
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Masked Swordsman

Callista was taken aback when Emily suddenly hugged her "I'm glad you finally went out" she said and finally break away "I'm sorry for letting you worry" she apologetically smiled as she looked around.

They were currently at the end of the stairs outside their dormitory, Ignis had left her room and told her that the others were getting worried so she finally decided to go out. The first thing that welcomed her were the girls from the dormitory who asked if she was okay. She was flustered, to be honest.

"Were you doing something?" she asked as she turned to Emily, so Emily shook her head "I was just on my way to meet lord Ivan" it was like on cue when the mentioned man suddenly appeared "Hey, Emily!— Woah, so you finally decided to go out to the light?" he said when he saw her as she clicked her tongue.

"Shut up, lover boy" she sneered and turned to Emily "Why did you start hanging out with him? He's an annoying bastard" she said and even pointed at Ivan "Well, if someone had only went out of their room, then we wouldn't have to ask her all the time about you" he sarcastically retorted.

"S-So, are you now alright?" Ivan suddenly asked with a change of tone "Why do you care?" Callista asked back with a raised brow "Look, we were seriously worried about you, okay? Sheesh" Ivan replied with a glance. Callista was surprised to see Ivan's serious face with his answer "I'm alright, you guys shouldn't worry anymore" she answered.

"By the way, what even made you go out of your room?" Ivan curiously asked. Callista's face turned red as she heard the question "I-I, cause I wanted to! Idiot!" She bashfully answered with a loud tone "Y-You don't need to shout at me like that!" Ivan shouted back.

Emily was just chuckling seeing them both back to their usual arguements. The two stopped when they heard Emily chuckle while glancing at them.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Callista asked "I'm just glad that you guys are back to normal" Emily replied with a smile "Normal?! There is nothing normal when I'm with this idiot!" Ivan replied back with a tone.

"Lord Ivan, you musn't say things like that..."

"I-I'm sorry...It's just that she's arguing with me Emily..."

Callista stared at them as she suddenly felt warm. Why though? Did Ignis said were true? Did they really get worried for her? She didn't know what to feel exactly. She looked down with a frown but then sensed something as her hand quickly raised to push Emily away.

Everything happened so fast that all of the students at the scene weren't able to move as Callista was covered with smoke by an unexpected attack, that even Callista who had already sensed wasn't able to dodge quickly. Callista touched her face as something cut her cheek.

Ivan turned to the side to see the one who attacked. He saw a man with long hair wearing a mask flying down to the ground while holding a sword.

'His...presence is something else' He worriedly thought.

Callista looked down at her fingers to see traces of blood from her cheek when she touched it.

She looked up to see a man with a white mask "Don't you have manners? It's rude to interfere in our conversation like that" she calmly said but the man didn't answer as he simply looked at another direction. Callista followed his line of sight and came to a realization to what he was planning to do as she quickly sprinted. She was able to stop the man's sword with her bare hands as she glanced back at Emily and the other girls who were looking at them wide eyed.

"Get them out of here, Ivan!" she commanded as Ivan hesitated in pulling Emily away from the scene "C-Callista! How about you?!" Ivan worriedly asked. "I'm handling this! Go!" Callista replied as she pushed the intruder away and winced as she looked at her hand to see a burnt cut from the blade. "Damn it! Everybody move!" Ivan alerted the students as they ran away from the scene.

The wound slowly healed as she looked up to look at the sword on his hand and looked at him in amusement.

"I see. So you're sacred" it seems like the man didn't expect it as he flinched "There is no ounce of dark magic in you. I wonder how Sebastian was able to fool you to work for him" she said and smirked as the man remained unmoving "May I know this Masked Swordsman's name?" she asked.

"Daivik" he replied with his deep voice "And what did you came here for?" she asked "I was given the task to kill the nuisance" she acted as if she was hurt.

"That's mean. How come your Master treat me as a nuisance?" she pouted and chuckled when she saw he was indifferent "Daivik, right? I like your honesty" she said.

"But I can't forgive you for attempting to kill me a while ago" she added as her eyes changed color. Daivik was immediately alerted as he raised his sword. Callista reached out her hand as a grey magic circle appeared on her palm that formed a red and black ball as it flew towards Daivik in a fast pace.

He slashed it with his sword as it evaporated, something Callista didn't expect. Her hand fell to her side and her pupils dilated when she was suddenly sent flying by his sword as she hit the dormitory wall, leaving a crack.

Ivan who had been retreating the scene with Emily and the other girls looked back at Callista in shock, he couldn't believe she let him attack her. From the days they had spent together,

Ivan knew one thing about Callista. She never likes to get hurt by others and once she had, she will pay back triple, depends at her mood. Emily worriedly glanced at Ivan as she flinched when Daivik attacked her again with a punch. "Emily" Ivan said making Emily turn her glance at him "Please escort everyone to safety" he added "W-What about you?" Emily worriedly asked "I'm going back to Callista. I can't bare that she always let us go to safety like this while she faces those kinds of threats. That's why I'm helping her." Ivan said as impatience was seen on his face "I-I'll escort them, you should go now! Becareful!" Emily said as she gave Ivan a hug. Ivan was surprised by the hug as a blush appeared on his cheeks "T-Thank you, I will" he replied with sparks of electricity coming out of his body as he dashed through the field at sonic speed heading to where Callista is.

Daivik was hurting Callista physically than using his sword. "Oi!" The intruder flinched when he heard a shout coming at him. He turned to where the voice came from and saw a mass of electricity heading towards him in a mach speed. As Daivik was just about to react, a ball of lightning hits his face as he went flying across the dormitory grounds.

