
School Wars of battle

A Military College sends its students to fight against other inferior schools, Each group sent by their school will have to do everything to get information is to destroy enemy schools

Foxx20 · War
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37 Chs


I am proud of them.

I watch them fight, and I know that they are going to win.

I see Hazel looking at me.

She looks worried.

> Hugo herinque says "What happened"

What was?

"Hazel, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Hazel says "We have a problem. Look at the map."

I look at the map.

> Hugo herinque I look at the map and I see an island with a navy military base.

I see an island with a military base on it.

I see an arrow on the map.

It points to a small island about 2 kilometers away.

"What's that?"

Hazel asks.

> Hugo herinque says "The navy's military base"

It's a military base in the sea.

There are about 30 ships there.

We can't touch the base.

The fighters are fast, but they can't go that far.

> Hugo herinque says "Let's go right into the ocean it will be safer"

We go back to the center of the map.

I see Kyrei flying the machine over the school.

She sees me.

She smiles.

I wave at her.

She smiles back.

Dedexo POV I'm on the island of fashoaso where Hugo was killed, I'm recovering from the wounds I took from Hugo.

I'm at the island of fashoaso, where Hugo died.

I'm healing from the wounds I got from Hugo.

I see the map. A sailor warns me that The Magic Bank has been seen at the Marine Base.

I see a sailor warn me about the magic bank being seen at the base.

I don't know what to do.

Should I go to the base? I call ASK the second Marine Strongman to be at the Base where the Magic Bank was seen!

I call the second sailor Forte da Marinha, who is at the base.

I ask him if he is at the base.

He says "Y-Yes!"

> Hugo herinque says "So what are you waiting for to attack the runaway, Hugo's wife named Zombie"

What should I do?

I don't know.

Should I go to the base?

That's the big decision.

Should I go, or should I stay?

I decide.

> Hugo herinque I order ASK to attack The Magic Bank is to kill the Zombie wife of Hugo, is Hugo's son named $[Hukoplay].

Should I go to the base?

I decide to go.

I call to the sailor.

I ask him if he is ready.

He says "Yes!"

I get in the boat.

> Hugo herinque says "Then let's get this over with"

Let's do it!

I get in the boat.

I move the small machine above the flying machine.

I see the fighters at the base.

I move the boat a little.

Zombie POV: I am in a boat, I see the fighters of Kyrei.

I see the map.

I see the island.

I see the fighters moving around the island.

> Hugo herinque but I feel a strange sensation, I look back and see that we are being followed by two Marines.

What is it?

I feel a strange feeling.

I look back and I see two sailors following us.

Dedexo POV I see another ship on the island.

I see a ship in the island.

I see the fighters fighting each other.

> Hugo herinque is see the wife of Hugo Zombie who fled from the island of fashoaso.

Where is Hugo's wife?

I see her running on the map.

I see the island.

I see the fighters.

I see the small machine.

She is in the other small island.

> Hugo herinque I tell ASK Arrest all Fighters while I kill Hugo's wife called Zombie is his son $ [Hukoplay].

Should I go to the other small island?

I decide to go.

I call to the sailors, I tell them to capture all the fighters.

I tell them to capture them at the other island.

> Hugo herinque I'm going after Zombie is his son $ [Hukoplay].

Should I go to the other island?

I decide to go.

I call the sailors.

I ask them if they are ready.

They say "Yes!"

I get in the boat.

Zombie POV: I am on the other island.

I see the small island.

I see 2 small islands, I see 2 little boats.

I see fighters flying on the other island, fighting each other. I see my son $[Hukoplay] playing in the sand.

I see my son playing on the sand.

I see another small island.

I see the small boat.

I see 2 small boats, I see 2 people in them. But I feel the same strange sensation and I see Marine Dedexo looking at me.

Dedexo says "You see me, right?"

I say "Yes You be ready for your death says Dedexo."

Dedexo says "I am ready for your death, I will kill you."

I say "Are you sure you are ready?"

Dedexo says " Yes, and then I kill your son

It says Dedexo.

"On Dedexo!"

I see Dedexo raise his hand to kill me.

Dedexo says "Zombie, I kill you."

I run at him. But Dedexo to stop his attack is to see $[Hukoplay] playing in the sand.

Zombie says "You know what, Dedexo? I know you are the one who told Hugo to kill me. I know you like to kill people."

Dedexo not talking is not even looking at me continue to look seriously at my son $[Hukoplay]So this is Hugo's son says DedexoI'll kill your son first $[Hukoplay] says DedexoI dedexo jump on my son with the intention of killing him with his foot of fire, but I jumped in front of the attack and suffered mortal damage.and not being able to kill my son, I looked at you $Dedexo