
Chapter 201: Mysterious Ancient Star! Consecutive Gold Appearances!

[As the Three Profound Sacred Flower matured, you immediately took action to seize it. However, the experts from the Canglan Empire, White Light Palace, and the Yao Clan had obviously been wary of you for a long time. The moment you acted, they all simultaneously unleashed Supreme Artifacts, intending to suppress you.]

[After all, the chance to become a Saint was something no one wanted to miss, so it was only natural to eliminate the person with the highest cultivation first. Facing the Half-Saint experts from the three major forces jointly attacking you with their Supreme Artifacts, you calmly unleashed your Supreme Artifact, the Abyssal Demon Spear.]

[With your Saint-level cultivation and the power of the Supreme Artifact Abyssal Demon Spear, even if the three forces combined had three Supreme Artifacts, they still couldn't match you and were sent flying.]

[Then, you directly took the Three Profound Sacred Flower and left with Lin Qinghe. This shocked and angered the experts from the Canglan Empire, White Light Palace, and the Yao Clan, as they hadn't expected you to possess a Supreme Artifact.]

[Soon, the three major forces took action and began searching everywhere for your whereabouts. If they found you, they would invite a Saint-level ancestor with little remaining lifespan to hunt you down. After all, for major powers, exchanging an old Saint for a newly promoted Saint was a profitable deal.]

[Facing the pursuit of the three major forces, you remained calm. After all, you were a Saint and possessed secret techniques like concealing your aura and blocking divination. Unless you were extremely unlucky, few could discover your traces.]

[As for Lin Qinghe, it was extremely difficult for anyone to find her due to the remnants of the Swallowing Immortal Demon Body from the previous generation.]

[Next, you found a secluded place to seclude yourself and began consuming the Three Profound Sacred Flower. Eventually, after a year of cultivation, you successfully refined the Three Profound Sacred Flower, increasing your cultivation by three small realms, reaching the level of Saint Quadruple.]

[Simultaneously, due to the Three Profound Sacred Flower's assistance in enlightenment and inherent effects of certain laws, you successfully comprehended space, lightning, and fire laws to twenty percent each, significantly enhancing your strength.]

[You decided to leave seclusion and planned to depart from the Canglan Ancient Star. However, you realized that the Canglan Ancient Star had already been jointly sealed by the three major forces. The moment you left the starry sky, you would be detected, and endless pursuit would await you.]

[In the face of the three major forces' unreasonable actions, you grew annoyed and decided to fight back, while also nurturing Lin Qinghe.]

[In the end, you initiated a counterattack, successfully destroying an ancient city of the Canglan Empire and plundering its treasures. This infuriated the Canglan Empire, prompting them to directly invite a Saint-level ancestor with a Supreme Artifact to kill you.]

[Soon, a battle between you and the Canglan Empire's Saint-level ancestor began. The Canglan Empire's Saint was incredibly powerful, at the level of Saint Sextuple, and had comprehended twenty percent of two different laws. Unfortunately, you were no longer the same as when you were a Saint Single. With your current cultivation at Saint Quadruple and two laws comprehended to twenty percent, dealing with the Canglan Empire's Saint-level ancestor with limited lifespan was not difficult.]

[In the end, you easily killed the opponent and took their remains. This battle shook the entire Canglan Ancient Star. After hearing the news, the White Light Palace and the Yao Clan chose to give up pursuing you. After all, their joint blockade of the ancient star was for the sake of the Three Profound Sacred Flower.]

[Now that the sacred flower was gone, they naturally didn't want to provoke such a powerful Saint like you.]

[However, the Canglan Empire, having lost a Saint, was furious and had forged a deep enmity with you. They wanted to find you and invite even more powerful ancestors to suppress you, perhaps even using quasi-Emperor Artifacts.]

[Facing the anger of the Canglan Empire, you remained indifferent. Once again, you found a place for Lin Qinghe to seclude herself and watched her attempt to break through to the Saint level.]

