

J.Y.J high school is know for it's excellent teaching all around the city .Tan Kabra is known as the Ace of J.Y.J high school . Lian Dias is an intelligent girl chasing her dream of becoming doctor. Four years ago they were the best friends but now can't even stand each other's face in one school. As the story proceed , readers will experience unimaginable twists with comedy , love and conflict. For this enroll your selves now in School 2021

Apurva_Dhanawade · Action
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28 Chs


Place - Tan's house

Tan was finally back home after the highly tiring day but what kept him still up is remembering how He and Lian laughed to- gather after so many years. He forgot for one moment everything and just got lost in Lian's thought. He remembered how things were well earlier . They were best friends after all and had spent so much time to-gather . For some minutes , he went back in time and remembered ever things they have done to-gather .

" Tan !" called his mom for some work when but Tan was busy in his memories so he couldn't hear anything at all. "Tan! come down quickly ." called his mother again and still he couldn't hear. Now, she had enough of it so she came up herself and smacked him . " Ahhh! mom " he screamed moaning in pain on the floor . " Since, When I was calling you but you were busy in your dreams . Are you gone mad or something? You were laughing alone in the room when I came ." scolded his mom . " No! Mom . Actually , I didn't hear you properly . " he answered denying the truth . " What! You didn't hear me properly ? Stop making excuses and go to the market and get these things ." said his mom handing over the list to him . " Mom, are you making something special for dinner tonight ?" asked Tan curiously looking at the list . " Yes! Grace and Lian would be coming for dinner tonight." said Mrs. Kabra . " Who? Lian !" exclaimed Tan . " Yes! your friend is also going to come .I know you are excited . " said Mrs. Kabra who unaware about their current ' ENEMY' like relations ." What Friend ? Lian! . Why would I get excited ?" he said to himself . " Now , Don't stand here like a fool . Go and get these things !"

Place - Lian's house

" Lian, we are going out for dinner this evening ." and Mrs. Dias . Lian was happy because it has been so many days since she had not hang out with her mother . Due to work and business trips , Grace didn't got much time to spend with her daughter . She always felt guilty for it but couldn't help . " Really, Mom! I am so excited . It has been while we haven't gone out for dinner ."

" I know . Therefore , I am telling you . Get ready well . We will leave at 7: 00 pm ."

Lian was really so happy about it . She took whole 2 hours to select clothes . For tonight , she chose a Black t - shirt and denim with air force white sneakers . It was a pretty basic look but elegant . She got her hair done into extra cute two half buns . " Lian , are you ready !" asked her mom .

" Yes! mom." Lians mom decided to drive instead of getting a Taxi . Meanwhile , Lian was unaware of everything . She thought they were going out for dinner in restaurant . When saw that her mom didn't stop the car and her favorite restaurant she asked her ," Mom, Aren't we going to ' Paradise ' restaurant today?" to which her mom replied ," NO! WE ARE GOING TO Mrs. Kabra's House . Actually , she invited us for dinner ."

" What ! you mean were are going to Tan's house ?" exclaimed Lian aloud .

" Yeah! Lian" said her mom Parking the car infront to their house . Mrs. Kabra was already waiting for them at the gate . When she saw the car coming ; she approached them . " Mom, I am ...." before Lian could completely her sentence Tan's mom voice could be heard ," Grace ! How are you ?" Actually , Lian's mom had stepped out of the ear and Lian was still siting inside . Lian decided to sit inside the car meanwhile her mom meet Mrs. Kabra but eventually it's failed . " oh! Lian . Why are you still inside the car . Come out !" said Tan's mom to Lian . Lian had no choice now , She had to go in .

Meanwhile , Tan decided to stay quarantine in his room till Lian and her Mothers are in the house . He didn't wanted to make any awkward situation with Lian . After , Some chats ; Tan's mom called him but as he decided he didn't replied anything . Tan's mom thought he was getting shy ; so she went up herself. " Tannnn, I was calling you. But I think your madness again over-powered you . Come down with me ." she said calmly but Tan can really understand what will happen if he doesn't come down . " Mom, Actually I was completing my books ." he answered even after knowing the consequences . " TANN, MY DEAR SON . YOU CAN DO THAT AFTER OUR GUESTS LEAVE . NOW, FOLLOW ME DOWN . CAUSE GUEST ARE HERE FOR SOME HOUS ONLY ; WHY SHOULD YOU STAY HUNGRY FOR NEXT 10 DAYS ." Tan could now understanding it very clear and last he has to give up. Tan without wasting a moment followed his mom downstairs were Lian and her mom were siting. " Hi! Tan." waved Mrs. Dias happily to Tan . " Bow down and greet !" said Mrs. Kabra in slowly in very low voice to tan who was standing still besides her . On the other side , Grace whispered to greet tan in Lian's ears . Things weren't getting well anymore from now .

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