
School of the Insane

After being made for the death trial, I was given a second chance and now I am in more of hell then before and I love it, so let's do this what do they call this place right the school of the Insain This story is going to bloody, and a lot a murder and a lot of many thing's so yeah, also MC is 17 years old

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Action
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

My first class

As Hijoshikina was led through the imposing gates of the School of the Insane, he couldn't shake the feeling of trepidation that gnawed at the edges of his mind. The air was thick with the scent of decay and desperation, the sound of distant screams echoing through the corridors like a haunting melody.

His escorts, the figures clad in pristine white plague doctor outfits, led him through the labyrinthine halls of the School, their faces hidden behind grotesque masks that seemed to leer at him with malicious intent. Hijoshikina followed in silence, his senses on high alert as he took in his surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Finally, they arrived at his first class—a dimly lit chamber with rows of desks arranged in neat rows, the air heavy with the scent of stale blood and fear. Hijoshikina's eyes swept over the room, taking note of the other students who sat hunched over their desks, their faces twisted with a mixture of defiance and resignation.

Taking a seat at an empty desk near the back of the room, Hijoshikina braced himself for whatever twisted lesson awaited him. As the teacher—a tall figure clad in tattered robes and a hooded cloak—entered the room, Hijoshikina felt a shiver run down his spine. He knew that whatever awaited him in this class would test his limits and push him to the brink of his sanity.

With a grim determination burning in his eyes, Hijoshikina prepared himself for the trials that lay ahead, knowing that he would need to rely on his wits and his instincts if he hoped to survive in this twisted world of madness and death. As the teacher began to speak, Hijoshikina leaned forward, ready to face whatever horrors awaited him in his first class at the School of the Insane.

Hijoshikina's eyes scanned the room, counting the twenty-four students, all clad in the same prison uniform as him. Their hardened expressions spoke volumes, each one bearing the scars of their own tumultuous pasts. But one figure stood out among them—a man with a towering frame and eyes ablaze with madness.

"Why isn't the dragon of hell here?" the man growled, his voice laced with venom. "I'm such a big fan, I can't wait to kill you!"

Before Hijoshikina could react, the man's massive hand closed around his throat, squeezing with a relentless force. Panic surged through Hijoshikina as he struggled for breath, his vision swimming with darkness.

But to his dismay, he realized that no one in the room made a move to intervene. The teacher, a shadowy figure at the front of the room, merely watched with a disturbing smile, as if relishing the chaos unfolding before him.

With a surge of desperation, Hijoshikina fought against the man's grip, his fingers clawing at the vice-like hold around his neck. His lungs burned for air as he grappled with the imminent threat to his life, knowing that he had no choice but to fight for survival in this merciless arena of madness.

Hijoshikina's eyes flashed with a mixture of defiance and triumph as he sent the assailant flying across the room, the impact reverberating against the walls. With a satisfied smirk, he watched as the man slumped to the ground, dazed and defeated.

"Now that was fun," Hijoshikina remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement as he turned his attention to the would-be attacker. "So, what's next, teach?"

The room fell silent, the air thick with tension as all eyes turned to the shadowy figure at the front of the room. The teacher's smile widened, a chilling glint in his eyes as he regarded Hijoshikina with a mixture of approval and curiosity.

"Congratulations," the teacher said, his voice carrying a note of sinister satisfaction. "You've passed your first test."

With a wave of his hand, the teacher motioned for the class to resume, the incident already fading into the background as if it had never happened. But for Hijoshikina, the message was clear—the School of the Insane was a place where survival was paramount, and weakness would not be tolerated.

As the lesson continued, Hijoshikina sat back in his seat, his mind racing with thoughts of the challenges that lay ahead. Whatever trials awaited him in the days and weeks to come, he knew that he would face them with the same determination and ferocity that had carried him through his first encounter in this twisted realm of madness and death.

The tension in the room thickened as the assailant rose to his feet, his gaze fixed on Hijoshikina with a mixture of defiance and malice. But before he could make another move, the teacher's voice cut through the air like a whip.

