
Scholar's Blessing

Ashton is a normal 15 year old kid who was born into a world with "Blessings," which are magical abilities that one can awaken at birth. Finally the day arrives where Ashton can test into the army and possibly become one of "The 300," which is the army's bounty hunter division. After the army test, Ashton's world opens up to the entirety of the Earth. This novel simply follows Ashton on his international journey.

leafycatto · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 10

In a nice secluded shack in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in Europe, a middle aged man is seen to be pouring coffee for himself. He was about 6'3, and was built fairly well. He had messy blonde hair with some gray strands. His hair wasn't long, but it wasn't too short either. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt and pajama pants. No socks, no shoes. He'd clearly just woken up for the first time in a few hours. He heard his phone start ringing so he picked it up and waited for the caller to initiate the conversation.

Layla: Law! Where are you? You need to come where I am as soon as you can or Ashton is going to die-

The phone abruptly cut off, the man simply put the phone down and took a sip of his coffee, and spoke to himself after swallowing.

Law: Ashton dying is simply impossible with the sword I gave him.

Back in New York with Ashton, Leon, Layla, and Zero, Ashton had been speeding around the arena as quickly as he could, looking for an opening to attack Zero, who hadn't even moved an inch the entire fight. Ash finally saw an opening and he immediately dashed for it, but Zero just turned to look at Ash and he smiled before kicking Ash in the side of his stomach, sending him flying into the spatial wall that was created. This repeated a few times, Ash would see what he thought was an opening, but Zero would just counter and send him flying.

Layla: Ash, stop already! You're going to die if you don't give it up…

Ash: Wipes blood off mouth and stands up more straight, and then thinks to himself, Die? I wouldn't possibly die this early.. right? Not yet… there's still so much I need to do in this world. No way in hell I'd die to a creep who's just a pure black figure with white eyes…

Zero: Well, I'm bored. Time to end this.

Zero moved so fast, that to Leon and Ash it looked like he had just teleported, and then Zero stuck the dagger of Beelzebub straight into the back of Ash's throat. He stabbed it far enough it went through the other side, Ash's conscience immediately began to fade, all he could focus on was the immense pain in his neck. Ash did hear the muffled screams of Layla and Leon, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. Ash fell to the ground and Zero gave a small chuckle before collapsing himself. The spatial barrier disappeared after Zero had collapsed, but Leon and Layla were in too much shock from watching Ashton die to even move. After a few moments, Leon began to move a bit to Ashton's dead body, but after a few seconds, both Ashton and Zero rose up.

Ash: You have a lot of nerve resurrecting a dead person to possess, Beelzebub.

Beelzebub: You just did the same, did you not, Asmodeus?

The auras coming off Ash and Zero were enough to push back both Leon and Layla, eventually they both noticed a different color in Ash's and Zero's eyes. Ash's eyes were now a magenta color opposed to his normal deep blue eyes, while Zero's were a vibrant lime green opposed to the pure white they'd been moments before. Leon and Layla just continued to back up to escape the immense pressure that the two were emitting.

Beelzebub: You wanna fight here and now? In the stupid humans' world?

Asmodeus: If you want a fight, you've got one.

Asmodeus picked up the katana from the ground and got into a stance ready for battle, and Beelzebub picked up his dagger and then pointed it at Asmodeus.

Beelzebub: This time, I'll not only win our fight, but kill you and your little mortal.

Asmodeus: You can try. Can't guarantee your success though.