
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Green and Blue | Part 3

The Office doors were suddenly pushed open as a panicked Marin carrying Emily came to view. Anastasia who was talking with Ignis stood up in shock "What the..!" she exclaimed in surprise.

"Adam!" Ivan called out so Adam quickly used his power to carefully lay Emily on a sofa. "What's happening, Marin? Why is she like this?" Anastasia asked "Someone suddenly stabbed her and Callista was able to kill the attacker but I don't think she will last long" she replied while shaking her head while nervously chewing on her lip.

"Callista? How about her? Where is she?" Denovan asked "I don't know. I think she's going to find the man," she said "Man? What man?" Anastasia asked as she hurriedly started casting a healing spell.

"A man appeared in the shadow and... I don't know! I can't understand!" Marin cried "What do you mean you can't understand?!" Anastasia exclaimed in frustration "Ana, calm down," Denovan said and held her shoulder "He's right. We have to stable her situation first" Ignis said when the door suddenly opened again to show Callista.

"Callista? What happened? Why did Emily become like this?!"

Ivan was the first one to confront her, Callista deliberately ignored and glanced at Anastasia "May I borrow this room for a second?" she asked "What?" her eyebrows furrowed in confusion while she waited for an answer.

"No. Whatever you're going to do we're going to watch" she stubbornly said "Fine. I don't have any energy to argue with you," she said and before any of them asked Anastasia's desk was suddenly flipped backward by her.

She was throwing a tantrum.

Types of Furniture were flipped, vases were shattered, and chairs were thrown on walls.

Everything in the room was destroyed except for the sofa that Emily was laying on. They couldn't do anything but watch as Callista ruined everything in the room. She was catching her breathe by the time she finished and was facing them sideways.

"That son of a bitch!"

It was just a split second but all of them saw for a moment Callista's face smirking face when the hair that was covering her face earlier was moved away by her movement. Her eyes were glowing a bloody red color that sent them goosebumps. When Callista faced them, her face was now calmer "I'm sorry if I destroyed your things" she said and glanced at Emily who had a piece of ice stabbed in her stomach.

"You must be curious as to why Emily is like that"

She said and looked at Marin "According to the information I heard, Emily's father was a Northern Barbarian. Her mother died from childbirth. She wasn't able to survive after giving birth to a half blood considering that she's a full-blooded earth spirit"

Northern Barbarians are people who live in the Northern Kingdom and are traitors exiled from the Empire. She got this information from Regan and some from Marin when they talked.

According to Regan, Emily's current guardian was also an earth spirit but was not her biological mother. She just took her in after finding her lost in the woods. The Father's existence? He was never seen.

"I don't know what happened, but Emily was the one who made that huge tree in the Garden and also the culprit in the male student's death"

They were silent from her explanation "That ice that stopped her is called eternal freeze. It's a rare attack magic that a mage could master as it can also kill the caster if it was casted wrong. Eternal Freeze is known for freezing the target to a night of eternal sleep and no fire can melt the ice" she said and glanced at Emily.

"How can we stop it? How can we cure her?" she stared at Ivan's worried face "Ivan, I'm not a saint" she replied with a stone-cold face "But I.." Ivan clenched his hands in frustration and helplessness making Callista sigh. She walked forward to Anastasia "Ana, take care of Emily while I go out" she said.

"But Callista.." she tried protesting "Please.." her lips pursed together "Where are you going?" she asked to change the topic as a smirk crept on her lips "What else? I'm going to hunt the one behind this," she said and Anastasia knew it without asking.

She was angry.

"Okay," she nodded and didn't talk anymore "I'll come with you," Ivan said with determination "Then I'll tag along" Ignis also said "Whatever you want," Callista said as she was too tired to argue as she left the room followed by the two men.


"Don't you think they're so interesting to look at?" Sebastian said with a smirk "But Master, why are you so interested with that kid?" Ravi asked "Ravi, it's only normal for human beings to get interested in something fragile" he replied.

"But you're a demon" she said "But I was once human before I turned into a demon" he said and looked at her by the shoulder "Ravi, we shouldn't forget who we are before we got all of this. We shouldn't forget the despair we felt before we got this power" he said.

"But why?" she asked again not fully understanding why he's so interested with that girl "Why you ask? Callista, that girl, never felt that despair and pain. She was naturally born with that power, I want her to feel desperation as she struggles on my hand" he said as he stared at the mirror that showed what was happening in the Academy.

"That type of nuisance needs to disappear" Ravi pursed her lips at his words "How are you going to do that?" she asked "Don't worry. Someone will take care of it" he said with a wicked smile.


All three of them was searching the whole campus looking for Sebastian "Who are we exactly looking for, Callista?" Ivan asked "Remember the vision I showed you about Marin's mother?" she said so he nodded "What about her?" he asked

"A man named Sebastian is the one that influenced her actions. It seems like he was also the one who had been ordering the Undertakers to attack the Academy" she explained.

