
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
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101 Chs

An Urgent Matter

Sofia looked out from the carriage as people come and go at the capital. Sofia turned to Siege who was also looking outside. "Big brother" she called as Siege turned to her "What is it?" he curiously asked as she looked at her lap "Do you think Father will get mad at me as we get back?" she asked as she carefully studied Siege's expression.

"Why do you think so?" he asked with furrowed brows as she fiddled with her fingers "Well...Ignis suddenly cancelled our engagement without even his Father's permission. Also, Father sent me to the academy to strengthen our relationship, but in the end it was the complete opposite..." she worriedly said.

Siege thought for a moment before looking outside the window "Rather than being mad, maybe Father would be worried that something might have happened between you and Ignis. Father knows that you like Ignis, just imagine seeing your daughter have her heart broken" he smiled and it took Sofia a couple of seconds to finally understand.

"But, how about the two kingdom's relationship? Would that be affected as well?" she asked anxiously "I don't know, it's not like Ignis publicly announced that the engagement between the two of you was cancelled. Your reputation wasn't tarnished and Father knew Ignis since he was young, so he atleast knows a little bit of Ignis's personality" Siege comfortingly said "You...may have a point" Sofia agreed as she looks out the carriage window.

"Was it necessary for you to not say your farewells to Ignis and the others?" Siege curiously asked out of nowhere "I...I feel like I'll hurt myself even more If I did..." Sofia replied with sorrow while Siege glanced at her face, finally keeping his mouth shut.


"Where do you guys think Callista went?" Ivan asked "I don't know, but I'm sure she needs somewhere to go to" Denovan replied as Ignis agreed "I'm worried about her..." Anastasia worriedly wondered where Callista went as she was called by a familiar voice

"Your Highness" she turned to the one who spoke and was surprised to see him "Darren? What are you doing here? Is Father here?" she asked as she looked around

"The Emperor is calling for you and ordered me to accompany you to the Palace" he explained so she hesitantly looked at the other "Is it urgent?" she asked and looked back at her Father's secretary. "Yes" he replied.

"Go with Darren, Ana. Let Denovan accompany you also" Ignis suddenly said "Okay, but..." Anastasia looked hesitant as she fidgeted "Why are you hesitating?" Ignis asked "Its just...will she be okay?" All of them knew who she was referring to "We can't leave her in that state" she worriedly said as she looked down "She'll be fine" Ivan smiled to calm her down

"They can check up on her when we leave" Denovan suggested as Anastasia looked up at his smiling face "That's right! We can do that, so you don't have to worry" Ivan agreed with a nod but Anastasia still hesitated "We'll take care of it" Ignis also said so she didn't have a choice.

"Okay then" she sighed and turned to Darren "Please take me to my Father" she smiled "Please go inside, Your Highness" he said and motioned to the carriage they used.

Anastasia nodded in reply as she turned back "Make sure to check on her, okay?" she reminded as she was afraid that they might forget "I told you! Don't worry!" Ivan said and cheerfully waved at them as they enter the carriage followed by Darren.

Seeing that they had left, Ivan turned to Ignis "Do you think she'll be willing to talk to us?" he asked "What do you think?" Ignis sarcastically answered with a raised brow making Ivan nod "Then why agree that we'll check up on her?" Ivan asked

"Do you think Ana will go with Darren if we didn't?" Ignis retorded making Ivan look down. Even if he denied it, it can't hide the fact that he was as worried as Anastasia. Ivan could somehow understand Callista's feelings and her being reluctant to talk to them when her loved one had passed away.


The double doors of the study was pushed open by the servants as the three walked in "You're finally here" Emperor Allister said as he puts down the document he was reading "Why did you urgently call me out of the blue, Father?" she asked curiously and glanced at Darren who stood beside Allister

"I apologize for that. I know you're tired from your journey, but this matter is important" Anastasia bit her lip and was reminded about what happened in Gael's village "What's so important that you even got Darren to look for me?" she asked impatiently as she already wanted to go back to look for Callista.

Allister obviously didn't notice his daughter's bad mood as he was looking down at the papers "It's about your coronation" he said. Anastasia was surprised to hear her Father's words as her eyes widened, while Denovan was taken aback

"Coronation? So suddenly?" she asked as Allister leaned on his chair with a sigh and pinched his temples feeling a headache coming

"Well, unfortunately, the council has been pestering me for you to get crowned already. They said that you're already at the right age to get crowned. But, they're probably just using that as a reason because they cannot stay calm until the heir of the throne is still not decided" he said in gritted teeth remembering the council meeting he had a while ago.

"Aren't they being unreasonable? Haven't you already told them that I'll be crowned on my 20th birthday? Why are they rushing it?" She asked anxiously at this sudden situation

"It's because of the neighboring empire from the west. Their Imperial Prince was recently killed by assassins before he was crowned, and the council got worried that it might happen to you too" he replied "Aren't they worrying nonsense?!" she exclaimed.

"I know that this is a big shock to you, sweetheart, but I don't have a choice either, especially if the people of the Empire is getting worried too. After all, the information about the date of your coronation had been leaked by a mole in the palace" Anastasia clenched her fists as her nails dug into her flesh.

Denovan noticed her behavior and reached out to touch her hand as that action was noticed by Allister's eyes. Anastasia felt Denovan's warmth in her hand as he moved away when she finally calmed down.

Allister was obviously displeased with their interaction, but he didn't have the guts to say anything, seeing how Anastasia was already not in her best state.

"Ana, I know you're not ready yet and I don't want you to be crowned so suddenly also. But, I believe that you're able to get pass through anything" his face and voice softened as he smiled at her

"You're my only daughter after all" Anastasia felt safe hearing his words as she sadly looked at him "Can't you really do anything else?" she asked so he apologized as he smiled

"I'm sorry, Ana" he said so she sighed "Alright, I guess I have no choice then..." she said "Thank you, sweetheart. Always remember that I'll shoulder your burden with you" he said as she softly smiled "Thank you, Father" She replied.