
School Wars of battle

A Military College sends its students to fight against other inferior schools, Each group sent by their school will have to do everything to get information is to destroy enemy schools

Foxx20 · War
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


"We'll get him out, now," says Jack, "I don't have time to spare"

"We don't have time either," says the Sailor, "We have to move, NOW!"

> Jack says "Gut You call all the sailors and admirals of each country now, I will lead the platoons to attack the invaders"

"I'll let you go to battle, Jack," says Gut, "Get rid of them"

"Okay" says Jack, "Let's go!"

"Get him!" says Jack, "I'll take his place from him"

"Follow me!" he shouts, and everyone follows him.

Jack leads the way as all the army of the world comes together.

> Hazel I I lead my entire army of 10,000 men and my allies, Hazel, Jack maria de vadra, Foo, above the sailors.

"We're ready," she says.

"Let's go!"

We all jump up into a boat and head down river. Our boat gets to the point where the river is the widest, so we drop anchor.

> Hazel says "ATTACK!"

The army of the world gets up and attacks.

The air gets full of gun fire, and the ships get shot down. The ground troops fight hard, and it gets very bloody. THE BATTLE BEGINS

> Dragomir called a meeting at Dragomir's school to talk about Dragomir's plan.

The military college has over 20,000 students, and many of them are well equipped, while the people of the earth are still trying to get past the stone age.

> Dragomir says "well my students you know that there is a war against the navy"

"That is why we need to train and build warships," says one student, "And we need a navy to fight them"

"I agree," says another, "We need to go to war!"

> Dragomir says "we're going to war yes my students, because I gave the $[Hukoplay] to the navy"

"The navy," says a student, "Will fight to the best of their abilities"

"Yes," says another student, "We will go to war,"


> Dragomir says "It's my students we're going to kill Hazel it's stealing her powers from her for us it's our school getting stronger"

"We're going to kill her," says the student, "And all of her dela allies"

"We're going to kill her," says another student, "And we're going to kill them all"

> Dragomir says "not killing Hazel is enough to give us several powers"

"What?" says another student, "How?"

"Watch," says Dragomir, "We are going to make her fall in love with us"

"We are going to make her do everything for us."

> Dragomir says "no, we are going to control her Hazel's powers and conquer the whole world ahah ahahah hahah"

"We are going to become powerful like her," says another student.

"Yes," says Dragomir, "and she will do anything for us"

"She will do anything for us," says another,

> Dragomir says "yes, no one will be a match for us, no one else will face us again!"

Everyone cheers.

"She'll do anything for us," says a student, "And we will rule the world"

"Yes," says another, "she will be like us."

> Dragomir says "you are with me my students!"

"You are with me!"

The cheering is getting louder and louder.

"We will conquer the whole world! We will conquer the world!"


"We will conquer the world!"

The cheers become screams, students are running all over the place.

> Dragomir says "So let's go to war!"

The students scream, "To war!"

"My students," says Dragomir, "We are going to war!"


"Let's go!"

> Hazel Hazel and Hazel's allies say they are all fighting the navy to rescue $[Hukoplay].

Hazel and her dela allies her quickly get to the navy base and they start fighting.

The navy fights well, and they are going to win.

"This is madness," says Joe, "Why are we doing this?"

> Hazel says "To redeem $[Hukoplay]"

"To redeem $Hukoplay," says Hazel,

"She is our friend," she says.

"She is our friend," says Joe,

"We have to save her."

> Hazel says "We have to redeem $[Hukoplay] at all costs"

"We have to redeem $Hukoplay at all costs," says Hazel.

The battle continues and the naval soldiers continue to fight.

Hazel gets shot in the side.

> Hazel look to the side and see Fleet Admiral Jack.

Jack says and then he liked my bullet catching and you know what

Jack says, "You can do it again."

"You can do it again," says Hazel,

She says, "I have powers, I have abilities, I can do it again"

> Hazel says "let's see if you are really strong"

Hazel goes to the next person to get shot.

"Do you believe?" she says.

"I believe."

"Let's see if you can catch this bullet."

> Hazel punch the ground, it's the ground if it breaks in half.

"Let's see," says Hazel.

The earth splits open and a hole big enough for her to fall down into.

The earth closes back up.

"Ha ha ha ha," says Hazel.

> $[Hukoplay] i'm inside the navy base prison and $[Hukoplay] is chained.

You are inside the prison of the navy base.

You are standing in a room with many other navy soldiers.

You are all waiting to see what will happen. But the door opens and a mysterious woman walks towards me.

"Hello, $Hukoplay," she says, "I'm here to break you free."

"Who are you?" Jack maria de vadra says i'm your half sister jack maria de vadra

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here to save you," she says.

"We're in a prison, who are you going to help us escape?" come here you idiot she takes me by the hand and kisses me again.

"I'm your sister! Don't you remember? I'm your sister! I'm going to help you escape. Come with me."

"I want to stay here and fight," says Jack maria de vadra,

"I'm going to stay here and fight!"

"No," she says, "I'm your sister! Follow me."