Schaffe Deathclaw finds him self in the ruins of Albany New York three hundred years after a nuke now he must fight mutants and Psychos to live his life. (original made in 2017)
They arrive in Ottawa, Montreal, Canada and they pick a random house to set up as a base. Schaffe was now wearing a leather black Jacket and says, "so they took the north already." Phil then says, "yeah according to them it's like they predicted their movements." Schaffe then says, "I see." Jess then says, "what should we do to help them out." Ian lights a cigarette in his mouth and says, "well we could take out one of their camps." They go to the dining room of the house and set up a map of Ottawa. Schaffe then says, "now pinpointing an area." Phil then says, "yeah The Brotherhood is in National War Memorial and the Raiders are in Major's Hill Park they separated by the bridge." Schaffe then says, "got an Idea." Schaffe then points at the Notre Dame Cathedral is behind Major's Hill Park. Schaffe then says, "let's attack them from behind by going around and when they attack the Brotherhood we go take them from behind." Phil then says, "I like that Idea should we tell the Ottawa Brotherhood." Schaffe then says, "no they might have a spy among them." Ian then says, "it's a good call never know plus these guys are real mother fuckers they like sick and twisted shit." Schaffe then says, "I see well then let's get started then."
They go around and end at Notre Dame Cathedral. They wait there with rifles. Schaffe then puts his ears out and waits to hear the fighting start. Schaffe then starts to hear gunfire going off. Schaffe then says, "alright let's go." They then start to head out when Schaffe knows something moving near them. Schaffe then says, "Hey I'm going over here I saw something." Phil then says, "alright we will meet up later."
Schaffe then split up from them and follow what he saw. Schaffe makes to a ruined house he enter the house and goes into the kitchen was surprised what he saw a little girl with light blue shoulder-length, she had red-eye and pale skin in rags she was looking at a can of food for dogs. She opens it and starts eating it. Schaffe then thinks, "a Psychic and a young one too." She then turns and looks in shock as if she heard him speak. Schaffe then says, "she heard me." The Girl then back to the wall in fear. The Girl then says, "please leave me alone." Schaffe then says, "Hey I'm not going to hurt you relax." Schaffe then goes into his jacket pocket and gets a piece of candy out of his pocket and toss it on the floor in front of her. Schaffe then says, "it good to give it a try." The Girl then picks up while watching him and eats it. She seemed to like it. Schaffe then says, "I told it well." But the Girl then looks like she staring into space. Schaffe then says, "hey something wrong." The girl then grabs Schaffe's right arm and pulls him and says, "lookout." Schaffe falls on her as that happens then the ceiling caves in where Schaffe was. Schaffe then says, "what..." The Girl manages to knock herself out from Schaffe landing on her. Schaffe then says, "this kid did she see that fall on me is she like Nirvana was no she different."
Later that day Schaffe was back at their home base he brought her there and she was laying in the bed. The other comes back and Phil then says, "Hey there..." Phil sees the little girl and says, "who she and a Psychic too." Schaffe then says, "she a strange one her powers seem different than Jess's she can hear our thoughts." Phil then says, "what now that new and I thought Nirvana show us everything." Schaffe then says, "I have a theory what happens if this kid is the next generation of Psychics." Phil then says, "possible if she is better than the average Psychics then perhaps her parents must be as well she could be the first too I'll go get Jess." Phil leaves. The Girl then wakes and says, "where am I." Schaffe then says, "oh hey your awake." The Girl then says, "who are you." Schaffe then says, "my name is Schaffe Deathclaw." Phil and Jess come and Jess looks at the Girl and says, "are you like me." The Girl then says, "are you a Psychic too." Jess then says, "yes but I don't know who you are it's the first time we meet and you weren't there years ago when the old atom plant blew." Schaffe then says, "hey do you have a name." The Girl then says, "my name is Terra, Terra Branford." Jess then was surprised by that." Schaffe then says, "Jess."