
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Kidnapped | Part 4

"I'll go with him" Denovan said and stood up before pulling Lance with him "You have to make sure Ana stays safe Denovan" Ivan said with a smirk as Denovan grinned back.

"What!? You're leaving them here!?" Lance asked with wide eyes, he can't believe what he was hearing.

"They can take care of it. We're not students of the Academy for nothing." Denovan assured and pushed Lance to leave the room.

When the two men finally left, Ivan put all of his attention to Callista "You have to calm down Callista! Your mana is flowing out!" he said and tried pulling her away but was only pushed away.

"Shut up, Ivan! I haven't gone rogue yet! I'm still in the right state of mind." she said with a huff while her face was in a scowl.

"But still..! You need to stop or else you'll kill everyone here" he said making Callista grin "Good. I'm letting them taste their own medicine" she said and raised her sword to attack the trembling Miller.

The extreme bloodthirst coming out of Callista is making Ivan suffocate but he has to do something until the Sacred Templars and the Emperor arrives.

He ran towards Ignis who was on the floor and used healing magic on him "You have to stand up. Callista will kill that man at this point" Ivan said and turned to Callista to see a scene that would either excite him or traumatize him.

Callista beheaded Miller with no hesitation in her eyes as Miller's head rolled off. Ivan was speechless as Callista turned to them and the color of her eyes turned back to grey and her sword vanished from her hand as she stumbled before regaining her balance.

"C-Callista, your hair.." Ivan said with trembling eyes so Callista touched her hair in a daze to see that strands of her hair has turned white.

"I-it's okay. This is normal." she said with a smile "You shouldn't have killed him Callista. The Emperor was supposed to be the one doing that." Ignis said and groaned as he stood up.

"Is that so? Sorry, as I said, my patience is rather thin" she said and smiled like she was not even a bit bothered by the murder she did and the blood that splattered in her dress and cheek.

Ivan stood up while his eyes still fixated on Callista "W-wipe your cheek" he said and handed her a handkerchief "What a gentleman" she sarcastically muttered and wiped the blood off her cheek with the handkerchief she received.

"Ivan! Ignis!" they turned to see Anastasia by the door with Denovan and the Emperor following behind her.

Anastasia quickly ran towards Ignis to check on him "What happened here?" Emperor Allister muttered while looking at the room full of corpses before turning to the children.

"Young Duke...did you do all of this?" he asked while looking straight at Ignis. There was a moment of silence as Ivan glanced at the two, hesitating if he would tell the truth and let Callista get punished by the law.

"Yes, Uncle" Ivan turned to Ignis with wide eyes shocked at Ignis's lie, he then turned to Callista who only silently stared at the Emperor.

Emperor Allister sighed "You should be careful. Your Father would kill me if you get hurt" he said and turned to his men to tell his orders.

"Callista? Are you okay? You suddenly got out of control earlier" Anastasia worriedly asked and turned to Callista who smiled "I'm okay. And I didn't get out of control I just got a little angry" she said with a shrug.

"Still, you were letting your magic go too much" Ivan said with a shake of his head "It's a relief that you guys are okay" Denovan said and glanced at Callista who was talking to Anastasia.

Even though he left early he still properly saw her and those red eyes are telling him she's dangerous. Just who is she?

"By the way, where's that moron?" Callista asked when she didn't see someone "Young Miss! Princess!" their heads turned to the door to see Lance catching his breath.

"Thank god. You're alright" he said with a relieved sigh and stood in front of them "I wouldn't have left you if he didn't pull me away. He's stronger than he looks." Lance said and eyed Denovan.

"Captain Sullivan from the First Platoon" his back straightened as he turned to face the Emperor "I greet this Empire's sun" he said and saluted.

"I am disappointed that you couldn't protect these children, Captain" Allister said as he glared down at him making Lance sweat "I'm sorry, Sir" he said and gulped.

"Stop scaring him, Father. It was also his help that we didn't get hurt while being transferred here" Emperor Allister's expression softened with Anastasia's words before clicking his tongue and glaring at Lance again.

"You are dismissed" he said and Lance didn't hesitate at all as he quickly responded "Yes, Sir" he did one last salute and hurried outside.

Callista stared at Lance's retreating back as she smirked behind her poker face. She admits that she is delighted with Lance's misery.

"Lady Callista" she turned to the Emperor when he called her but Callista could only do was blink in shock when Emperor Allister bowed at her.

She hasn't been shocked in her life that she was speechless as Emperor Allister raise his head.

"I am forever grateful to you for saving my daughter so I promise to give you a reward for your bravery" he said as Callista sighed "I would rather you do not do that" she said.

"What? Why? You saved me" Anastasia also said in confusion so Callista looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Just so you know, I didn't save you I was saving Ignis it was only a coincidence that you were being taken away" she said and rolled her eyes.

"Still, if you haven't done that then I should've been killed right now" she said. All of them turned to Emperor Allister when he laughed out loud.

"You remind me of him in every way" he said while staring at Callista who was looking at him as if he was a freak.

"If you don't want to accept my gratitude then my family will forever be in debt to you" he said with now a sincere smile on his face.

"I said it's fine-... Kkegh!" she wasn't able to finish her sentence when a violent cough went up to her throat "Callista!" Anastasia exclaimed in shock when she saw the blood on her palm.

"Is it because you overused your magic earlier?" Ivan asked with furrowed brows "Should we take you to the Hospital?" Denovan also asked as Ignis stayed silent while staring at Callista from the side.

"I said I'm fine. This is normal whenever I take out a big sum of magic that my body is left in shock" she said and coughed violently again "But anyways, I'm fine" she said so they didn't ask anymore.