
Chapter 182: The Inheritance of the Abyssal Demon Lord! Emperor Qingzhu

"Is the world where Yu Zhengtao is also the same as my worldview?" Wang Ping asked in surprise as he scrolled through the chat content.

Yu Zhengtao had transmigrated to a world with a cultivation system similar to his own, resembling a lower plane like the Purple Spirit Realm. However, this lower plane was much stronger than the Purple Spirit Realm and the Blood Demon Realm, with quasi-deities and even recently ascended Transcendent Realm experts.

Yu Zhengtao knew all this because he was lucky enough to be taken as a disciple by a King who recognized his extraordinary potential. That's how he came to know so much about these matters.

"Alpha, sending Yu Zhengtao to a different plane in the same world as me doesn't make sense, right? Don't tell me that plane is also experiencing anomalies." Wang Ping rubbed his chin and inquired within his mind.

"Correct," Alpha responded, confirming Wang Ping's guess.

"Well, it's indeed bizarre. However, it seems like this fantasy world is quite fond of anomalies, big and small," Wang Ping remarked, shaking his head.

"You've got it wrong. It's because this fantasy world has the presence of the Dark Source that underdeveloped anomalies can intrude and dare to come here. Otherwise, those underdeveloped anomalies attempting to enter this fantasy world would easily meet their demise," Alpha explained.

"Even so, they mostly cause trouble in the lower realms," Alpha added quietly.

"Mostly? Are you suggesting that there are other anomalies in the upper realms besides the Dark Source?" Wang Ping raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, there are, but they won't act as recklessly as the anomalies you've encountered before. That would be suicidal," Alpha's voice turned cold.

"The situation in the upper realms is getting more complicated," Wang Ping sighed in his heart and then shifted his focus to the situation in Zhang Haoran's world.

"Zhang Haoran's world is quite interesting. They can become stronger by eating. The people in that world are blessed by the God of Food. The more delicious the food they consume, the stronger their physical bodies become. This world has countless natural delicacies, and chefs who can enhance existing dishes hold high status. It's a dream world for foodies," Wang Ping commented, licking his lips, becoming intrigued by Zhang Haoran's world.

"I wonder if the upper limit of strength in this world is high. If it is, that would be great. I'd love to go there to taste delicious food and get stronger at the same time," Wang Ping mused.

"This world is indeed powerful, no less than the upper realms of your fantasy world," Alpha's voice abruptly interrupted.

"Huh?" Wang Ping was stunned by Alpha's assessment. "Seriously? A world where you become stronger by eating can rival the upper realms?"

"Do you think it's a good idea?" Wang Ping asked, somewhat surprised.

"Indeed. However, as they become stronger, people in this world become easily consumed by their desire for exquisite food. They want to devour everything," Alpha warned.

"It's interesting. If possible, I'd like to go and taste some delicacies," Wang Ping said, feeling a bit tempted.

"I advise against casually entering that world. Everything can be turned into food there, and you wouldn't be considered a pure human anymore. If you go to that world, you might be classified as a type of food and end up on someone else's plate due to the world's rules," Alpha cautioned.

"What?" Wang Ping's expression twitched. The idea of becoming food for someone else was beyond absurd. This world was truly bizarre.

"Well, what if I create an avatar and send it there? I haven't tried if I can simulate other worlds with avatars after going to different worlds," Wang Ping pondered, rubbing his chin with curiosity.

"You've already been labeled in this world, so unless you can draw certain special talents, it won't work," Alpha replied coldly.

"Too bad," Wang Ping shook his head in disappointment. "Talents, huh? If I could refresh with powerful talents and go to that special world, I might become stronger faster than in the upper realms. After all, it's the end of an era in the upper realms, and even in normal times, achieving enlightenment is extremely difficult. In that world, you just have to eat."

At that moment, the chat group system suddenly sounded, catching Wang Ping off guard.

"Ding! An anomaly has been detected in Zhang Hu's world. Group mission: Eliminate the anomaly. This group mission is mandatory, with a participation limit of 5, to be selected by the proxy group leader, Wang Ping. Please prepare accordingly."

"Another anomaly? You really don't let me catch my breath," Wang Ping muttered.

"By the way, hasn't there already been an anomaly in Zhang Hu's world? Why is there another one?" he asked.

"Who said that a world with a previous anomaly won't experience another one? In fact, worlds with previous anomalies are more likely to encounter anomalies again because the world's coordinates have already been exposed," Alpha's cold voice replied.

