
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Soft Scarlet | Part 1

[The Next Day]

Callista remembered the day had started peacefully after weeks of continuous problems in the Academy. Ivan had invited everyone to lunch in the dining hall as he always do and Anastasia has been sticking to her side since they sat in their chairs.

The awkward atmosphere was increased by Anastasia and Denovan's sudden silent treatment of each other, nearly made Ivan vomit his food by how uncomfortable he was in this situation. Only Ignis and Callista was the one who is unbothered as if nothing was going on in their surroundings.

Ivan had enough of it and had openly complained about the situation without thinking about the other party's feelings which earned him a kick under the table from Callista and they started bickering. They didn't notice the redhead who had come near them and said Callista's name in a stutter and low voice.

"Lady C-Callista?"

They all simultaneously turned to the redhead and anyone would know who this man was.

He had long red spiky flaming hair and yellow eyes that would remind anyone of a cat by how intimidating it was. His skin was slightly tanned and his tattooed hand was eye-catching as it showed a lion tattoo.

An eye-catching cat's ear is also seen on top of his head stuck to his hair showing that he was calm. He was Gael Cayden, the second heir of the Beast-man Tribe and a student from the Abnormal Class.

Of course, Callista didn't know who he was considering she was still a new student and had trouble memorizing people's faces and names in this huge Academy.


A name subconsciously rolled off her tongue and the man named Gael was also surprised and it was too late for her to take it back. "How do you know my Father's name?" he confusedly asked and Callista turned away "Who wouldn't? I've recently taken a liking to the beastman tribe," she said "I see" he nodded with a smile.

The first thing Callista had thought of while studying his expression and body language was that he truly doesn't suit how he looked. He looked like he could wrestle with ten men if given a chance but his personality says otherwise reminded her of that four-eyed Caspian.

"So what can we help you with?"


"Didn't you come here to tell Callista something?"

Gael was flustered at Anastasia "Pardon me for my rudeness" he quickly bowed "My name is Gael and I'm a student in the Abnormal Class and I.." Gael hesitated as he looked down as he was flustered in Callista's burning stare.

"You can continue. It's okay" Ivan said and kicked Callista under the table "Would you stop staring at him like that? Just look at the poor guy" he whispered scolding so she rolled her eyes "What is it?" she asked so Gael built his courage.

"I have an older brother and he's beginning to change a lot. A few days ago, I found out that he poisoned our Father to ascend the throne as his substitute. He had begun abusing our people with unfair judgments and punished anyone who would piss him off. I didn't want to sit still and wait, so I wanted to find a solution" his bashful face was replaced with a determined one.

"You would find it creepy and weird but I wouldn't care if our people are on the line. I had been following you for the past few days and knew everything and so also knew your capability in solving this problem" he said and before any one of them could say anything he had already bowed

"Please help me, My Lady!" all of them waited for her answer and were surprised when she scoffed. "So you're planning on using me, huh? What a cunning bastard" Gael flinched at her words "We're helping!" Anastasia announced and even raised her hand as Ivan nodded while Denovan smiled

"What? He's asking me not you and it will only be a waste of time! Aren't you guys tired of the frequent incidents ready?" she scowled "You won't have a choice but to do so if Ignis told you to! Right, Ignis?" Callista laughed "It's impossible that Ignis— What?!" Her eyes widened when she saw Ignis nod "Really? You're willing to help?" Gael's eyes sparkled.

"Of course, of course!" Ivan said, "I'm telling you this is a bad idea!" Callista complained but was ignored by everyone "How about we start with you telling us the full story?" Denovan smiled.

"I can't believe you! What benefit do we even receive if we help him?" Callista complained again but was drowned with their countless friendly words to Gael, who they guided to sit beside Ivan.

"Helping others is not expected ti have a payment in return because helping is your will to help someone without any ill intentions. You have to always remember that, Callista" Anastasia said as if teaching a child making her grumble in annoyance.

