
scientist in ATG

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SamiOyakodonLover · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

dinner with family

'in this world, there an energy exits that control everything of it's people live, it's called profound energy, and creations can harness such energy and refine it for their own use in process called cultivation'

Hei Dong closed the book and sighed, 'so I'm not dreaming...', after return to their home, which in his opinion was quite luxurious, 'having connection with 5th elder does have it's merits' he thought in amusement, he immediately went to his room to think carefully about what happened

'the last thing I remember that I swallow the nuclear transformer, and somehow it generated a black hole sallowing me a whole...then I was hit by a stone on my head.. anyway I hope the asshole Victor died!' he hissed in annoyance, fortunately for him, he died but not from the black hole, but from an heart failure, if he did know, he wouldn't to know if to laugh or cry or both

'then the other thing comes to this world...' he looked around his room, it has rather simple things, but it has cozy atmosphere, remind him of his room in his teenage days, 'the good old 2010s, before shit hit the fan few years later, world pandemic , the Russians...and WW3..' he sighed and smelled the fresh and energetic air of this world, even before the war, the earth air wasn't this fresh, and Mars had only artificial air created nuclear reactors... maybe this mysterious energy is the reason' he assumed

Samuel or Xiao Hei Dong in this life, loved science fiction and fantasy in his younger age, that what motivated him to study science in the first place, he had PhD in physics before hitting 27, and got his Master in biology before reaching 30, and BA in chemistry at 32, that didn't mean he didn't have social life either, because he lived that humans at their core, social creatures so he went it at least one week to relax with some friends,

this also didn't stop him from having some relieves now and then, but he couldn't lasts these relationship too long because of his prioritizing his works and studies, that until he met Mary in his field of work and thought I found his soulmate, yet this was shortsighted joy as soon the war started took her from him, yet he wasn't disheartened and carry to continue their wish together on his own

Hei Dong woke up from his daydream to her knock on his door, and the door opened without giving him time to respond,

"little Hei!" the door opened and a mature natural beauty with black hair, and sky blue eyes

"mother?" he looked in daze, his family all died in war someway or another , either by directly bombed or by the aftermath radiation, he touched his cheeks in shock to find them became wet

"little Hei?! why are crying?! did the injury from before returned?!" his mother, Xiao ling said in worried tone

"I'm fine mother, I guess I just missed you..." he said removed his tears and smiled, only to feel lifted in the air and crushed by the softest pillows in existence, "aww! you are so cute, little Hei! you only saw me in the afternoon tho?"

"uhh, I think I had a long dream, but forgot about it when I woke up, but the dream felt too long, so I missed you.." he said with straight face

"aww, mother also missed her little hero!" she hugged him tightly

"mom, I'm 10 already" he said but didn't resist her embrace, something he didn't felt for more than 30 years

Xiao ling pouted, "hmph, you will stay my little Hei even if you become a monarch!" she immediately regrets saying that, "I'm s-sorry little Hei..I shouldn't have said that.." Hei Dong couldn't see her sad, so he pat her head, "it's alright, mother, I came terms with my condition." he smiled

"don't worry! I'll find something! if anyone bullies you, tell me and I'll give him piece of my mind!" she said with determination

"haha, can't wait for that mother" he chuckled and continued, "so when is the dinner?"

"heavens! I came to tell you about it, it's ready come on, and your friends came too!"

'friends?' he thought, the two then went to dinner table only to witness three people sitting

one is his twin sister, talking together with another cute girl, about year younger, the other is handsome boy with some depressing air around him

the three noticed the incoming and had their eyes brighten, "little Hei, mother, what took you so long?" she said in adorable pout

"hehe, little Hei was said he missed me!" she said proudly

"hey! don't you miss your big sister too?"

"you saw me two hours ago tho?"

"doesn't matter! you miss me or not?"

"yeah yeah, I do" he said with a wry smile which caused Ming Xing to smile brightly

"I miss you too, Little Aunt, little che, it been a while you came" he looked at the girl which made smile shyly, "me too, brother Hei" little aunt or Xiao lingxi said, the boy lost his depressing air, and smiles , "you look happier, brother Hei, something good happened?" little che, or Xiao che said, both Xiao che and Hei Dong are crippled so they found brotherhood between them and become sworn brothers later

"hmm, I guess yeah, I'm little happy having you all as my family.." he said scratch his nose embarrassed

"brother Hei, I didn't think you can say something cheesy that easy" Xiao che laughed causing the rest to laugh as well

then Xiao ling said, "sadly little Yue didn't want to join us and little yaunba was busy doing something with his father..."

"hmph, that's cultivation freak doesn't deserve little Hei!" Ming Xing said in anger

"little ming, that is your brother fiance you talking about!" Xiao ling said disapprovingly,

"but..but that girl always cultivate, and never cared or even want to know little Hei! always cultivation on her mind!"

"that girl has her circumstances... you should not judge her..." Xiao Ling sighed, little Yue, or Xia qingyue was the daughter of famous Marchant on the city, one day, her mother had problem birthing her brother, and Xiao Ling's husband was nearby, he helped in the operation, yet it give serious injury which lead him to die soon afterwards, their marriage wasn't based on love, so while she sad he died for a while, she got over it not much after

but Xia Qingyue's father, felt incredibly guilty and grateful, so he betrothed his daughter to Hei Dong as signed of gratitude, Xia Qingyue never had objection to the matter, or it's correct to say she never cared

"enough kids! the dinner became cold!" Xiao ling said and all of them became silent, she moved to food and out of nowhere, a fire lit up on her hand,she used the fire to heat up the food

'so that's the secret arts... fascinating..to create fire without burning the air, but the with mere existence of profound energy...I must find a way to fix myself...I'm genius after all.." he took a seat and eat some food, only find it very delicious

"hehe, from the look of it, you like it! that the meat of true profound beast! hunting it as wasn't easy as I thought.."

"hmm? why? aren't mother a spirit profound?" Hei Dong asks

"yes, but beasts and humans on same level are different, always the beast would one, unless you have special art, or good weapon, while I didn't get injuries, it's leather was really hard, and took a while to kill it" Xiao Ling answered

"I see..." he nodded and continue eating...


in his bed, Hei Dong said in meditation position, "I can't believe I couldn't cultivation let try!" he started to feel the energy around him, trying to collect it in his profound veins, yet upon reaching, the energy in the air couldn't enter and were stuck around his profound entrances

Hei tried for couple times yet couldn't enter an once of energy, so he had to give up, "shit! am I destined to stay mortal? if only I have the nuclear transformer..." he sighed but only for a moment before something about his body became unusual

"hmm? what the hell?" around the center of his profound veins , in his heart, out of nowhere a chip came to existence and infused itself with his veins!

the chip release a silent radioactive radiation around whole floating cloud city, yet no one felt it, the chip did some calculation and finalized the process, then a female AI voice rushed to his head

<process completed! the nuclear device code MWWT69 is ready to use, any instructions master?>

"huh?" Hei Dong was dumbfounded