
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Soft Scarlet | Part 4

Gael trembled under their gaze as his head hang low "So you're saying that you went to Callista about your situation?" Anastasia asked after his explanation.

"Yes," he nodded "You can just call any of us but why did you choose Callista of all people?" Anastasia was more shocked at this.

It was Callista who had been crushing his hopes and been complaining about every single thing but why did he go to Callista first after all of that? She couldn't get an answer even how much she had thought about it.

"But why did you change your mind all of a sudden?" Denovan asked curiously as to why Gael changed his mind "Actually, I didn't have any expectation that's why I rejected your solution without even in need of thinking. I am weaker than my brother, I'm aware of that" he sadly said and pursed his lips.

"After I walked out of you guys, Caspian talked to me so I told him about my situation. He told me what happened when you were going to Laguna Island. He persuaded me to talk to you guys and specially mentioned Lady Callista. He explained to me that she wouldn't say something without thinking it through, she might look like she wouldn't care but she wouldn't say anything if she's not sure" he explained and they all stayed silent

"He said that Lady Callista was much more than I thought so I decided to trust his opinion of you guys and walked to the Dormitory. I forgot that men weren't allowed inside as I already barged in" he said and looked up nervously.

"I see" Anastasia smiled "I'm happy to hear you had decided to trust us" she was sincerely happy to hear that "Denovan would be training you for the duel" she added and motioned to Denovan.

"I'll be happy to help you, Gael," he said and Gael was extremely moved. Not just anyone would be willing to help someone they didn't know fully. He was really lucky to have met them.

"Thank you very much" he smiled.


Talia smiled when she saw her "Emily, my dear, I'm happy that you decided to visit me," she said and stood from the cold floor "I'm also happy to see you, Mother" Emily replied as she leaned forward to the prison

"I have other intentions why I visited you today. Someone wants to talk to you" she said so Talia was curious and turned behind Emily as she stepped away "Mother, this is Callista. The one I talked to you about" Emily said

"I see" Talia smiled as she studied Callista's beautiful face "I haven't thanked you for what you did. Thank you for saving me and my daughter" she sincerely thanked "It's okay. But I have a question I want to ask" Callista politely said and it seemed weird from Emily's point of view.

Is it because she had already seen past her facade? "I'll be glad to answer" she replied "Lady Talia, may I know what happened before that made you do those things?" she asked and Talia somehow expected this question.

"I was at home flowering my plants when a man came towards me" she started and Emily was confused "How is that possible? We always put a barrier in our house. No one can enter unless they are from the same race," she said.

"Exactly. That's how I knew he was strong. I remember him saying that it was your daughter's fault why it came to this before I fainted" Talia explained "My fault? Why was it my fault?" Emily asked in extreme confusion.

"Lady Talia, may I know what he looked like?" Callista asked "He has light blond hair and yellow eyes and it was neatly brushed up. He also looked like a noble and was holding a crane," she said from what she remembered "I see" Callista nodded

"Is it the same man that ordered Hera to kill me?" Emily asked so she nodded "It's Sebastian" she confirmed, "Why do you think he's trying to do?" Talia asked "I don't know. It seemed like she used Emily to put the poisonous tree in the Academy after he knew her origins" she turned to Talia.

"And he pulled you to this situation for all of this to happen. He pulled you in because you were close to me. I'm sorry if I had got you guys involved in our problem" she apologetically smiled.

"It's okay" Emily smiled "Neither of us expected what happened" she added "Although I was not happy you got Emily involved, but none of us was expecting it" Talia also nodded "Thank you for understanding" she smiled.


Callista yawned because of boredom as she stood at the side of the training field.

"A-Am I holding it, right?"

"Gael, your posture its stiff. How about getting comfortable first?"

"Uhm, how do I do that?"

"Just relax"

Callista blankly stared at Denovan fixing Gael's awkward and stiff posture while holding the sword. She was also getting irritated at Anastasia's cheering "May I ask why I'm here?" she asked "This is your idea so it's obvious that you should be here" Ivan shrugged and she groaned in response.

"So I just swing it?"

"Yeah. With the procedure that I told you"

"Oh, okay"

Callista wouldn't care even the slightest bit when Gael swing the sword the air followed his movements and it even made a 'whoo' sound.

The dirt in the ground even moved as if a gust of wind just blew it away. All of them were surprised and Callista was no exception as she blinked "Gael, you never held a sword before right?" Denovan asked so Gael became anxious and thought he had done something wrong.

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry! I followed everything you taught me" he said "Hey, calm down. You did great" Denovan calmed him "He's right. You only did was swing the sword but it was already strong. You are a natural, Gael" Anastasia sincerely praised.

"R-Really?" he has doubts "Really! You look like you were just controlling the air earlier!" Ivan also praised "T-Thank you" Gael was flustered. He didn't think he could pull it off and even received praise from them.

Ignis was also surprised and glanced at Callista who was staring at them with mouth agape.

"Try attacking me," Denovan said "W-What? But.." he hesitated "Gael if you want to protect someone you should not hesitate to attack," he said so he bit his lip and raised the sword.

"By the way, Callista" Anastasia spoke while approaching her "What?" Callista asked as she stares at her "We will be observing the village later, do you guys want to come?" Anastasia politely asked "I don't want to, I'll be doing something later" Ignis replied "Well, same goes for me also" Callista also declined.

"Really now?" Anastasia doubtfully asked "I'm guessing that you're only tailing Ignis for the rest of the day" she added as she crossed her arms "Why do you even care?" Callista scuffed.

"I'll be going now, just be safe Ana" Ignis said as he stood up and leaves heading for his dorm "Wait for me Ignis!" Callista followed. "How can those two be inseparable?" Anastasia asked to herself as she sighed.




Callista pouted at his rejection. She was currently kneeling in front of him while leaning her head on the bed while Ignis sat horizontally as he read a book. Callista came here after Anastasia announced that they'll be observing Gael's village.

"Why are you even here? How many times do I have to tell you not to barge into my room like that? You know the dorm rules" he scolded and remembered how she entered his room by the first time. "It was urgent!" she retorted before looking up at him.

"Ignis, just stop Ana from going to the beastman village! Why do we even have to go there?" she complained "You're annoying. Why are you even whining at me? Complain to her, she's the one who decided that we go there" he clicked his tongue.

"But she only listens to you!" she argued "You won't be even doing anything. Why are you complaining?" he said "You'll come with them so it's obvious that I'll come too! I'll be present so it's impossible for me not to do anything!" she answered the obvious.

"So at least don't join them!" she said again with puppy dog eyes "No" he automatically rejected and glanced at his book again "I will be going to accompany Ana" he added.

"But Denovan is always by her side to accompany her. What's the use of him being her guard if you still need to follow her around?" Callista was annoyed "Callista" Ignis had sent her a warning glare making her shrink and pout as she rested her chin on the bed. "Meanie" he heard her murmur as she sniffle making him sigh at her drama.