
Scheming to Power

A world of swords and magic would be an exciting one to be reborn in, right? Right? What if the person who was reborn could use neither sword not magic though? What if they had only their brains to slowly bide their time and smell their opportunities? Ah, but what's this? I have no powers but I have a mysterious past? How is this girl who died as a result of my schemes returning and following me? I need to stop panicking and keep on my Stoic MC Poker Face. Always remember, Patience is the First Virtue!

Mesozoic · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 2

Locke walked over to the library, where most of the Baron's administrative work was performed. Taxes had to be counted, news from the Kingdom had to be parsed and delivered to the Baron. Conflict among the subjects, if any, had to be resolved. Expenses had to be balanced, trade had to be monitored. There was a lot of work, but only four hands to do it all. One pair belonged to the official Scribe in service of the Baron and the other belonged to the Baron's bastard son - Locke Mith.

"You're here apprentice." The Scribe, named Hess muttered after a glance at Locke. "Come. Help me jot down all the news that has arrived from the Kingdom's corners."

Locke nodded and carefully took hold of the scroll and inked feather that Hess passed over before he began to mutter.

"Viscount Bilary is holding a feast on account of his son becoming a Guardian Knight."

Locke carefully wrote down the message in an exquisite font, careful not to make any mistakes. This was one of the biggest jobs for Scribes.

"The border forces in the west are making hasty movements." Hess continued.

Lock raised an eye at the news, but quietly continued writing it down as instructed.

"Duke Claithe is building a memorial for the Sun God."

Locke was writing what was being dictated without any mistakes. When he finished writing, he turned up and saw that Hess had relaxed himself. Locke put down the feather pen.

Hess then looked at Locke and asked him. "So, what do you glean from the news?"

Locke appeared thoughtful. "The Viscount's son, Gordred is a rival of Jain. The two have always been competitive, and as a Baron under the Viscount, Lord Mith would have to visit. Jain should perhaps prepare for a test."

"The troop movements are from the west to the east. The objective doesn't seem clear. The Sun Kingdom is protected by biological boundaries, the capability of an external force mounting a sudden attack are minimal."

"As for Duke Claithe, we have too little information about his motives. Perhaps he is trying to gain favor with the Sun god." Locke analyzed.

"Hm, good. The Duke is probably afraid of his competitor Duke Gainsbraith, who recently received a rare honor from the King himself." Hess explained.

Locke nodded as if the truth hidden behind was revealed. Hess continued to explain some more nuances about the current ongoings of politics in the country and how it would affect the Barony of Mith. Locke was patiently listening to the details.

Hess was inwardly satisfied. This apprentice of his was an exceptional talent when it came to academic matters. It was unfortunate that his ancestry meant that he was bound to be stepped on all his life.

"Locke, I suggest you become an official Scribe and leave the Barony. The Baroness does not like your presence and feels threatened. Your siblings are the next heir to the Barony as well." Hess whispered before he left the library.

Locke didn't reply. His face had a perfect poker face on. Hess saw Locke's inscrutable face and sighed before walking away. After Hess had left, Locke finally sprang to life and began reading through documents that had been left in the library.

A few hours later, when Locke left the library, he found his third brother, Trive walking into the mansion, pale faced and terrified. Locke carefully observed Trive, who looked like he had just escaped death. His clothes were crumpled and he appeared rattled as he looked around to be sure that no one saw him before he rushed into his room.

Locke was immediately suspicious. Trive didn't appear totally drunk, yet it seemed like he had been in a scuffle. He quickly left the mansion, making an excuse that he needed to visit the market. No guard stopped him.

However, not far from the mansion, he found a stable man brushing the horses for the Baron's use. The man was on the direct path to the mansion and could not have missed Tribe's unseemly presence.

Locke walked over and pleasantly smiled. "Goodmorning uncle."

"Young master Locke!" The stable man's old wrinkly eyes immediately turned gentle when he saw the visitor. In the Barony, Locke was ostracized by the ruler's family, but seen as a bright and pleasant lad who respected his elders by the servants. Over the years, Locke had made sure to befriend and be on good terms with every servant he could. Be it the cooks, the gardners or the stable men. The exception were the Baroness' people.

"How are you doing Uncle Ron?" Locke asked. "You look tired. Why aren't the younger servants helping you out?"

"Oh lad, you are caring as always. Don't worry about my old bones. The other stable workers have gone back to their villages to help harvest crops. So it is just me."

Locke displayed an expression of realization, though he was already aware of this. "How could they have made such an oversight. I'll ask for a servant to be sent to help you soon." He replied, causing the old stable man to be gratified.

"Uncle Ron, did you perhaps see anything unusual today?" Locke eventually managed to sneak in the important bit into the conversation.

"I did! I did!" The old man Ron's eyes lit up with gossip. "I saw the other Young master, Trive being beaten up while he escaped to the mansion!"

"Beaten up? That's terrible!" Locke exclaimed. "Who could possibly dare do such a thing?"

"They were ordinary folks. I don't know their names, but they were from Herish Village!" Ron replied. "But they seemed rightfully angry."

Locke nodded. "I was worried about my elder brother. It must probably be a misunderstanding. Don't worry uncle Ron, I'll try to solve it."

Locke quickly left the scene, leaving the old man to wonder how responsible the poor lad was. Ron happened to know Locke's mother, before she had been 'disappeared'. No one talked about the matter in the mansion, but everyone understood well, whose handiwork it had been.