"So when did it start?" Denovan asked "It was when Lady Callista enrolled to the Academy" he replied "So it was for that long? It must've been hard" Ivan commented

"Yes, Father suddenly fell ill and was bedridden for days leaving him with no choice but to ascend the throne as Father's substitute. At first, I supported him in every way I can as I thought that he at least wanted to support my Father while he was sick until I found out that he was the reason why he fell ill in the first place. I told my mother about this and she wasn't pleased, she confronted my brother, causing us to get threatened in return. He threatened all of the people in the tribe and showed it to us by abusing them" her hand clenched above the table.

"I couldn't just sit still after what has been happening. It was a coincidence when I saw Lady Callista and thought that maybe she can help me" he smiled up at them and apologetically smiled at Callista who raised a brow "I'm sorry if you thought I was using you" he said.

"I see. So that's what happened" Anastasia nodded understandingly before smiling "We'll find out a way to help you, Gael. Don't worry" she said "That's right. Just ignore Callista's bitchy attitude" Ivan said and patted his shoulder as she rolled her eyes as an answer.

"Thank you very much!" Gael was truly grateful that his eyes even watered as he was too moved. Everyone was willing to help him except Callista who had her arms crossed over her chest. Even how much she stared at him he has similar facial features as him.

[Four Years Ago..]

She looked down at the iron fan in her hands that was given by Cassie, a wizard she had met on the journey. She didn't know why she gave this to her as if it would help her, considering she was best at arcane casting than armament channeling.

She couldn't possibly give it back to her as she thrust it into her hands and run off to a neighboring village. She sighed and put it into a arcane circle twhere a mage would call a magic space where you could store things, like a storage space for mages.

Callista was walking in this quiet forest and finally cursed herself when she noticed that she was only going round and round in circles. She regretted not accepting that forest map Cassie was willing to give her. She was cursing herself, when she suddenly tripped and nearly kiss the ground when she used her hands to balance herself.

"What the.."

A man was sitting on the ground with his hands crossed above his chest, she would've thought he intentionally did it if it wasn't for the fact that he has his eyes closed and was softly snoring.

He was asleep.

She studied his face and he wasn't at least older than her Father, he had long flaming red hair and he wore a black bandana. He has a scar on his cheek and tanned skin, he was also masculine that doesn't fit well with his cat ears.

When she glanced at the object that tripped her she saw a sword. She slightly leaned forward and squinted her eyes at the man with annoyance evident on her face. She could no longer stand it and kicked him in the knee.

"Ow!! What the fuck?!"

"You fucking old geezer! You stupid old man! What do you think you're doing sleeping in the middle of a pathway? Are you trying to kill people, huh?!"

Callista doesn't care about the others but her beautiful face nearly came in contact with the ground and worse disfigured it! It will be this man's fault!

She was not the only one who was unhappy as the man never really liked people or any people in that matter to be wakened up in such a painful way.

His eyebrows furrowed when he saw a little girl who isn't even older than thirteen standing in front of him and scolding him. "Did you get lost, kid?" Callista was enraged more "Do you want to die, huh? And don't call me a kid you son of a bitch!" she cursed in anger that smoke was coming out of her ears.

"My! My! You have a poisonous tongue at that young age?" he said and stretched his arms "Where are your parents?" he asked as he stood up "Why are you asking?" Callista was still upset even after calming herself down a second ago "I'm going to take you back" he said while looking around.

"I'm not lost!" she exclaimed "Then why the fuck is a little brat like you doing in a dangerous place like this?" he asked in confusion "First of all, I'm 13 so I'm not a child and why the hell would I tell you why I'm here?" she sneered.

"You!" he was also pissed but stopped himself as he continuously reminded himself that she was a child. "By the way, do you know which directions to go to the next village?" she asked "Of course. That's where my destination is," he said "Then point to me where I should go," she said

"Are you sure about it? Maybe you're forgetting that we're in the Twisted Forest. Directions can get twisted here that's where it got its name. It will at least take you 15 days to arrive at the next village" he said "Are you saying I should come with you?" she raised a brow.

"Rather than leaving a child here" he rolled his eyes "I said I'm not a child!" she shouted "Whatever you say" he sighed. Callista didn't want to follow him but what choice does he have but to do it? Twisted Forest is twisted for a reason. "What's your name? I should at least know the name of the person I would be traveling with" she said so the man grinned at her.

"The name's Trek, kid"