
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A Girl Named Cecilia

Woooahhhhhh~ What a sleep! I slept like a log! If I remember correctly Tess was breast feeding me for more than 20 minutes then I past out of exhaustion. The breast feeding part was very blissful if I say so myself. I am actually pretty hungry right now. 'Let's have some fun shall we.' as I thought that I look around to see if Tess was nearby.

Luckily she was sitting on a chair and reading a book. It's funny because the books title is 'How to take care of a Baby'. 'Wait a minute, Isn't that title in English?' No sooner had I thought that I could feel my stomach growl.

To get Tess's attention I cried and she rushed over to me and examined me. Then she sighed and said "Hungry are we, young master?" Then she undid her top and started breast feeding me. I of course played with her nipples while drinking to get the most blissful experience. When she was feeding me she also said "Today, Your elder sister will come. She would be here any minute now."

I paused for a bit then started sucking again. 'What do you mean come here? Does she not live here? I thought she lived here so you informed her, if she doesn't live here then how did Tess informed her?' Were the questions I had that time.

----Cecilia's P.O.V.----

Ahhhhh! I finally arrived! I was shocked when Tess told me that father adopted a son. Jeez, he has alot of questions coming his way. Like isn't he supposed to be a duke? How can he just a adopt a random child of nowhere. I bet he has proper reasons to do. Mother would've taught him a lesson or two if she was with us.

"Welcome Master Cecilia. " Said a maid. "Where is father at?" I asked the maid. "He is at his office managing his files. It would not be wise to disturb him right now." She replied in a suggestive way.

"Don't worry. I will just go and give him a visit."

Then I hurried over and busted in his office. In his office he gave off a 'concentrated in work' vibe. Then he had noticed me and said "Oh~ my precious daughter is here! What brings you to my office, Cecilia?" "What is the meaning of this? You adopted a son?!" "That is correct." "Why? Aren't you supposed to be a Duke? Why did you adopt a child that you just found?" "Dear, I have my reasons. Also that boy gave of a very special aura. You should go and see him." "Sigh... Where is he at?" "He would be at Tess's room. She is his caretaker." "Alright...."

After our conversation ended, I headed over to Tessia's room. And saw her breast feeding a baby. Wait, father adopted a baby??

-----Wini's P.O.V.-----

I suddenly heard some footsteps while I was drinking milk. Tess said "Oh! master Cecilia, Your here already?" I stopped drinking Tess's milk as I turned to see who 'Cecilia' was and immediately went 'OH MY GOD. SHE IS THE GODDESS FROM MY DREAMS.' She was tall, her boobs were at least DD cup, she had waist long purple hair, orange eyes, white skin AND she was an elf. I had decided if not anything, I. WILL. MAKE. HER. MINE. ~TBC