[Lin Qinghe successfully broke through to the level of Saint during her tribulation. As she achieved this breakthrough, the Canglan Empire's Saint-level ancestor did not hesitate to attack her with a quasi-Emperor Artifact.]

[This attack was something you couldn't defend against. However, you were well-prepared. When the attack was about to land, you teleported to Lin Qinghe's side using your golden talent, Teleportation.]

[In an instant, even the power of the quasi-Emperor Artifact couldn't prevent your teleportation. Thus, you both managed to escape.]

[Your sudden disappearance astonished the many self-sealed experts on the Canglan Ancient Star. Even Great Saints and even Supreme-level experts were taken aback, not expecting you to possess such a method.]

[As the various powerful figures were shocked, one cultivator sighed, regretting not capturing Lin Qinghe earlier. If he had caught her, he could have obtained some major opportunity with the blood of the Swallowing Immortal Demon Body.]

"This Canglan Ancient Star is even harder to navigate than I imagined," Wang Ping said, shaking his head while looking at the simulated text.

There was no room for loose cultivators to survive on the Canglan Ancient Star. Furthermore, the number of powerful experts was high, and they appeared as Half-Saints or even wielded quasi-Emperor Artifacts, making it difficult to contend with.

Currently, there were too many powerful experts on the Canglan Ancient Star, and there weren't many opportunities to obtain something valuable. It was a place with low cost-effectiveness, disappointing Wang Ping.

"However, in the last section of the simulated text, the focus was placed on a cultivator who seemed quite extraordinary. Moreover, from his tone, it appears that the blood of the Swallowing Immortal Demon Body could lead to some significant opportunity. Calling such a chance a major one, even a confident expert who believes he can easily capture me and Lin Qinghe, indicates that it must be astonishing."

"It seems that when my strength is sufficient, I'll have to pay a visit to this Canglan Ancient Star again. But for now, the most suitable places for me are those ancient stars that haven't produced Supreme Realm experts but still possess abundant resources. Unfortunately, such undiscovered ancient stars are rare and hard to find."

Wang Ping sighed and continued to gaze at the screen.

While Wang Ping continued to gaze at the screen, text continued to appear.

[After you teleported, you found yourself on a peculiar ancient star. You were astonished to discover that this ancient star had clear laws. In addition, the spiritual energy and divine resources were extremely abundant, completely unlike what you'd expect in the late-era world.]

[You inquired about the information of this ancient star and learned its name. This ancient star was called Yuheng Ancient Star, an extremely unusual one. Despite having abundant cultivation resources and complete natural laws, there were no Saint Realm experts here, not even Half-Saints.]

[On Yuheng Ancient Star, Saint Realm experts seemed to be a taboo presence, which left you bewildered. After numerous inquiries and gathering of information, you finally understood why Saint Realm experts were forbidden here.]

[It was because terrifying events of mass extinction among cultivators had occurred multiple times on Yuheng Ancient Star. Before these terrifying events, someone would attain sainthood.]

[Therefore, it was speculated that the appearance of mysterious events of mass extinction among cultivators was linked to someone achieving sainthood on Yuheng Ancient Star. Becoming a Saint seemed to trigger these events.]

[Hence, Yuheng Ancient Star absolutely prohibited anyone from achieving sainthood. If anyone reached the level of Half-Saint, the cultivators of Yuheng Ancient Star would unite to kill them to prevent reckless sainthood, causing a new extinction of the cultivation world on the entire Yuheng Ancient Star. There were records of this happening in ancient texts.]

[For this reason, on Yuheng Ancient Star, there was even a secret technique known as the "Saint Slaying Art." It could harness the power of numerous Divine Realm experts, utilizing the strength of heaven and earth to gain the ability to slay Saints.]

