… Thanks. I don't know, I just think I needed this. Whatever this is…"


Ramona added, her voice softening as she spoke, a mix of uncertainty and gratitude evident. She didn't know what to feel or think of, so for now, she just decided to simply settle in and get comfortable, at least for the night.


Cifer Powers: "Well… Glad I could help. I guess?"


He responded gently, offering reassurance in his own way even if he couldn't grasp what she was feeling.


Ramona Flowers: "Yeah… you've been… great help…"


Her voice trailed off as she settled into sleep, appearing content in the moment.


Cifer, after a few minutes, fell asleep himself.


For some reason, Ramona found herself grateful for Cifer's more casual approach towards her. While she enjoyed Scott's intense attraction towards her, the prospect of having a platonic connection with someone she could simply be comfortable around with felt like a refreshing change, it offered her a different kind of appeal.


Meanwhile, despite Cifer's embarrassment, he felt a level of care for Ramona. Even if he's lacking in experience when it came to romance, he could tell Ramona was shouldering experiences he couldn't imagine. He could only offer her comfort and consideration. He also had other thoughts he's set aside for now, since he was really tired as usual.


Scott, on the other hand, had a singular goal in mind: to win Ramona's heart. Despite Cifer unintentionally joining them midway through their date, Scott remained unfazed. He still wants to ask her out, he hoped to invite her to his band's upcoming show, despite claiming before that they sucked. His determination was unwavering, driven by his deep infatuation with her.


The three of them drifted asleep, each of them seemingly so different, yet all the same were seeking something—comfort, understanding, or romance. They might lose something, they might gain something, they might encounter something they can't talk or fight their way out of. Something might get stolen from them, or they might steal something from others. Their paths were intertwined, their future uncertain, they might run away, they might face it, or they might just ignore it. Who knows really.




[???. ???]


Sitting in the center of the crimson-hued room, surrounded by multiple screens displaying various events and scenes, the observer scrutinized every detail with intense focus. Each action done, every word spoken, and every expression made on the faces shown on the screen being studied carefully.


Suddenly, a grin spread across the watcher's face as they leaned forward and pressed a button on the sleek desk before them.


???: "Patel. You may begin."


With those words, he concluded his announcement with a beep signaling the end of the call.