"Take your seat," the teacher commanded, his tone laced with authority. "Or face the consequences."

The man hesitated for a moment, a defiant sneer curling his lips. "Or what? What will you do?" he challenged.

In response, the teacher's expression hardened, a dangerous glint in his eyes. Without a word, he pulled out a switchblade knife and swiftly slashed the man's throat, a spray of blood painting the floor crimson.

As the man crumpled to the ground, life draining from his eyes, the teacher turned his attention back to the class, his voice cold and impassive. "Jack Gray is expendable," he declared. "Let me make one thing clear—none of you have human rights here. We, as your teachers, get to decide what will happen to you."

The room fell silent, the gravity of the teacher's words hanging heavy in the air. For Hijoshikina and the others, it was a chilling reminder of the brutal reality they faced in the School of the Insane—a place where survival was the only law, and mercy was a luxury they could ill afford.

So what your saying is you can kill us. One of the students said to try teacher. Am I right

The teacher's eyes narrowed as he fixed his gaze on the student who dared to speak out. "Correct," he replied, his voice cold and unforgiving. "In this school, your lives are in our hands. We have the authority to mete out punishment as we see fit, and believe me, we will not hesitate to do so."

The student's expression faltered, a flicker of fear crossing their face as they realized the gravity of their situation. Around them, the other students remained silent, their eyes downcast as they absorbed the teacher's chilling words.

With a final warning glance, the teacher turned away, his attention returning to the lesson at hand. But the message had been delivered, and Hijoshikina knew that the rules of this twisted game had been laid bare for all to see. In the School of the Insane, survival was the only law, and those who dared to defy it would pay the ultimate price.

The teacher's eyes swept over the class, his gaze lingering on each student in turn. "My name is Vlad," he announced, his voice resonating with authority and a hint of menace. "And I will be your guide in this... unique educational experience."

Hijoshikina studied the teacher, his mind racing with questions about this enigmatic figure who held their fate in his hands. Vlad's demeanor was unsettling, his presence casting a shadow of unease over the classroom.

"As your teacher," Vlad continued, "it is my duty to ensure that you are prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. In this school, weakness is not tolerated, and only the strong will survive."

A ripple of unease passed through the class at Vlad's words, a silent acknowledgment of the brutal reality they faced in the School of the Insane. But Hijoshikina remained resolute, his determination burning brighter than ever.

As Vlad launched into the day's lesson, Hijoshikina listened intently, his mind already racing with plans and strategies for the trials that lay ahead. In this twisted realm of madness and death, he knew that he would need to stay vigilant, to trust no one, and to rely on his own instincts if he hoped to emerge victorious.

With a silent vow to defy the odds and carve out his own path to freedom, Hijoshikina braced himself for the challenges that awaited him in this merciless crucible of chaos and despair.

Hijoshikina's heart skipped a beat as Vlad unveiled the contents of the black bag—a giant paper fan. Glancing around the room, he saw that the other students were armed with an array of weapons, ranging from knives to guns.

"We will start the killing games," Vlad declared, his voice carrying a chilling finality. Hijoshikina's stomach churned with a mixture of fear and adrenaline as he realized the gravity of the situation.

"You have until 9 students remain," Vlad continued, his eyes scanning the room. "The game will stop when 12 or fewer students are alive. If not, you get 30 minutes extra, and only 4 can live. And even if that's not enough..." He let the threat hang in the air, his gaze piercing as he met the eyes of each student in turn. "I will end you all."

With that ominous warning, Vlad left the classroom, leaving the students to grapple with the horrifying reality of the situation. Hijoshikina's grip tightened on the paper fan, his mind racing with thoughts of survival and the grim choices that lay ahead.

In the School of the Insane, the line between predator and prey was blurred, and Hijoshikina knew that he would need to tread carefully if he hoped to navigate the deadly game that Vlad had set in motion. With a steely resolve, he prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that only the strong would survive in this twisted arena of madness and death.