[Furthermore, they had a method of monitoring the entire ancient star. Once a Half-Saint tribulation appeared, even if you used a world-shaking array to hide, they could easily detect it and eliminate the threat.]

[You were greatly surprised and found it intriguing to learn about the situation on Yuheng Ancient Star. While practicing on this star could yield twice the results with half the effort, achieving sainthood would lead to a massive extinction of the cultivation world. You suspected that this might be the plan of some old monster.]

[Of course, the laws of this world could be peculiar, and there might be unusual laws on some ancient stars. However, that possibility was relatively small.]

[Despite knowing the potential danger on this ancient star, you had no intention of leaving. After all, in this late-era world, finding an environment like this was not easy. If you left, you'd once again face the dilemma of struggling to advance your cultivation.]

[In addition, this time, you had used the Golden Talent - Teleportation to come here, and you didn't know if you could return next time.]

[For this reason, even if you believed that achieving sainthood might lead to a massive extinction of the cultivation world, you had no plans to leave. However, you did decide to send Lin Qinghe away.]

[After all, Lin Qinghe possessed the Swallowing Immortal Demon Body. There was no need for her to take risks here. Furthermore, there were no evil Saint Realm experts on this ancient star for her to consume their essence, so staying here wouldn't be of much benefit to her.]

[Lin Qinghe listened to your advice and chose to leave Yuheng Ancient Star, but she wanted you to go with her. In response, you chose to refuse.]

[In the end, Lin Qinghe left alone, and you remained on Yuheng Ancient Star to cultivate and gain its abundant resources.]

[You found that the resources on Yuheng Ancient Star were even more abundant than you had imagined, including numerous high-grade divine sources. However, these high-grade divine sources were not well-received; instead, they were highly disliked and sealed in the divine source mines.]

[The reason for this was that high-grade divine sources could help people advance to Half-Saint, and they even had some benefits for achieving sainthood. This clearly struck a nerve with the cultivators of Yuheng Ancient Star, so they closely monitored them to prevent abuse.]

[Additionally, there were plenty of Saintly Elixirs on Yuheng Ancient Star, but these were also unappreciated. While Saintly Elixirs, when used wisely, could help Divine Realm experts slowly assimilate and rapidly improve their cultivation, they also posed a risk of someone achieving sainthood.]

[For this reason, the major powers on Yuheng Ancient Star monitored and collected Saintly Elixirs, preventing anyone from obtaining them.]

[After learning about these circumstances, you couldn't help but feel speechless. Saintly Elixirs, a rare sight on other ancient stars, were everywhere on Yuheng Ancient Star. However, the cultivators here treated them as poison. If other cultivators from different ancient stars saw this, they would surely be envious and astounded.]

[After some thought, you took action, using your spatial techniques to quietly obtain some of these Saintly Elixirs from the treasuries of various factions. Although these factions heavily guarded their Saintly Elixirs with numerous restrictions, you, as a Saint, and skilled in spatial manipulation, could outwit the local cultivators.]

[For this reason, obtaining these Saintly Elixirs and divine sources wasn't too difficult for you. Soon, you had acquired many Saintly Elixirs.]

[However, you underestimated the detection capabilities of this world when it came to Saintly power. During your actions, you eventually revealed your Saintly aura, causing the major powers of this world to show expressions of fear.]

[They began to convene meetings, mobilizing experts to search for your whereabouts. While they searched for you, you chose to go into seclusion to try and absorb these Saintly Elixirs and enhance your cultivation.]

[As for the issue of rapidly advancing your cultivation in such a short time and the concerns about your foundation becoming unstable, you didn't want to think about it for the time being. After all, advancing your cultivation was the most important, and if your foundation wasn't stable,

 you could compensate for it later with group points.]

[Furthermore, taking some time to consolidate was also an option. Time was not particularly valuable to you.]