"I see," Wang Ping had nothing more to say. He then scrolled to the latest messages in the chat group.

In the chat group, everyone was in an uproar.

Zhang Hu (5): "What the hell is going on? Why is there another anomaly in my world? Didn't we already eliminate them?"

Fang Yun (3): "Who knows what's going on. By the way, I think I can participate in this group mission. The power level in Zhang Hu's world isn't high, so I can easily blend in! Haha, laughing.jpg."

Chen Yao (71): "Another anomaly in the same world? That's a dangerous sign."

Lin Yuan Yuan (80): "The magic world, I still have vivid memories of it."

Qin Tian (77): "Hey, of course, you have vivid memories, considering it's the world where you made your first fortune. Hilarious.jpg."

Lin Yuan Yuan (80): "It's more like the beginning of me breaking free. So, I'm planning to participate in this group mission for nostalgic reasons."

Ye Xiao Fan (75): "666."

Yu Zhengtao (91): "Well, another anomaly appeared so quickly. Luckily, I'm a newcomer. Otherwise, based on what the seniors have said about previous chat groups, it would be too dangerous."

Zhang Haoran (92): "As a trembling newcomer, I won't go."

Wang Ping (66): "Alright, that's enough chatting. Lin Yuanyuan and Fang Yun have signed up. Anyone else wants to join, raise your hand."

Wu Jun (20): "Count me in, I'm going."

Cai Yonglong (1): "I'm going too. I'm definitely going, after all, I'm Wang Ge's partner for this mission."

Qin Tian (77): "Damn, Cai Ge stole my spot! I'm the real partner for this mission! Grinding my teeth.jpg."

Cai Yonglong (1): "(ˉ▽ ̄~)切~~"

Wang Ping (66): "Alright, sign-ups are closed. So, the team for this group mission will be Lin Yuanyuan, Fang Yun, Cai Yonglong, and Wu Jun."

After that, Wang Ping didn't say much and went offline.

"System, I want to perform a paid simulation," Wang Ping said in his mind, a familiar routine before a group mission.

"Ding, consume ten pounds of inferior divine source, payment successful, life simulator activated, talent refresh in progress," the system's voice echoed.

"Ding, talent refresh successful, congratulations, host, for refreshing a purple talent - 'Endless Blade,' and a red talent - 'Ascetic Monk.'"

Purple Talent - Endless Blade: With this talent, the host's attacks may trigger critical hits, causing double damage.

Red Talent - Ascetic Monk: With this talent, the host will embrace Buddhism, becoming an ascetic monk, practicing diligently, and increasing the speed of cultivation.

"One purple and one red?" Wang Ping was somewhat surprised. After obtaining consecutive gold talents, he thought his luck might take a downturn, but he hadn't expected to receive one purple and one red talent.

However, Wang Ping didn't feel delighted; instead, he felt a bit uneasy. Such extraordinary luck felt like a trap.

"When I used to draw cards, my luck would turn sour after a streak of good luck. That's normal. If your luck remains good, you're bound to experience a major setback," Wang Ping thought uneasily.

"Don't overthink it. Maybe it's because I've become stronger," Wang Ping massaged his temples, forcibly dispelling the unease.

Then, he chose not to select a talent but instead filled in the list of participants for the group mission in the chat group.

Next, Wang Ping transformed into white light and disappeared into the Purple Spirit Realm.

In Zhang Hu's world, Wang Ping, Cai Yonglong, Wu Jun, Lin Yuanyuan, and Fang Yun appeared one after another next to Zhang Hu.

At this moment, Zhang Hu was undoubtedly enjoying himself in a private room, surrounded by several beautiful women.

There were humans, elves, and even orcs among the women.

"Damn, you're living the high life," Wu Jun said, envy in his eyes, as he looked at the blushing Zhang Hu.

Unfortunately, Wu Jun was an honest man who, despite gaining power, remained low-key in his own world and refrained from any misdeeds.

As for the initial conflict between Wu Jun and Zhang Hu, it had been resolved during their numerous missions together.

"Jealous or annoyed?" Fang Yun smacked his lips.

While the martial arts world had its own courtesans, they were nothing compared to Zhang Hu's extravagance.

However, since his resurrection, Fang Yun had been diligently cultivating for a long time and hadn't visited a brothel in a while.

"You're flaunting too much. Wait until Yuanyuan gives me some pointers, and your cultivation speed won't be anything special," Cai Yonglong said with a wry smile.

