
Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go [edited]

Jun Xiaoyao was transported to a mystical world and became the divine child of a Clan of the Ancients. He came to possess an invincible background, unparalleled talents and even a check-in system, enabling him to acquire an Accomplished Sacred Body of the Ancients at the very beginning of his new life. He acquired the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force, a six-star reward, checking in at the Old Tablet of Taiyue. He acquired the Bones of Supremacy, a seven-star reward, checking in at his Ten Years Old Banquet. He acquired the Cauldron of Maternal Qi of All Beings, an eight-star reward, checking in at the Bronze Mystical Hall. He acquired the Grand Method of Freedom Melding, a ten-star reward, checking in at the Borderless Ocean. He sat on the clouds countless years later, with his sword pointing at the heavens, saying, “I alone shall rule over the heavens and the earth. I shall become the pinnacle at the very end of the mystic path!” Editing the novel till webnovel picks the book up.

Chaosreigns · Eastern
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236 Chs

Floor 49, The Strange Girl With The Ghost Face, And The Hand Of God Revealing Divine Might

The Heavenly Dao Tower had fifty floors in total.

However, it was said that no one could set foot on the 50th floor.

Rumor had it that the 50th floor was the Sacred Spirit of Reincarnations resting place.

Since ancient times, the 49th floor was the highest floor reached in the Heavenly Dao Tower.

In recent times, Jun Xiaoyao was the only genius who reached the 49th floor of the Heavenly Dao Tower.

Regardless of whether he would be able to clear it in the end, just being able to do so was already a miracle. It would be recorded in the annals of history.

"Floor 49!"

The outside world was in a frenzy. Countless cultivators were shocked beyond compare, feeling as if they had witnessed something that would go down in history.

The grand elder of the Shengling Academy also felt his heart tremble.

Even though he was a Holy Lord powerhouse, he was still deeply shocked at this moment.

At that same moment, a voice was heard from the depths of the Shengling Academy.

The person who sent the message was the dean of the Shengling Academy.

After hearing the voice transmission, the grand elder said with a stunned expression, "What? Are you sure?"

The grand elder had mixed feelings. He didn't expect the academy to make such a decision.

"The divine child of the Jun family is simply too talented. Otherwise, the dean and the others wouldn't have made such a decision." The grand elder sighed deeply.

The fact that a prestigious academy that had been passed down for countless years had to lower its head to a teenager truly made people sigh.

Jun Xiaoyao arrived at the 49th level just when everyone outside was going crazy.

He was also very curious about just how extraordinary the guardian of the 49th level was.

At that moment, specks of light fell from the other side.

A hazy and graceful figure appeared.

It was a young girl with snow-white skin. She was shrouded in mist and couldn't be seen clearly.

She wore a ghost mask on her face.

Under the mask, her eyes were deep and cold, glowing faintly.

She was wearing a bronze ring on her finger. It would sometimes turn into a bell, a tripod, or a sword.

"Huh?" Jun Xiaoyao sensed something unusual.

He actually felt a sense of danger.

To Jun Xiaoyao, this seemed utterly unbelievable.

None of the geniuses that he had encountered throughout his journey could hurt him, let alone make him feel threatened.

However, the girl before him wearing the ghost mask gave him a rare sense of danger.

He had never experienced such a feeling before.

At that moment, the ghost-faced girl said faintly.

"The Resurrection Lily blooms in seven colors, and the flower falls into immortality for a thousand years…"

"Brother… where are you…"

After she finished speaking, her deep eyes under the girl's mask suddenly turned to Jun Xiaoyao.

"Brother… it's you…"

"What do you mean?" Jun Xiaoyao frowned, unsure of what was happening.

Since when did he have a sister?

"No… no… you're not…"

The ghost-faced girl suddenly shook her head wildly. Her eyes under the mask seemed to have turned blood red.

Blood-red spider lilies spread out from beneath her feet, turning into a domain of absolute vitality.

"This is bad…"

Jun Xiaoyao's expression shifted as he made his move. He immediately unleashed the Sacred Body Vision, the Reverence of the Ten Thousand Saints.

The specters of the Ten Thousand Saints emerged from the void and worshipped him.

A terrifying force spread out and collided with the girl's domain of the Resurrection Lily.

One side was the vision of the sacred body, while the other was the strange domain of the ghost-faced girl. The entire space instantly shattered and cracked.

