
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Survival Class | Part 3

Callista fell to her knees while Ivan fell in a rather uncomfortable position with his back nearly breaking.

"I don't want this anymore!!!" Callista cried out with no tears in her eyes "I'll kill that Professor if I get enough of this" she said with pure irritation.

"You never watch your mouth, do you? Cursing the Professor like that even though you know he's watching us" Anastasia said and flicked off the blood from her sword as they were the ones who got rid of the Dire Wolves.

Calista made a scowl "The fuck I care? I have many rights to express my thoughts" she stated making Anastasia shake her head "Fuck... That hurts" Ivan groaned with a wince.

"You should be careful next time. You know how physically weak that body of yours is." Ignis said and took the sword he stabbed from the wolf's back.

"No need to put salt in my wounds, Ignis" he said and grunted as he stood up "If it weren't for the grades I would've escaped already" Callista complained as she stood up.

"Speaking of the Professor, looks like the Professors had been planning for this. I couldn't teleport earlier." Ivan commented.

"Seems like it. The only things we can use right now is basic spells and healing magic." Anastasia said "Still, healing magic takes a big amount of mana in you so we shouldn't use it too much" Ignis added.

"Just to inform you guys, I suck at survival. Why don't we just stick to what we're told in our survival lessons in the classroom?" Callista complained with a pout.

"They normally do this though. We take tests like this every week before, so it's more like an examination I guess?" Anastasia said making Callista glare at her "No shit" she huffed.

"But how can we survive for 28 hours out here? We can't really abuse our magic, does it mean that we have to camp and guard? " Ivan said and looked at all of them "Probably, we should find a suitable camping place first? Before it gets dark." Ignis suggested that Anastasia nodded to.

"Good choice. It's most likely that the students thought of it as well" she said "But I hate camping" Callista commented "No one gives a shit" Ivan replied as they glared at each other.

Callista sighed.

"Wendy" she called her familiar as the red butterfly appeared in thin air with her beautiful wings "Find us a safe place to camp" she ordered as the butterfly flew to the sky.

"By the way, have you noticed that the Silver Knights had been going here frequently?" Ivan asked "They had?" Callista asked and tilted her head.

"You may not know because you've been in your room but it seems like my Father is investigating something in the Academy lately." Anastasia stated.

"Do you think it's related to the kidnapping incident last week?" Ivan asked so Anastasia shook her head "Maybe because of what happened to the Academy last time." Ignis commented that was referring to the monster made of dark magic.

"Well, you've got a point..." Ivan shrugged as Callista scrunched up her nose "What the..." her face showed pure disgust as she covered her nose.

"No way...Is dark magic near again?" Anastasia asked with eyes wide as they all became alert "That's impossible the Magic Committee already got rid of the traces of dark magic in the Academy" Ignis commented.

"It's true. I was with them when they were purifying the Academy grounds." Ivan added with a nod "Whatever it is, it's truly disgusting." Callista said and waved her hand in the air to get rid of the smell.

"Anyways, Wendy had already found a place for us to rest" she said but she froze on her spot when she saw an arrow at her peripheral vision as it went through the tree in front of her.

They all turned behind them in alert "An assassin!?" Anastasia said in a clear panic "No, it's the Undertakers." Callista stated when that disgusting smell came back again.

"Undertakers? How did they pass the Academy guards!?" Anastasia asked "They don't need to, Ana. They have control over the shadows, they can travel through a student's shadow." Ivan said.

Undertakers are people who chose to abandon their humanity, they are greedy for power, and are not satisfied with their current level, thus choosing to worship a different God.

The God of shadows and darkness, even saying his name is taboo.

"We don't have time. We're outnumbered" Callista said as she felt a lot of presence surrounding them "Take us to where Wendy is" Ignis suddenly spoke "What?" that word came out of Callista's mouth in shock.

"How can we possibly escape if we're surrounded?!" Anastasia asked "That's not a problem, just call out your familiars!" Ignis stated "Zyon, come out!" a big grey wolf suddenly appeared in front of them. "Is that your familiar Ignis? I didn't know that you people have one..." Callista said baffled.

"Remember that the Professors are always on watch inside the Hunting Grounds, they are probably alerting the other faculty staff already." he stated.

"What do you mean probably?! So we don't have a choice but to buy some time? I hope your assumption is true Ignis." Ivan asked as Ignis nodded in response. Ivan then also called his familiar "Sahki!" Ivan called as a Cheetah appeared beside the wolf who was growling at the enemy in front of them.

Electricity flickered on the Cheetah's feet as it reflects the power Ivan possess.

"Anastasia? Where's your familiar?" Callista asked. "Umm, my familiar? I can't summon it right now, It's...It's kind of complicated." Anastasia replied as Callista only stared at her.

"Get rid of them." with those simple words from Ignis both women were pulled by them as they ran away.

"Hurry! Take us to Wendy, Callista" Anastasia said as Callista flicked her wrist as another red butterfly appeared.

"Follow that butterfly. It will take you to Wendy" she said and faced her palm at her back and conjured up a magic circle.

A man was following them in an all-black assassin gear as three fireballs went out and attacked the man.

They were lucky that they have an advantage, two who can wield a sword and another two who specialize in magic.

There were a total of three men following them, it seemed like they were able to escape from Ivan and Ignis's familiar. Soon later Wendy came into view with the other red butterfly beside her.

When they were near, Callista faced the three men and raised her hands as her eyes changed color and a big magic circle appeared behind her.

"In the name of Alka. Begone."

Light began to shine from the magic circle that blinded their visions.

The three men who were bewildered shouted in pain as their skin began to rot and their bodies began to get thin as if something was sucking away their life and before they knew it, their shouts were swallowed when their bodies turned into ashes.

The light disappeared as Callista's eyes changed back to their original color but only ashes in the ground were left where the three men stood earlier. Everyone was speechless.