
Chapter 39 Mental Anguish

***The woman from the Norlow River,

I have heard from Doctor Mikhail that the members of the House of Tanner are coming this week to Grant's manor. I am afraid that next week is not a suitable event to process the duplication of the documents. It must be hastily replicated immediately.

As for choosing Lycan who can turn out to be a trusted person, you are right. Fuller will betray you as he sorts things with Grant. It is a good thing you have executed some tests so you would know if that person can be trusted or not. Also, your compliment for trusting my judgment flatters me.

I must tell you who you can put your trust at ease. Doctor Mikhail, the infirmary doctor, is willing to risk his life to get you out of there. Lycan, one of Grant's men, can be trusted as I observed him; he silently respects you more than his Alpha. Milla, your friend, who cares about you the most and worries all the time. And last but not the least, Kayla, one of the maidservants.