Hijoshikina's frustration boiled beneath the surface as he stared down at the seemingly useless weapon in his hands. The oversized paper fan felt more like a mockery than a means of defense or attack. How was he supposed to end someone with this?

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Hijoshikina's mind raced through possibilities. He couldn't afford to dwell on the absurdity of the situation; he needed to find a way to turn this disadvantage into an advantage.

With a spark of ingenuity, an idea began to form in Hijoshikina's mind. While the fan itself might not be lethal, its size and shape could be used to his advantage. Perhaps he could use it to deflect incoming attacks, to disarm his opponents, or even to create distractions.

As he pondered his options, a plan began to take shape. It would require creativity, quick thinking, and a willingness to embrace the unconventional. But in a deadly game where survival was the only goal, Hijoshikina knew that he couldn't afford to underestimate the power of even the most unlikely weapon.

With a determined glint in his eye, Hijoshikina resolved to make the most of what he had been given. In this twisted arena of madness and death, he would need to rely on his wits and resourcefulness if he hoped to outmaneuver his opponents and emerge victorious. And with that resolve burning brightly within him, he steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead, ready to face whatever horrors awaited him in the School of the Insane.

You can get creative. A blonde hair girl said as she had a bat with nail on it. I mean can't you, we are all killers.

Hijoshikina's gaze shifted to the blonde girl as she spoke, her words cutting through the tension in the room like a knife. She held a bat with nails embedded in it—a crude but effective weapon, a stark contrast to his own oversized paper fan. Her point was clear: in this deadly game, creativity and adaptability were key.

Before he could respond, another figure emerged from the shadows, wielding an axe with deadly intent. Hijoshikina's eyes narrowed as he took in the sight of the girl with white hair and blue eyes, her expression cold and unforgiving.

"One down," the axe girl declared, her voice sending a chill down his spine. "Eleven more to go."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Hijoshikina as he realized the true stakes of the game they were now trapped in. With each passing moment, the threat of death loomed closer, a constant reminder of the merciless reality they faced in the School of the Insane. As he cut through head of the blond girl as blood flies everywhere

As the blonde girl's words echoed in his mind, Hijoshikina knew that he would need to get creative if he hoped to survive. In a world where killers roamed freely and violence was the only language that mattered, he would need to think outside the box and use every tool at his disposal to outwit his opponents.

With a silent vow to embrace the chaos and forge his own path to survival, Hijoshikina steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead. In this twisted arena of madness and death, only the strong would prevail, and he was determined to prove himself among them.

Hijoshikina's heart pounded in his chest as he seized the bat from the ground, his fingers curling around it with a newfound sense of purpose. Without hesitation, he swung the bat towards the axe girl, his movements fueled by adrenaline and instinct.

But to his surprise, she was quicker than he anticipated, ducking out of the way with lightning-fast reflexes. Hijoshikina's strike missed its mark, but he wasn't deterred. He had a plan.

"There are no rules for talking to dead people," Hijoshikina declared, his voice cold and calculating. With a swift motion, he swung the bat towards the nearest window, shattering the glass with a deafening crash.

The unsuspecting boy stood in the path of the flying debris, and before he could react, the shards of glass sliced through the air, finding their mark with deadly precision. With a sickening thud, the boy's head collided with the broken window, his body slumping to the ground in a lifeless heap.

Hijoshikina's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the carnage, his mind racing with the grim reality of their situation. With each life taken, the odds of survival grew slimmer, but he refused to back down. In this twisted game of death and deceit, only the strong would prevail, and he was determined to emerge victorious.

"Make that ten left," Hijoshikina declared, his voice tinged with a mix of determination and defiance. "Let's kill." With that ominous proclamation, he steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that in this merciless crucible of madness and death, there could be no room for hesitation or mercy.

To be continued

So yeah next ch is going to bloody, so yeah also I am not afraid of giving blood or have people get kill this my own dark story