
Chapter 2 The Slave Omega

Chapter 1: The Slave Omega

The Estasia Eglaria Kingdom, ruled by Alpha King Kennedy XIV and Luna Queen Lydia III, is known as the 'kingdom of agricultural export'. Our kingdom is exporting three main agricultural products: sugarcane, corn, and potatoes, to our neighboring kingdoms: the Waevalon Kingdom, the Yuanzhong Kingdom, and the Sowinski Kingdom.

One of the top five biggest sugarcane plantations of Estasia Eglaria Kingdom was being managed by Grant Thompson, our Alpha Marquess of Raesien, and his Beta Count Solomon Andres.

I wiped the beads of sweat on my forehead using my sleeve. I brought the waterskin and offered the farmers some water. Wearing cotehardie as clothing and a bandana on my head were helping us to survive the heat under the sun.

"Anais, over here!"

I spotted Milla resting in the cottage. I used my wolf speed so I could approach her in a short period.

"How's the North Wing?" I asked and sat beside her, giggling.

She squealed and hugged my arm. "I have good news, Anais!" she said excitedly.

"Care to tell me?" I asked, curious. "I see you have a good experience on the North Wing. Unlike me..." I huffed and rolled my eyes.

People there in the North Wing of the plantation seemed biased. When I was assigned there to deliver some waterskins to the farmers, some of the men were trying to hit on me.

They were horrible!

"They were just having fun. It's nothing serious, Anais." Milla laughed.

I looked at her scornfully. "They were disrespectful," I demanded.

Milla shook his head, smiling. "Anyway, about my good news..." She even clapped her hands. She must have very good news.

"Fine, fine. What is it?" I smiled.

"I found my mate!"

I gasped, shocked by it. Then I squealed and hugged her. "I am so happy for you, Milla! That is very good news!"

"I know!"

We held hands and jumped in joy. Even the ladies who approached the cottage to take a rest for a bit, looked at us as if we had gone crazy.

"Who is the lucky man? Where did you meet him?" I asked after we calmed down.

Milla bit her lower lip before she answered. "I met him in the North Wing, Anais. His name is Ailwin."

I smiled and nodded. "I see. Ailwin is a good and kind man. He is the only person I think is not a jerk." I winked at her. I have met him before when I was in the North Wing to supply waterskins there. What I told Milla was the truth. Ailwin was one of the few men I knew that is respectful to women. "You are in good hands. I am so happy for you, Milla."

'She's so lucky.' I heard my wolf whispered.

Her smile widened. "I never thought switching places with you is going to be the best of my moment."

I chuckled. "I'm glad you found your mate."

"I hope you will find yours, Anais. I will wait for the day your mate will find you." She leaned her head to my shoulder. "What if an aristocrat is your mate?" she teased. "Like Alpha Marquess Grant for example?"

I looked at her in disbelief. Milla laughed. She must have seen how my face turned sour.

"If someone hears you saying that thing and that reaches our Alpha Grant, you'll be dead." It is a good thing she whispered his name to me and we were away from the cottage when she pulled me away.

Milla frowned. "Oh, right. His Lordship is quite frightening when he gets mad." She sighed. I felt him shiver. "Have you heard of the East Wing?" she whispered. "Lord Grant battered a farmer there. He beat him to a pulp then he was dead on the spot."

I gasped at that news. "When did that happen?" I asked, quite beguiling.

"Last week."

Surprised, I have never heard such a thing happen in the East Wing. "Why did I only hear about this now?" I couldn't believe another killing had happened again.

"Of course, you know His Lordship would silence anyone if this has been reached to His Majesty and Her Majesty," she muttered to me.

"Typical of our Alpha... He has no mercy at all." I shook my head.

"Is there anything new about him? He treated us, with the blood of Omega, as slaves..." She huffed, sighing. "Nothing new about it." She shrugged.

We were about to traverse to the other side of the road when we spotted a gold-plated horse carriage making its way to our Alpha Marquess's manor. I saw a glimpse of a good-looking black-haired man on the window, wearing a fancy decorative black tuxedo. The man turned at me and curled up an enigmatic smile as soon as the carriage passed by us.

I was surprised when I saw his eyes had two different colors. They were likely coppery color to his right eye and blue color for the left one, I guess. Even though it was just a glance, I saw with my keen eyes the indifference of the colors of his eyes.

That's interesting...

"Who's that?" I asked afterward.

"You never saw him before?" Milla asked in surprise.

I shook my head. "I tell him that he is an aristocrat but I wonder who he is." I already surmised it based on the design of its carriage. It was almost closely related to the royal horse carriages.

Milla sighed and rolled her eyes. "Sometimes you need to know who are the aristocrats who come to visit His Lordship's manor and this plantation, Anais." She shook her head. "Since you didn't know him, I'll tell you who he is. He is Sylvester Callaway, the Alpha Duke of Ascian from the House of Callaway."

I blinked. House of Callaway? Is that... "Did you say he is from the House of Callaway?" I asked, wide-eyed.

Milla nodded. "Indeed."

"Then is he that..." I paused, gasping. I looked to the road where I couldn't see the carriage anymore.

"Yes. The best among the rest. The one who had a massive agricultural harvest all over the Estasia Eglaria Kingdom. He is the one who had been granted an acreage for sugarcane and corn plantations by our Alpha King and Luna Queen. "

"Unbelievable!" I exclaimed.

"Right? He is also the one assigned as the supervisor to check every plantation. Isn't he amazing?"

I nodded as an answer. That duke has a greater achievement than our Alpha. To think that he could manage to supervise his own plantations and he even paid a visit to every plantation was already remarkable for me!

"But we must be careful, Anais."

I snapped and looked at her. "Why?" I asked, bewildered.

"Lord Grant dislikes His Grace. Strongly disliked the Alpha Duke," she said as we took more waterskins and hooked it in our back.

"For what reason?" Curiosity got the best of me.

"Envy." She winked. "Since Alpha Duke contributed more to the last war, he had been granted a dukedom. All of us suspect that our Alpha envies His Grace but we should keep our mouth shut about this or we will be beheaded by our Alpha." She put her finger to her lips, hushing me. I nodded in agreement. "We must part ways here. You go to the West Wing and I will go to the North Wing," she said, giggling.

"Sure. I'll see you later!" I waved my hand before I continued walking towards the West Wing.

I turned my eyes where the Alpha Duke's carriage went in the direction of our Marquess's manor. If our Alpha strongly dislikes His Grace, then, with the duke's arrival, his behavior towards us, the Omega, would be worsened...

I'm afraid someone is going to die again. I should stay away from the commotion later so Alpha Grant won't hurt us. I hope he won't pass his annoyance to us. This is going to be hellish. I just really hope our Alpha will be in a good mood later.

Or so I hope.