
School Of Menace

A guy with super human abilities is trying to survive a school where everyone wants to kill him

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19 Chs

Ayana's Punch

"Are you ready for the possible effect of what we'll do?" a mysterious woman said, "Yes Ma'am Im ready even it means my death, Im ready to die for you" a guy said, "He's not a simple human, he doesn't use his power because it might destroy the world and kill innocent people, so it means his still vulnerable on guns and knifes, we are going to do this, so all of you must stick to the plan or we'll get caught by the principal" … "Yes Ma'am" the 20 guys said, It seem like they we're planning to kill Yona, the woman is a teacher on this school, that's why being caught by principal will result on to her being fired on her job, thats why they made a plan, avoiding time's where the Principal will show up, they really put an effort just to make sure Yona and the bounty will be in their hands....

"Hey Yona do you think Im strong enough?" Ayana asked me while we are eating "No" … "Heh? then can you train me how to fight" Ayana requested "No" Request Denied "And why is that" I asked "Uhm I just don't want to be useless to you, I want to help you when you can't handle your enemies" She answered, I cant believe there is someone like her in this world "Its okay to be useless, just don't interfere to me everytime" I once leave but Ayana followed me "Hey, if you dont train me then I will interfere you everytime" What's with her?!? "For example, you used your power and now you become weak, how can you protect yourself?" I mean she got a point, I merely have time to teach her some moves, and it might save my life, "Alright can you go to my apartment later?" … " Huhh really!!??, Yaaay!" she seem excited, I wonder why she's being like this

After school, I told Ayana to follow me to my apartment, "Is it okay for you to be late?" I asked her, "Yes, since I don't have any companion in my apartment" … " Oh okay" We finnaly arrived on my apartment, "Wait Ayana" … "Hmm? why" I need to keep her safe from bombs planted here, "Nothing I just checked if theres a bomb" … "Hmm are you kidding me? What if they explode? They really went that far" … "Yeah that's why I need to be extra careful, sadly I cant stop them from planting bombs, by the way its safe you can enter my apartment now" As Ayana enters my apartment she was like "Woah your house looks so clean, and this comics can I have this?!?!" … "Ovcourse No" I took the comic she have in her hand, "We are here to train you not to have fun right?" … "Uhm yes" she nods, "But if I Iearned some moves will you give me something as a reward right?" … "Ovcorse no, first of all I don't want to train you how to fight, second I dont need your help, third I dont want you in my house, you just convinced me to train you so if you became annoying Ill sent you flying out of my house!!" Ayana looks scared "Uhh Yesss! I wont be annoying.., I- I just came here to learn something!" she still scared after saying that "Good now lets begin, punch me on my stomach" … "Heh?? Are you sure?" I nod as Ayana prepare's for a punch, her face suddenly changed, she become angry "Haaaht!!!" Ayana punched me, ITS SO STRONG!! I feel like something cracked on my body, but no its straight into my stomach, I underestimated her, I sit down as I feel the pain "Are you okay!!??" … "Uhh Yes, you're so strong *cough *cough *cough" … "Do you need anything? Should I bring you toothpaste?" … "What the hell will I do with toothpaste" I said "I mean water, do you want water?" … "Yes please, theres the kitchen" She gave me water but Im still confused "If you are that strong why should I train you?" Ayana was shocked "And on that day we first me you can litteraly beat that guy by punching him and not running away" … "Uhm actually I cant fight without a motivation, Yes I can punch hard but my fighting style is crap, I don't even have some moves for fighting" … "Hmm, So that's why your here you want to learn some moves right" … "Yes" I stand up after recovering "Alright Ill help you Ayana"

I teached her some moves that will be useful for her, we took like 4 hour's doing this, "First you have to let them strike first and find away to dodge it, after successfully dodging it , punch them already" … "What if I ware'nt able to dodge it " … " Then you die" … "Heeeehh!!!??" After another one hour of training, she didn't even learned something that got inside her head, We sat down on the floor while we are breathing heavily "Now did you learn some moves?" … "What moves?" … "Arghhhh!!! I cant do this, All you did is be distracted by this comics and posters, get out of my house now!" … "Uwegh... Im sorry" Ayana is about to cry, but making her go home lonely will be a bit brutal "Tssk its already 10:00pm I should walk you home so that I can ensure your safety" Ayana was warmth "Yes thank you but...." … "But what" … "I still haven't eat dinner, Im hungry now" … "Fine let's eat on a food stop nearby ♡"

We left the apartment and enters the food stop "Wait, will be there a poison issue here again?" Ayana asked "No dont worry I know them for 4 years already and they haven't tried to kill me once" … "Oh that's good, we can eat here peacefully" We go towards the cashier and pick our food "Yona is this your Girlfriend?!" The cashier girl asked, "What noo, she's just a.. uhm a friend" The cashier girl's name is Kison, she's the daughter of the store owner, "Hmm? Heeeh!? You doesn't seem to be lying!" Kison said "No because Im not lying, but we came here to eat" … "Oh ahaha alright what's your order?" Ayana and I ordered a food "Thanks for treating me" Ayana said "Who said that its free, your gonna pay me back (is joking)" … "Hehh?!", after we eat I walk her to her apartment, "Thank you so much Yona, Ill try to protect you once I learned those moves by my self" … "What are you talking about, you didn't even learned something from me" … "Heugh! *startle" … "Alright Ill go back home now" … "Bye!!!"

As I enter my apartment I noticed something, WHERE THE HELL IS THAT COMIC BOOK!