
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Witchcrafts | Part 2

Callista smiled at Ivan when she got back in the Hunting Grounds with both of them dry. "So what are we going to get next?" he asked so she checked the book

"We need to get a part of the fiery clouds" she said making Ivan groan "But aren't those found in the highest part of the skies?" he complained.

"You're right. How will we be able to get up there?" she said and looked up at the sky. "Ah!" she exclaimed and looked at Ivan who was leaning tiredly on a tree

"Let's use magic to get up there" she suggested so Ivan scratched his neck "Do we need to? You don't know how windy it is up there" he said, obviously not happy at what their about to do.

"It's a better option rather than fail on Witchcraft. Didn't you say you wanted to pass this subject?" she huffed with arms crossed so Ivan squinted his eyes.

"But it's annoying up there" he said and even pointed to the sky "You don't have a choice. If you want to fail then don't drag me with you" she hmped and cast a magic spell below their feet as a magic circle appeared.

"W-Wait, Callista" Ivan stopped her with cold sweat when they were suddenly moved up in the sky with the magic circle as their ground.

The strong wind slapped their faces so Callista tied her hair to make things faster "It is windy here like you said but I can't risk us failing, Ivan" she said and took a jar in her shoulder bag but then noticed that it was too silent.

"Ivan?" she called and turned behind him to see him sitting with trembling feet.

Callista didn't know what to say with what she was currently witnessing "Ivan" she called but Ivan stubbornly avoided her eyes "W-What?" he answered as she blinked.

"Don't tell me the reason why you stubbornly didn't want to be here because you're afraid of heights?" she said and Ivan quickly glared at her and scoffed.

"Who's afraid of what? Ha! You're becoming delusional, Callista" he huffed and was about to carefully stand up when the wind hit them that nearly flew their body away making Ivan sit back down.

"S-So what if I'm afraid, huh!? Got a problem with that!?" he literally yelled at her and Callista could only shake her head "Just how prideful are you." she said and opened the jar and leaned in to take a piece of the cloud.

"Hey! Hey! You might fall!" he panicked "You should worry about yourself more" she said and closed the jar before the cloud could fly away.

"What did you say- Ahhh!" Ivan shouted in fear when they quickly moved down again like an elevator.

Callista studied the cloud in the jar before thrusting it back in the bag "Great! Just two things left" she chirped and looked at Ivan who momentarily vomited.

"Geez, I can't believe your scared of heights" she said seeing his condition "Why should I not?" he said and wiped his lips "Why are you so afraid though?" she asked and Ivan's expression became grim.

"I lost my brother there" Callista pursed her lips at his answer "Oh...sorry" she quickly said and avoided eye contact as the atmosphere became uncomfortable.

"How about you? Why are you afraid of the water?" he asked back, his expression changing back. The memory flashed back by his question before smiling at him.

"I drowned when I was a child" she said and turned her back on him "Next up is a petal of a Letisian flower" she said "What? Don't those grow in high mountains? How can we get that!?" Ivan complained again.

"We can use magic again as we did earlier" she suggested and Ivan was obviously against it "Hell no!" he exclaimed "Then let's begin the hike" she said with a smile, completely ignoring him.

They started climbing the mountain in the Hunting Grounds just to search for a flower that is normally grown in high places.

Callista's ears were bleeding by Ivan's nonstop complaints about how his feet were tired and he was hungry, she decided to just ignore it.

She stopped in her tracks when her attention caught a flower upon a hill. "Ivan, there" she said and pointed in it's direction "Finally" he groaned and quickly ran towards it and Callista followed.

Callista stared up at Ivan that was climbing to get the flower "Ivan, are you sure your okay?" she worriedly asked "I'll be fine but you should be careful about the rocks" he said so Callista looked at her feet when a pebble dropped

"Callista!" she quickly looked up again when Ivan shouted her name and saw a huge boulder about to fall towards her.

She quickly cast a spell that made the rock break into thousands of pieces "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Ivan worriedly asked so she smiled up at him.

"I'm okay" she answered. After a few minutes Ivan jumped down holding the flower "Good job, Ivan" she smiled and carefully put it in the bag

"Are we finished now?" he asked while stretching his arms "Nope, we still need one more. But it will be hard, we need a tear of sadness" she said

"Tear of sadness? We have to take tears that were caused by sadness?" he asked so Callista nodded before silence embraced them. They both didn't know how to get it "Can you cry right now?" Callista asked so Ivan shook his head.

"How about you?" Ivan asked back so she shook her head "I don't feel like crying right now" silence once again became present.

"Ah! I have an idea!" Ivan exclaimed so Callista's eyes sparkled.

"Really? What?" she asked so Ivan smirked "Just follow me" he said and pulled her.


When Ivan said that he had an idea she wasn't expect this "Ivan, just what kind of bullshit are you doing?" she said as she stared at Ivan telling a story to elementary school students.

"Poor Fairy!" the little girl cried as Ivan continued his drama. It didn't last long when Ivan came back with a bottle with tears "You used the children?" she said so Ivan shrugged with a grin.

"What? Don't look at me like that! At least we got the ingredients" he said so she elbowed him in the stomach.

"But I didn't say anything about making children cry. What was that shit about the fairy?" she said "What do you mean shit? I am highly offended Callista." he said and held his chest as if he was stabbed.

"I can't believe you don't know that story. Mostly all of the children here knows it because it has been told by our parents when we were kids" he said "So its a myth?" she tilted her head so Ivan hummed while thinking

"I guess so? It's kind of a folklore rather than myth." he said with a shrug "Then why believe in such a thing when it's not more than a myth?" she said and before she could get an answer from Ivan she had already walked away.