[In a short time, you entered seclusion for ten years. During this period, you refined several Saintly Elixirs, successfully advancing from Saint Quadruple to Saint Sextuple. According to your estimation, if you were to refine all the Saintly Elixirs in your possession, you might have a chance to break through to the level of Saint Septuple, reaching the later stage of the Saint Realm.]

[In addition, due to the suitability of this ancient star for enlightenment, coupled with the effects of the Saintly Elixirs, your Time-Space Dao Body finally began to exhibit its proper effects. You successfully comprehended 30% of the Space Law, 30% of the Thunder Law, 30% of the Fire Law, and even 10% of the Time Law.]

[Unfortunately, your Time-Space Origin was incomplete, especially the Time aspect, which was significantly lacking. Therefore, the practice of Time Law couldn't compare to Space Law. Nevertheless, time was supreme, and the strength of 10% Time Law was far superior to ordinary 10% Laws.]

[With your cultivation at Saint Sextuple, four Laws at your disposal, you were confident that you could defeat experts at the peak of Saint Ninth Realm. In fact, you could even battle and potentially defeat those with Grand Perfection in the Saint Realm.]

[Of course, your actual combat strength would need to be tested in a real battle to determine.]

[Just when you were feeling confident, you suddenly felt something abnormal in your body. Your strength was being absorbed by the ground beneath your feet. It wasn't just you; all the cultivators on the ancient star were being drained of their power, as if they were turning into nourishment for the ancient star.]

[Seeing this, you panicked and tried to summon your Supreme Artifact, the Abyssal Demon Spear, to stop the power drain and escape from Yuheng Ancient Star using teleportation. However, as you took action, you realized that your strength was dissipating even faster, and your entire body turned into a pool of blood.]

[You died, but due to the presence of a resurrection talisman, you came back to life. However, you discovered that teleportation was no longer usable, and you died again.]

[The text simulation stopped at this point, leaving Wang Ping with various images and insights. His figure had reappeared on Yuheng Ancient Star.]

"What exactly is the situation with this planet? Why is it so bizarre?"

Wang Ping stared at the simulation of himself turning into blood, as well as the numerous cultivators who had met the same fate. He felt a chill run down his spine.

Is this ancient star truly an ancient star? Or could it be a situation similar to Xuangui Continent, where it's not an ancient star at all, but the body of some terrifying monster or creature?

Perhaps that's why the natural laws here are so abundant and the resources so rich.

But why does the appearance of a Saint Realm cultivator lead to a massive extinction event? Could it be that they awaken this creature, and it finds the cultivators bothersome, so it devours them all as a snack?

"My imagination has always been vast and accurate. Maybe that's the case. Even if it's not, this Yuheng Ancient Star holds astonishing secrets," Wang Ping mused.

It could be said that all the ancient stars Wang Ping had encountered so far concealed great mysteries.

The Primordial Ancient Star had its forbidden grounds.

The Purgatory Ancient Star had strange fiery eruptions, with terrifying white flames causing havoc in the Fire Law of the entire star, capable of even melting the Supreme Artifact, the Abyssal Demon Spear.

The Vastwave Ancient Star, seemingly the most ordinary, was monopolized by three major forces, with many powerful individuals. And it had recently revealed information related to the Swallowing Immortal Demon Body.

And now, there was this Yuheng Ancient Star, even more enigmatic.

The Upper Realm was indeed chaotic, with celestial powers rooted there, and various local ancient creatures had their own schemes and methods. One could easily fall into their schemes and meet a grim fate.

"But the Lower Realm seems better after all. Although it's also difficult, at least there aren't forbidden grounds everywhere," Wang Ping muttered.

At this moment, Wang Ping's consciousness flickered, and his surroundings changed. He found himself back in the real world.

Then, the voice of the system sounded at the right moment.

"Ding, reward generation successful. The host can choose two rewards from the following options:

1. Saint Quadruple cultivation.

2. Saint Sextuple cultivation (with a slightly unstable foundation).

3. Golden Talent - Teleportation.

4. A randomly chosen Saint Artifact."

"System, I choose option 2, Saint Sextuple cultivation, and option 3, Golden Talent - Teleportation," Wang Ping said without hesitation as he looked at the list of rewards.

