
Scorbus discovered

coolking295 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: The morning after

A/N: Sorry for not updating. I have had the worst illness, Writer's Block. Starts with Scorpius POV

When I woke up Albus wasn't in the dorm. I didn't think anything of it, he normally gets up early. It was still only 6:00am. I had never seen him up any earlier than that. I decide that there's no point in going back to sleep. I head to the great hall. To my shock, it was empty. I walk in anyway, just to make sure. He still wasn't there. I was getting worried now.

As I head back to my dorm Mcgonagall walks past. When I left I forgot that we're not meant to be out of bed before 7:00. Before she says anything I blurt out," Professor, I know I'm not meant to be walking around right now but, we have an Albus sized problem." At this she seems confused. I think I would be if someone said the same thing to me. Thankfully she cares more about the safety of her pupils much more than rule-breaking," What do you mean an Albus sized problem?" So I tell her all about my morning so far,".. Then you saw me and here we are." During my recount she looks deep in thought, as though this had happened before. I never thought that Hogwarts would ever have any bullying problems.

"You go to the library, see if he's there. He knows you like books so he might be waiting for you there. I'll go check the kitchens" So that was what we did. I walked around the library, hoping that he was just around the corner. After searching I make a decision, I'm going to check the restricted section. Even though I doubted he would be there. He wasn't there.

Mcgonagall was already back, without Albus. An idea suddenly springs to mind," Where are the staff quarters?" I ask. I didn't know, nobody except staff know. "Third floor, on the left. Go down a corridor until you find a curtain over a wall. It's not a wall, like Kings Cross." For some reason she had no problem telling me. I think she had the same idea as me.

I ran all the way up the stairs, only to be stopped by Professor Sprout," What are you doing out of bed young man?" She asks. I tell her that Mcgonagall knows and knows that I have a problem." Ok then. I will be checking, and don't get into any trouble." She probably goes to her greenhouses.

As I walk upto the curtain I pull it aside and walk straight through. It's odd, like the forst time you go onto platform 9 3/4. On the right side is all the rooms. I keep walking until I find the one I want, Potter. I quietly opened the door to find a living area. It seems they knew I was coming, which they probably did, and had gotten a pot of tea ready. In between Harry and Ginny I find what I was looking for. Albus.

" Oh my God, Al. We've been looking all over the castle for you." He smiled and Ginny asked," What do you mean we?" With that I tell her the whole story." Albus, I thought you at least left a note for him." This earned Harry a weak chuckle.

A/N: OMG. I loved that chapter and I hope you all did too. Sorry it was a longer chapter but, I'm also not.

Until next chapter