"Callista!" Ivan called as he approached Callista's body laying on the ground. Callista was still in a definite shape as he supported her arm in his shoulder and stood her up. "Hey! Talk to me!" Ivan called once more "Can you please shut up?" He flinched when he heard a voice coming from behind him as he turned to see who it was "C-Callista?! H-How are you there?!" Ivan was frightened to see Callista behind him. "You ruined my plan Idiot. Haven't I told you to get out of here?" Callista said with her arms crossed. Ivan turned to the body he was holding as it disappeared like thin smoke. He was taken aback with what had happened as he looked back at Callista "T-That was terrifying!" Ivan replied, baffled.

"W-What was that all about?! Was that all a facade?!" Ivan furiously asked "It was supposed to be a facade if you didn't intervene" Callista sneered at him with crossed arms "So it was my fault for coming back to help you?!" Ivan replied.

The two of them stopped arguing as they sensed someone approaching them from the smoke of the debris. It was Daivik.

"So, you are still standing, huh?" Callista said as her eyes changed color once more. She rushed to the man with her sword as she initiated the attack by swinging her sword first. "C-Callista!" Ivan called when he was caught off guard by Callista's action. Daivik dodged Callista's attack and slashed her stomach, leaving Callista speechless with the pain making her fall to her knees. The man was rushing towards Ivan after he dodged her attack with speed. Ivan was surprised to see Daivik approach him with his sword as Ivan wasn't prepared enough to react back. The man performed a technique as he slashed his sword upwards leaving Ivan ajar. With that, blood was seen flying in the air as Ivan fell to the ground, unconscious.

"That attack...Ivan!" Callista was in shock and couldn't move after witnessing Ivan's situation. Her aura grew bigger that Daivik felt it all over his body "So, it was you!" she furiously said as the blood that flew out of Ivan's chest floated in mid air and formed into multiple thorns.

Daivik was surprised to see the attack while he tightly gripped on his sword as those thorns flew directly towards him so fast. Daivik was still able to avoid all of those thorns by continuously slashing his sword.

Then suddenly, he was cut.

He clutched into his arm that was cut and gritted his teeth in pain "I'm going to kill you" Callista coldly said as she levitates in the air "Blood arts? I see, a holder of dark magic..." Daivik suddenly said as he stood from his knee. Both of them rushed at each other at the same time with a dash.

The clashing of their swords are heard through out the dormitory grounds as they par with each other in a godly speed. He was too taken aback to witness how Callista was able to match his swordsmanship and how she was able to use dark magic. He was too focused with his thoughts that he wasn't able to notice Callista getting near him and kicked him in the abdomen, sending him flying meters away across the field.

Before he could even stand up, another attack sent him flying. One after another, just like what he did to her earlier. He coughed up blood from the attacks as he weakly kneeled on the ground and when he looked up Callista was staring down at him producing this menacing aura around her.

'She really is something' He thought.

Without saying anything, she raised her palm to attack and without hesitation, she started to swing.


The sword flew away as someone was holding her wrist "Let go of me!" she hissed and glared at the person who stopped her "Stop it" Regan glared in response and glanced at Daivik "You're ruining the school buildings. It has recently been restored" Callista laughed bitterly.

"I wouldn't give a fuck if the buildings fall apart! I need to kill him, Regan! Right now!" she demanded as the wind suddenly felt heavy "Stop it! Right now!" he shouted back realizing she was about to go rogue even more "He killed her!" Callista's face softened.

Regan felt like a bucket of cold water had been splashed onto him as his breathing hitched.

"What?" he asked.

"He killed her, Regan..." her voice was soft and trembling. The both of them turned to Daivik when someone appeared behind him "Daivik, she isn't here. Master wants us to go back now" she was a woman not older than them and was also wearing a mask.

"I...I understand" Daivik obediently stood up, hurting as he walked to the portal "Who the hell are you guys?!" Callista furiously asked as the woman with a mask only glimpsed back at her with the corner of her eyes. Callista didn't want them to get away but Regan stopped her "What are you doing?! Didn't you hear me?! He's the one who killed her!" she gritted her teeth.

"I heard you, but I'm not like you who wouldn't care if more chaos are produced" Callista was furious when she heard that but Daivik and the woman was already gone. "Fuck!" she muttered and clicked her tongue as she pulled her arm back that Regan was holding.

"Callista!" A voice of a man was heard behind them as they both turned to the voice "The Young Duke?" Regan said "Are...Are you alright?" Ignis asked as Callista noticed how Ignis was wounded "Ignis! You're bleeding!" Callista worriedly said "Same goes to you too you know" Ignis replied as Regan conjured up a spell to heal both of them "What also happened to you?" Regan asked "A...A woman who was wearing a mask attacked me, she was looking for Anastasia" Ignis replied as he was catching his breath.

"That woman a while ago..." Regan commented "She's powerful..." Ignis continued Regan's sentence "They both are" Regan added "This is a pain in the head" he continued as he pinched his temple "I'll be reporting this to the imperial council. Both of you should go to the academy hospital to treat those wounds further, your friend Ivan is also there if you're wondering" he added.

Callista blankly stared at Regan's face for a few seconds before coming to a realization "Shit! I forgot about Ivan!" She went into panic mode as she heard his name "Don't worry. I already teleported him there while you were going rogue. He was severely wounded, so he may be stuck there for a couple of days" Regan commented "I think we already should go, Callista" Ignis suggested. "I think so too, those wounds aren't waiting for your tired butts to move" Regan said. The two of them were surprised when an arcane circle appeared below them as Callista realized what it was "Regan! You son of a-" Callista's foul mouth was cut off as they were teleported away in an instant.

'This is getting way out of hand than I expected' Regan worriedly thought as he stares at the aftermath of Callista's rampage.