
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs


People were chatting in the huge ballroom as the soft music of violin and piano can be heard as people danced in the middle. Callista obviously doesn't enjoy events like this as she stood in a corner staring at the people dancing.

"I can't believe you still have a frown on your face" she turned to see Anastasia smiling at her "I'm surprised you still have time to chat with me. You were just getting surrounded earlier, right?" she raised a brow

"Denovan can take care of it" Anastasia shrugged and playfully elbowed her "You look good on the dress that I gave you. It fits you perfectly" she grinned "Now that you mention it, how did you even know my size? I wouldn't expect Adam to know" Callista squinted her eyes suspiciously as Anastasia chuckled

"I asked Ignis. Although I had doubts that he knows but it perfectly fits you now that that I'm seeing you in person" her ears perked up hearing Ignis being mentioned "Really?" her eyes sparkled as she looked at her expectantly

"You really get interested if my cousin is mentioned, huh?" Anastasia didn't know wether to laugh or cry "By the way, where is he?" she curiously asked "His talking with Uncle Alexander" Anastasia replied and looked at the dance floor

"I still get amazed whenever I see this side of Ivan" Anastasia can't help but comment as Callista followed her line of sight. She was staring at Ivan who was currently dancing with Emily with a grin on his face.

"I've always thought that the only thing he can do was pull pranks all day. As you know, Ivan gets bored easily. You don't know what we had to go through whenever he was bored" she shivered at the memories

"God, I wonder what he did to you that makes you not want to remember it" she scoffed "Oh, don't get me started" she rolled her eyes and furiously looked at Callista

"Ivan would pester the Professors before that's why the Headmaster always has a headache with him. He nearly set the school on fire last year saying he was curious what the Academy looked like in ashes, he got suspended after his attempt though. He even made all of the elementary school students from the next building cry because he said that they were all born from the trash" she shook her head at the memory while Callista was speechless.

She suddenly remembered the time when Ivan also made those students cry on Witchcraft when they first met. So it wasn't the first time, huh?

"Wow, his really a jerk" she smacked her lips together whole Anastasia nodded in agreement "Lady Ana" both of them turned to the one who called and saw Denovan "The Emperor wants to talk you" he said and glanced at Callista

"You look beautiful tonight, Callista" he smiled "Why, thank you. You also look handsome yourself" she grinned making him chuckle "Did something happened? Why is he calling me all of a sudden?" Anastasia asked curiously

"He wants you to open his gift first. He stated that you shouldn't open or accept anyone else's before his" he said while Callista has a complicated look "Really" Anastasia only sighed as if it was a normal thing to do

"I'll be back" she bid farewell as Callista raised her glass as a reply as she stared at them walk away. Callista stopped herself from yawning as she was getting bored and would rather sleep at the dorm.

She was already contemplating wether to ditch the party when someone reached out a hand in front of her "Wow, you look good today" she complimented while Jake raised a brow "I don't know wether I should take that as a compliment" he said

"Well, it is" she replied and looked down at his hand "What's this for? Asking me to dance?" she asked and tilted her head "Why else would I reach my hand out to you like this?" he scowled

"I don't know. Maybe your begging me for money?" she teasingly smirked "Why you..!" he took a deep breath to calm himself down "Can you just dance with me? Jackson wanted to dance with you but can't so I volunteered on his behalf" he explained as Callista understandingly nodded

"Where is he?" she asked as he turned to a direction as she followed his line of sight. He was in a corner talking to a classmate and it seemed like he felt her gaze as they made eye contact and the first thing he did was smile at her.

Callista smiled and waved back "If only you were as sweet as Jackson" she said and accepted his hand "If only you were normal like the others" he retorted making her roll her eyes as she was taken to the dance floor.

"By the way, where is Hugo currently staying?" she asked suddenly remembering that old man "You only remembered? He can't possibly go back to the mountain now so with the help of the Headmaster a house was built in a peaceful village for old people. You can say his now living his life" he replied as he twirled her around

"I see" she said and studied his face "Jake, don't you ever blame your Father? Although he didn't have any intentions hurting you and Jackson with your brother but it doesn't change the fact that he acted as if you didn't exist for many years" she said and felt his hand tighten on her waist.

Jake certainly didn't expect her question as he thought it through "I don't think so" he said "Why?" she asked with furrowed brows "He didn't actually act like we didn't exist. He still thought of us from time to time and now that I think about it I'm the one wondering if he blames us" he laughed bitterly

"Why would you?" Callista certainly did not understand his words "We were filled with rage and bitterness whenever we saw him that we didn't think at his point of view. When my Mother died he was the one who received the strongest blow out of all of us. Even we needed a time to think and be by ourselves, we lost a mom but he also lost a wife. By the time he was able to move on a few years had already passed, he didn't know how to get close to us anymore and although Jackson didn't openly expressed his hostility but I did. It seems like he felt he couldn't fix this and can only let us be and support us in silence" he sighed

"We can't really blame him for what he did" her eyes casted down as they continued to dance "Why do you ask though?" he curiously asked "Oh, nothing" she replied but suddenly stopped dancing making him baffled

"I just wondered if my Father also regretted what he did" her arms fell to her sides as he looked down at her "Why? What did he do?" he asked after hesitating.

Callista didn't meet his eyes as she looked down her eyes becoming cold holding hostility "Nothing you should know about" and in a flash all of those disappeared when she looked back up.

Jake had long known she was hiding something. Anyone who knew her knew that. It seems like Callista has a story of her own just like they do.

He scoffed at himself. How silly of him. Callista was only human so it was obvious she has her own story she's just a master at deceiving others that they wouldn't think she has a history. Blame it on her innocent face but bad personality.

"Can I now have a dance with this Lady?" they simultaneously turned to the one who spoke "You look ugly, Caspian" the mentioned man stiffen "Can't you really say something nice for once?" he asked in disbelief

"I'm telling the truth. You look ugly with that glasses. Why are you even wearing them in the first place?" she scowled as Caspian only sighed in defeat "Then I'll leave you two then" Jake bowed before walking away to join Jackson.

Callista turned to Caspian and accepted his hand as she was pulled to dance "I never thanked you properly for helping us" he said "No need" she said and raised a brow "Won't Marin get angry seeing you dance with me like this?" she asked remembering that the guy in front of her was taken

"She won't. She's the one who forced me to dance with you" he replied "Now that you mention it, where is she?" she said and looked around to find her talking to Emily in front of the food table

"By the way, Dad wants you to visit again. He said you should visit him from time to time" her nose crunched up remembering that old man's loud voice "No, thank you. I can't believe your blood related to that fool. Your Father has such a loud and annoying voice and maybe your forgetting but I get sea sick" she snorted making him chuckle

"It seems that my Dad is quite fond of you" he said making her roll her eyes "I saw you earlier while dancing with Lord Mel. You look beautiful tonight but it seems like you don't feel the same" she froze for a few seconds before sighing

"It seems like your sharper than I thought" she said making him smile "Did something happen?" he softly asked making her pursed her lips "Nothing" she finally said

"You are a strong person, Callista. I'm sure you can get passed whatever your going through now with the help of the Young Duke and the others" he softly smiled "Thanks" she muttered and poked his glasses "But what I said was true though. You look much better without glasses on" she grinned and he answered with a laugh.