
Chapter 70 Sneering Remarks

"Since when did you have a thought of that hilarious idea, Anais?" Sylvester asked as soon as we headed back to the manor.

I spared him a glance before I started undressing in front of him. "Last night," I confidently said.

I looked at him and saw how unhappy he was with it. He remained silent earlier for the whole ride. Even Lycan didn't say anything as well.

"Why are you unhappy with my decision?" I asked and approached him when the garment left from my body was the chemise.

Sylvester helped me wear the wrapper having his body closed to me, still in his hostile mood. "Why did you not inform me about your plan?" he asked dangerously as he carefully tied the ribbon. He looked up to meet my eyes which made my heart jump.

"To see your expression you are expressing right now," I said, not leaving his eyes for a moment. Challenging him would be the best for me.

"Huh." He huffed mockingly.