"That's impossible. No magic can influence another person's action" Ivan shook his head "Unless its dark magic. I don't know how much you know about black magic, but it can taint a person's soul" she said as Ignis quietly stared at them.

Ivan was about to speak again when the ground suddenly shook and thick veins grew from the ground. When they glanced at the direction of the poisonous tree, a woman in a green dress appeared. Callista squinted her eyes and could see the black shadow surrounding her.

"Callista, that woman.." Ivan said as if not believing what his currently witnessing "I know. She's dangerous" as she said as that woman opened her eyes. She raised her hand as the leaves falling from the tree all stopped in mid-air and was slowly pointing at them as if it were small blades. The three of them knew that they were damned.

Anastasia bit her lip as she was healing Emily "Lady Ana, I don't think she could last long" Denovan said hesitantly who was also casting healing magic "Don't say that!" she exclaimed as Adam anxiously stared at them.

She looked at Emily who had her eyebrows furrowed in pain "If I can't save one person then how am I able to save an Empire?" she weakly said as Denovan's expression softened "Ana" he reached out to her and squeezed the hand that was pointing at Emily.

"You can't force something that can't be fixed like how an Emperor can't force his people to be loyal" he tried persuading her "But I should at least try!" she stubbornly said "And.." her vision became misty from the tears and Denovan was also taken aback while Adam felt helpless.

"Callista... It was the first time she even asked something from me... that stubborn girl could actually make a face like that" she bitterly smiled remembering Callista's face she hadn't seen "So, at least, I could pay back everything she had done for us by saving this girl.." she cried.

"At least by this, I could pay back that shitty attitude of hers" she said. Denovan didn't know she had thoughts like that, it may be true that Callista had done many things for them even at her bitchy remarks and biased attitude towards them. Denovan knew that Anastasia didn't completely trust her but who would thought that some part of her actually treated Callista as a friend she could talk comfortably without worrying about her royal position. Maybe that's what's good about Callista, she didn't give a shit about titles whether you're a royal or not, she would always show that bitchy attitude, she treated everyone the same like they were all human.

You would even forget your own noble position just by talking to her and just by imagining, she would've possibly been a royal brat.

"Ana, I.." Denovan was about to coax her when a light suddenly flashed in Anastasia's palm blinding the three people in the room.

Callista and the others remained rooting in place as they believe that those leaves won't give them any damage but they thought wrong.

Once the leaves flew towards them in lightning speed, it slashed through a tree a few distance away from them as the tree was cut in half like how a sharp blade cuts it. Ivan and Callista had their mouth agape in shock at their witnessing.

"Wha— What the fuck?!" she exclaimed as they simultaneously ducked to dodge the leaves that was about to hit them. "That woman is dangerous! Dangerous I tell you!" Ivan shouted in horror as they all turned to the woman who had glowing green eyes.

"Who the hell is she?" Callista muttered in confusion "She's Emily's guardian" Ignis said from what she remembered in the student information that he studied before joining the Student Council. Every Student Council member had to memorize every students' information and that includes the student's current guardian.

"But why is she here? Why is she attacking us?" Ivan asked baffled "Ivan, look closely" she said so he turned to the woman and carefully studied her. He then noticed the black shadow surrounding her and her face was in a daze as if she didn't even know what she was doing.

"I don't think she's with us. She's not the one in control" she said with a shake of her head. Ivan remembered the conversation he had with Emily a few weeks ago in the library.

[Flashback.. ]

"My parents?" Emily asked at Ivan's sudden question "Yeah. Seeing how you are talented in herbalism your should've taken the same profession" he said "Oh.." she said and looked at her paper.

"I don't have parents" she flashed a sad smile "W-What happened?" Ivan cursed at himself when he realized what he had just said and wanted to take it back when she started talking "My Father wasn't with me when I was born and according to my Grandmother who raised me, my Mother died in childbirth and my Dad disappeared before she even gave birth to me" she said.

"Why did he disappear?" he asked again "Well, he went back to the North to work but he didn't come back" she said before sighing "Anyways, my Grandmother passed away when I was six so I lived in the woods alone when my adopted mother took me in" she smiled "I see. It must've been hard" he frowned "You can say that" she said and went back in answering her paper.

[Present Time]

"Ignis, Callista" the both of them turned to him "You have to get near her and try to attack her from her blind spot" he said "How about you? What are you going to do?" she asked and looked up at him when she suddenly stood up.

"Me? I'm going to cast a barrier so the academy walls won't be destroyed" he said "I see. Then good luck" she said and pulled Ignis away without looking back. She didn't even ask him again or at least acted like she was worried. He would really hit her after this.