
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Pretty Is Weak | Part 4

Everybody was catching their breathes because they were in the middle of Swordsmanship training and Callista is currently sparring with Denovan.

"W-Wait, aren't you too serious about this? Are you trying to kill me?" she tiredly complained making Denovan chuckle "Maybe it's because you're not getting serious that's why you're losing" he said "But sparring is just sparring! I don't need to get killed in a spar" Denovan shook his head at her complaint.

"Focus. I'm going to attack now"

"Wha—Wait a minute!"

Before she could even get ready their wooden swords clashed as she put all of her strength into the sword as they fought for dominance in battle. "In occasions like this I get annoyed with you" she said with clenched teeth.

"I'm honored" he joked as she was pushed back by his sword. Callista quickly noticed how Denovan took steps back as if getting ready to do something and she already knew what was about to happen.

"W-Wait! Denovan, wait a minute!"


She winced when her butt came into contact with the hard ground with a thud "I said wait! Can't you at least wait for me to get ready?!" she whined and glared up at him "Sorry, Callista" he smiled and reached out a hand to help her stand up. She accepted his help and was pulled

"You're only soft towards Ana" she sighed "What do you mean? I'm always like this during sparring" he feigned innocence making her roll her eyes "Whatever" she said "I'll get water. Do you want one?" he asked so she shook her head.

"No need. I'll just need to rest" she replied and wiped off the sweat on her forehead using her sleeve "Denovan, I'll come with you" Ivan said who was catching his breath from sparring with Anastasia "Okay" he nodded.

"Then I'll come too then" Ignis said as he stood up from where he sat "Get me one too, please" Anastasia exclaimed "Okay" Denovan nodded "Don't make trouble" Ignis said that to Callista before he turned his back on them.

"I appreciate your concern, Ignis" she was delighted at his words even though Ignis had an indifferent attitude.

Callista only stared at their retreating backs as she tiredly sighed. Denovan is so strict when comes to Swordsmanship practice so far compared to Ignis who won't even move from where he sat except when he spars with Denovan or Ana.

"It's hard sparring with Denovan, isn't it?" she turned to Anastasia who was wiping her sweat with a towel "Yes, I was never that good in Swordsmanship so it's a given" she said and massaged her wrist from holding the sword too long.

'You call yourself not that good at Swordsmanship but you were able to beat me who had been trained since young? Just how much are you not good?' Anastasia thought as she eyed the tired Callista.

"He's always been like that. I feel bad for him because my Father had assigned him as my guard since we were a child he had to carry the burdens on his shoulders" she looked down at her feet as she had a sad smile on her face.

"The reason why he is strong now is because of how hard he trained to protect me since then" she smiled "Is that so" Callista hummed as she looked at Anastasia from the side of her eye.

"Tch. You girls still here?"

Both of their expressions became cold when they heard that familiar and annoying voice. Callista noticed how hard Anastasia was clenching her hand so she was the first one to turn around and flashed a smile.

"Good morning, Sir" she greeted and Ion was disgusted by her smiling face "Shouldn't you bow while greeting your superior?" how he looks down at her was pissing her off but even how much she is angered she can't do anything as Ignis had already told her not to make trouble.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Sir" she apologized and bowed her head "Good. Bitches should listen to what they're told to do" Ion smirked as Callista's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

'I won't be making trouble if I was provoked right? So that just means I'm still following what Ignis told me and also handling the situation with my anger lessened too' she thought.

She nodded to herself at her smart solution and was about to raise her head when someone lift her and was pushed her behind. "What do you think you're doing?" she stared at Anastasia who had hidden her behind "Respect your elders, Miss Anastasia" Ion answered with furrowed brows

"And you should respect your superiors!" anger was evident on her face that no one dared to stop her "Who do you think you are treating my friend as if she was a dog?" she said in clenched teeth.

"Why? Shouldn't women be treated as such? They don't have any benefit in the country other than increasing the population and contributing to men's desires" he said that as if he had said nothing wrong.

"Are you saying women are only trash that should be used by men?" Anastasia asked in disbelief "Exactly. I don't even know why the great Emperor even let you live. He would not gain any benefit from keeping a daughter as his heir" he mocked.

"You!.. " Anastasia was ready to pounce when Callista held her back by the shoulder "Be composed, Ana. Remember that you are royalty" she reminded her as she lost her composure for a minute.

"Yes, yes" she took deep breaths to calm herself "Thank you" she smiled as Callista nodded in reply before turning to Ion who had a raised brow "As for you, you do know that it is treason to offend the royal family" she said her expression cold

"I'm only saying the truth. Everybody in this Kingdom would be delighted if the Grand Duke's son would be the heir to the throne but no, it has to be a useless, weak, naive little girl who doesn't even know anything about how the Kingdom goes or how politics function so—" she scoffed.

"I don't know if you're just that prideful or just plainly stupid" Ion was taken aback by her words and the cold glare she gave him.

"Should I teach you a lesson then?"