Choosing Saint Quadruple cultivation when Saint Sextuple was available would be foolish. As for the slightly unstable foundation, as mentioned in the simulation, he could always spend time stabilizing it later.

Regarding the Golden Talent - Teleportation, it had performed exceptionally well in this simulation, and not choosing it was not an option.

As Wang Ping made his choices, his cultivation began to rise steadily.

Saint Double.

Saint Triple.

Saint Quadruple.

Saint Quintuple.

Until he reached the peak of Saint Sextuple.

Additionally, his mind was now equipped with the knowledge of how to use the Golden Talent - Teleportation.

"Now, with my current power, I should be able to take on Zhang Family's half-step Grand Saint on the Primordial Ancient Star," Wang Ping thought confidently.

After all, no matter how strong the half-step Grand Saint from Zhang Family was, they were still just a half-step Grand Saint, far from the true Grand Saint level. They wouldn't be able to suppress a Supreme Artifact.

With Wang Ping's increased cultivation and wielding the Supreme Artifact, he could unleash most of its power, making it highly probable that he could take on and possibly even suppress his opponent.

"As long as that Grand Supreme isn't around, I should be able to roam freely on the Primordial Ancient Star now. Of course, as long as I don't enter the Primordial Forbidden Ground, or I'll be in trouble," Wang Ping thought, considering his next move.

"However, considering that I've already exposed myself on the Primordial Ancient Star, it's not safe to stay here for too long. Otherwise, someone might come looking for me, and that would be very dangerous," Wang Ping concluded, discarding the idea of continuing to act recklessly on the Primordial Ancient Star.

In fact, even in the real world, he should find a time to leave.

"System, how much resources do I need for another paid simulation now that my cultivation has increased?" Wang Ping asked inwardly.

With his improved cultivation, the resource requirements for a paid simulation were likely to change. Wang Ping hoped that the increase would be manageable.

"Ding, the system detects that the host's cultivation has reached the level of Saint Sextuple. The resources required for a paid simulation are either 100,000 catties of high-grade divine essence or 1,000 catties of top-grade divine essence," the system's voice replied.

"Only a doubling, I can accept that," Wang Ping said, hearing the price, feeling somewhat relieved.

"System, I want to initiate a paid simulation," Wang Ping immediately declared in his mind.

"Ding, it will cost 100,000 catties of high-grade divine essence. Life simulator is starting, talent refresh in progress," the system's voice echoed.

"Ding, talent refresh successful. Congratulations, host, you've refreshed the Golden Talent - Multiple Overture and the Red Talent - Song and Dance."

Golden Talent - Multiple Overture: When the host is in the midst of an attack, using this talent allows the attack to instantly split into multiple identical attacks, launching simultaneous strikes that are nearly impossible to defend against.

Note: This talent can also trigger critical hits and can activate up to nine simultaneous attacks.

Red Talent - Song and Dance:

"Woah!" Wang Ping was astonished as he read the description of the Golden Talent.

This Golden Talent was quite brutal, capable of triggering multiple attacks instantly, with a potential for up to nine simultaneous strikes. Imagining the damage caused by activating nine identical attacks, along with the critical hit effect from the Purple Talent - Endless Blade, sent shivers down his spine.

Moreover, if he added the ability to nullify divine arts, his opponent would likely be instantly defeated. Before acquiring this Golden Talent, Wang Ping had always used this fighting style to defeat his enemies.

Now that he had the Golden Talent - Multiple Overture, he believed that he could even kill a Grand Saint if he was lucky enough.

Of course, Wang Ping was just fantasizing. To achieve such an attack, he would need a great deal of luck to trigger a critical hit and activate six overtures or more to kill a Grand Saint. Besides, Grand Saints weren't sitting ducks, waiting to be attacked.

