
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Sea and Rum | Part 5

Caspian noticed Marin's hand slightly trembling as she looked down "Marin? Are you okay? You should've been careful" Caspian worriedly said and quickly got near her "I'm okay" she faintly smiled and glanced at Callista "I'm just surprised that you know that story. Many people don't really remember it now" Marin said.

"I only just heard it a few days ago and wanted to share it with them. What do you think about the story, Marin?" she was taken aback by Callista's question "Pardon?" Marin uttered "You lived by the sea, right? I just wanted to ask your opinion about it" Callista smiled and the others quickly knew that it was a smile of provocation but why?

"Oh.." Marin said and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear "I think that she did it for a reason. I mean, you can't just kill someone you love and spent almost your whole life with and seeing how long it had been when the man got sick I think Lorelei had thought it through for many years" she said and stumbled in her words.

"Ho? But she still killed him in the end and even gave him a tragic death because not only did she kill him, the woman he loved, but also drowned him at the ocean that they once looked from afar together. Just imagine how betrayed he must have felt" there was no pause in Callista's words as Marin suddenly felt horrified.

"T-That's not what I meant..!" she tried explaining when Callista suddenly chuckled "I'm just jesting. You have a unique way of viewing things" she smiled as Marin stayed silent "Miss Callista, that's enough" Caspian had a cold look on his face as he was displeased with her words

"I was just jesting with her. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way, Marin" she said and turned to the woman who smiled "Its fine" she said before clearing her throat "Please, excuse me. I'll be filling this with water again" she said and leaned down to get the bucket on the floor and walked away without looking back.

Caspian followed her without words as the remaining people can only look at their retreating back.

Callista suddenly felt someone smack her in the arm "What the... That hurts!" she groaned and looked at Anastasia with wide eyes "What has gotten into you and you suddenly fought with Marin?" she scolded

"When did I do that!? I was only asking her opinion!" she argued back "But weren't you too much?" they turned to Ivan who was looking at Callista "It was obvious at her expression that she was uncomfortable with your question. You can't just stutter out words without even thinking if the other person would be uncomfortable or not" he said

"So it was my fault now? Ivan, the problem's not me. I only shared a story that I found interesting and decided to share it with you and I have no control at her emotion, so why don't you just sit and think about it for a few minutes before accusing me of starting a fight" she argued as they both stared at each other without backing down.

Anyone could feel the tension between them like fire flickering that would only worsen if wood was added. "Miss Callista" they all turned to see Caspian "Can I talk to you for a minute?" they looked at each other and anyone could notice how Caspian was not in a good mood as he was far from his usual shy self.

"Sure" she said as they walked away together in private "What did you want to talk about?" she asked so he sighed "I didn't like the words you said to Marin" he said and a little part of her somehow already expected his question

"Tell me, how much do you trust her?" she asked "I trust her so much to the point I won't even hesitate to drink anything she serves" Callista couldn't help but chuckle at his statement "Ignorance is a bliss but not if your life is on the line" she said making Caspian furrow his brows.

"What has Marin ever done to you? I don't recall you meeting before for you to speak bad about her like this and suddenly start a fight. She gave you medicine for your sea sickness and accompanied you for the last three days. I don't understand why you're suddenly being like this" he said with deep breathes as if trying to calm himself down.

"We haven't met before and I only knew her three days ago. You're not stupid, Caspian. You know yourself that she's hiding something and yet chose to ignore it everytime. Fuck trust" she laughed before looking up at him.

"That won't save you from what's happening" she snickered "But that doesn't give you the right to tell me not to trust her" he said "I'm not telling you not to trust her, I'm telling you to at least be cautious. Even a married couple can kill each other if they were not given a choice" she warned and Caspian stood there in place that gave Callista a chance to turn her back on him and walk away.


That night, Caspian was deep in thought when Marin entered his room "You feel okay?" she asked when she noticed his expression "I'm fine" he smiled so Marin worriedly moved forward as Caspian naturally hugged her waist

"Are you sure?" she asked and caressed his cheek as he looked up at her. Caspian hummed in response and rested his cheek on her stomach "Marin, is there something your not telling me?" he asked and he could feel her stiffening

"Why are you suddenly asking?" she asked and backed away as they seperated from their hug "I.." Caspian tried explaining making Marin gasp "Caspian, don't tell me you're suspecting me?" her eyes became teary making Caspian stand up

"That's not it! I just..." he tried finding the right words and stepped forward to touch her when she stepped back "I feel like you're hiding something from me" he breathed out "Caspian.." a trace of sadness and hurt flashed on her face "I.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that" he said

"I-Its fine, you're thinking about a lot of things so its better if we think things through" she said and Caspian knew what she meant.

They needed space.

"Marin, I..." he started explaining but she already left the room leaving frustrated and guilty as his fingers run through his hair.