The surroundings were plunged into absolute darkness. Only Jun Xiaoyao and the ghost-faced girl stood facing each other.

She instantly attacked Jun Xiaoyao. The bronze ring on her hand transformed into a long bronze sword that shot towards Jun Xiaoyao.

With a slash of the sword, a torrent of sword light poured down like a galaxy. Its power was terrifying to the extreme.

It could be said that the vast majority of geniuses of the current generation could hardly withstand a casual slash from the ghost-faced girl.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't hold back either. He knew that the ghost-faced girl was very strange and unpredictable.

He unleashed the Torrent of the Soldiers. Sabers, spears, halberds, axes, hooks, and forks. Countless divine weapons transformed into a torrent that clashed with the ghost-faced girl's sword.

Her sword cut through the torrent of Divine Soldiers.

Without losing any momentum, the sword slashed at Jun Xiaoyao's head.

"Interesting. I haven't met a decent opponent in a while."

Jun Xiaoyao didn't feel intimidated. Instead, he felt a sense of excitement that he hadn't felt in a long time.

It was rare for him to meet an opponent that would make him feel threatened.

Jun Xiaoyao took out the Tyrannical Divine King Gloves. The purplish-gold gloves were glowing with a divine light as a sacred aura emanated from them.

The glove was forged from the bone of the King of the Saints. It was forged with a little bit of the purplish gold of the divine scar, so its power was obvious.

Jun Xiaoyao put on a pair of gloves with his right hand and faced the bronze sword of the ghost-faced girl.

With a clanging sound, violent sparks clashed and the sound of metal vibrating shook the surroundings.

The ghost-faced girl was sent flying. As the bronze sword in her hand shook almost falling out of her hand.

"That's right." Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly at the sight.

With his Sacred Body of the Ancients superimposed with the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force and the Tyrannical Divine King's Gloves, his punch could even leave a hole in the sky.

If the Bone of Immortality of the Zenith Heaven was added to the mix, it would be unbelievably powerful.

The ghastly-faced girl was merely knocked back by his punch. That alone was enough to prove her astonishing strength.

However, she was still nothing compared to Jun Xiaoyao!

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head and said, "If only I could find a suitable fist technique."

If he could master a supreme fist technique, combine it with the Tyrannical Divine King's Gloves and his own physical strength.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

The ghost-faced girl attacked once again. She waved her other hand, conjuring countless red spider lilies that gave off an ominous feeling.

"This method…" Jun Xiaoyao's eyes focused.

He had vaguely heard of the Immortal Emperor Clan in the foreign realm before, known as the Bi An Clan.

It was said that his true form was the strange Flower of the Other Shore.

However, to conclude that the ghost-faced girl was related to the foreign realm just based on this point was rather arbitrary.

'Forget it, I should just focus on what's happening right now,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

The most important thing for him right now was to get past this stage.

Even if the ghost-faced girl called him brother before, Jun Xiaoyao would still kill her.

He was an emotionless killing machine.

Blazing brilliance burst forth from Jun Xiaoyao's chest.

It was the Abhijna of the Bones of Supremacy, Light of Tribulation.

The terrifying light of tribulation illuminated the surrounding darkness.

This light seemed to be a tribulation from the heavens.

The ghost-faced girl once again unleashed her ultimate move. A black vortex appeared, seemingly capable of devouring everything.

As the Light of Tribulation was absorbed.

The Bones of Supremacy in Jun Xiaoyao's chest burst with divine energy once again.

The blazing light of the Tribulation gathered and transformed into a giant hand that was branded with endless runes.

That giant hand of light seemed to be a judgment from the heavens that was meant to kill all creatures!

It was the complete form of the first Ultimate Abhijna of the Bones of Supremacy, the Hand of God!


As the Hand of Divinity crushed downward, the shockwaves were so powerful that even the shattered space was reduced to dust!

Even the eerie ghost-faced girl was on the verge of collapse under the overwhelming power of the Hand of God.

Just when she was about to disappear…

Jun Xiaoyao seemed to see tears glistening under her mask.

"Will we meet again, brother…"

Hopefully I made the fight scene more enjoyable for you all, it was a pain to fix into something that made sense. I will be posting the rest of the chapters tonight, hopefully before 1am.

Chaosreignscreators' thoughts