The Mappadendang dance is a form of artistic expression and cultural heritage of the Matano community, honoring the legacy of the Rahampu'u kingdom. This dance involves dynamic, agile, and harmonious body movements, synchronized with the rhythm of Gendang Rampak music.
The dance also showcases the unity and togetherness of the dancers, who hold hands and spin around the musical instruments placed in the center.
Mappadendang dance is usually performed by a group of even-numbered men and women, such as 8, 10, or 12 individuals. They wear colorful traditional costumes, such as sarongs, bodo shirts, scarves, and headbands. They also adorn themselves with iron jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and rings.
The Mappadendang dance begins with the dancers forming a large circle around the musical instruments. They then start dancing with fast and light footwork, moving their hands up and down. Occasionally, they jump and turn to the right and left.