Although Wang Ping's attack power might reach the level required to kill a Grand Saint, he was still relatively weaker in other aspects compared to them. He couldn't compete in every way.

It could only be said that Wang Ping had become somewhat one-sided in his thinking.

"However, when facing an attack from a Grand Saint, even if the Grand Saint wields a Supreme Artifact that can threaten a Half-Step Grand Saint, they generally wouldn't care too much. For the sake of showing off, there's a possibility they might choose to confront it head-on. At that time, by activating Multiple Overture, along with a critical hit, the scene… hmph," Wang Ping thought of that scenario, and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

"Speaking of which, this consecutive streak of obtaining Golden Talents seems a bit familiar. I have a feeling that something really unfortunate might happen next," Wang Ping muttered to himself, snapping back to reality.

"Never mind, who cares about that. Let's enjoy the moment. System, I choose the Golden Talent - Multiple Overture."

"Ding, talent selection successful. Life simulation begins."

The system's voice rang out, and Wang Ping's consciousness flickered as he entered the state of immersive simulation.

Then, the screen appeared, and familiar text floated into view.

[Day One, you chose to cultivate.]

[In the following days, you decided not to leave the Primordial Ancient Star immediately. This time, you intended to stay on the Primordial Ancient Star and observe whether the Wind Demon Overlord made any moves.]

[Simultaneously, you planned to take advantage of future opportunities to travel to the Central Ancient Star Region with the descendants of the Supreme Overlords who would arrive. After all, there was no shortcut for you to go there on your own, and hitching a ride seemed like a good idea.]

[Time passed quickly, about a century had gone by. During these years, you continued to diligently cultivate, solidifying your cultivation and strengthening your foundation.]

[Your reputation on the Primordial Ancient Star continued to spread, and the Dao Palace sought your whereabouts, wishing to invite you to visit and ask you some questions.]

[When the Grand Saint's Secret Realm opened, you chose to come out and brought Lin Qinghe with you. You successfully obtained the Saint Medicine inside, which also helped Lin Qinghe improve her cultivation significantly.]

[As for the remnant soul of the Grand Saint, you still chose to suppress it and refine its divine soul into a pure spiritual source for Lin Qinghe to devour.]

[After the Grand Saint's Secret Realm expedition, you resumed your closed-door cultivation. Although the quality of the Saint Medicine was average, you were already not far from reaching the Seventh Realm of the Saint, so it allowed you to break through to the late stages of the Seventh Realm.]

[After reaching the Seventh Realm of the Saint, you spent another hundred years stabilizing your foundation before deciding to reappear.]

[After your reappearance, the Master of the Dao Palace unexpectedly found you and invited you to visit. The Master of the Dao Palace asked you some questions about the Dao Emperor's Scripture. You mentioned that you had obtained it by chance. Upon hearing this, the Master of the Dao Palace sighed and hoped you wouldn't spread the information.]

[Upon hearing this, you naturally agreed. Then, you mentioned that you had cultivated the Dao Emperor's Scripture and felt a connection to the Dao Palace. You once again expressed your desire to join the Dao Palace as a guest elder.]

[Now, with your formidable strength and the Golden Talent - Teleportation, even if a Supreme Overlord took action, you wouldn't die. Therefore, you no longer feared anything.]

[When the Master of the Dao Palace heard your words, he hesitated. Your background was unclear, and he didn't know if you could be trusted. However, rejecting a Saint of such immense power who wanted to join the Dao Palace would be a great loss.]

[Just as the Master of the Dao Palace hesitated, the voice of the self-proclaimed Supreme Overlord of the Dao Palace sounded, and he agreed to your entry.]

[Seeing this, the Master of the Dao Palace agreed to your request to join the palace as a guest elder. You became a guest elder of the Dao Palace once again, after a long absence.]

[End of this chapter.]