"Heh, you're quite the show-off, little Cloud. Wanna spar with me?" Wang Ping glanced at Fang Yun, a half-smile on his face.

Lin Yuanyuan also gave Fang Yun a sidelong glance and chuckled. "I could join in too."

"Er..." Fang Yun's face twitched, and he didn't dare say anything more.

Wang Ping (66): "Alright, Zhang Hu, let them leave."

Immediately, Wang Ping looked at Zhang Hu and the bewildered girls. He spoke calmly, "Let them all leave."

Seeing this, Zhang Hu didn't dare to say much and instructed the women to leave.

Next, Wang Ping didn't waste any time and said in his mind, "System, I choose the purple talent 'Endless Blade.'"

"Ding, talent selection successful, life simulation begins."

Then, Wang Ping felt his consciousness sway, his vision changing, and he entered an immersive simulated state.

"System, fast forward for me."

"Ding, fast forwarding."

The system's voice sounded again, and the display appeared with familiar text.

[Day one, you chose to cultivate. Due to your mastery of the pseudo-law of time reaching perfection, you had no intention to continue comprehending it. After all, in this era, especially in the lower realm, it was difficult to further comprehend the power of the laws that only saints could grasp.]

[Instead, you decided to gain a deeper understanding of other pseudo-laws, laying a solid foundation for future creations.]

[Afterward, you set up many safeguards in the lower realm to prepare for potential crises in

 the Purple Spirit Realm. Then, you chose to ascend to the upper realm.]

[In the upper realm, you joined the Dao Palace, just as you remember. However, the plot has some differences this time.]

[Because the Dao Palace's leader was surprised and puzzled by your practice of the Dao Emperor's Scripture. You could only claim it was passed down by a Dao Palace senior.]

[This made the Dao Palace leader somewhat amazed but didn't delve too deeply. After all, without the guidance of a Dao Palace senior, you couldn't have practiced the Dao Emperor's Scripture. If you had stumbled upon it accidentally, you wouldn't have voluntarily walked into the Dao Palace's net.]

Of course, with your spacetime Dao physique, even if you accidentally learned it and came to the Dao Palace, they would naturally treat it as a treasure.

Afterward, you became a Dao disciple in the Dao Palace, just as you remember. With the assistance of resources from the Dao Palace, you elevated your cultivation to the level of perfect Virtuous Godhood decades later.

Then, the Grand Saint's Secret Realm opened. You knew that the Grand Saint's Secret Realm was used by that remnant soul of the Grand Saint for fishing, so you chose not to enter it and continued with your cultivation.

As the competition for the Grand Saint's Secret Realm concluded, various parties suffered losses. You also learned that the Dao Palace had lost a God-King realm expert, which greatly distressed the Dao Palace. After all, in this era, God-King realm experts were top-tier combat forces and quite precious to the Dao Palace.

At the same time, you also learned who obtained the Holy Medicine. The Holy Medicine was obtained by the Zhang family, the current number one family on the surface. As for the one who gained the inheritance, that information also spread.

Rumors had it that the person who received the inheritance claimed to be Lin Yan, a wandering cultivator. However, although he was a wandering cultivator, he was not an ordinary one. He possessed a powerful and unique constitution, comparable to or even surpassing the heirs of major powers.

For this reason, many forces were searching for this wandering cultivator, hoping to obtain the Grand Saint's inheritance from him. Of course, if they could recruit him into their fold, that would be even better.

Only you heard about this and shook your head, silently mourning for this Lin Yan for three seconds. Without your interference, this Lin Yan should have been the unlucky one who was supposed to be possessed by the remnant soul of the Grand Saint.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years passed, and you successfully broke through to the level of a Half-Step True God. You also created your own divine-level superior martial arts and divine abilities.

After achieving Half-Step True Godhood, you didn't continue to seclude yourself but chose to take a break from cultivation. As for Lin Qinghe's situation, you had been keeping an eye on her.

However, this time, you didn't plan to tip your hand. In fact, you had been pondering a question. Lin Qinghe clearly possessed the Swallowing Immortal Demon Body, so why, after a thousand years, was she still only at the Seventh Stage of Virtuous Godhood?

With the strength of the Swallowing Immortal Demon Body, combined with the other soul card within her, even reaching the Seventh Stage of Virtuous Godhood after a thousand years of cultivation should not be surprising. The Swallowing Immortal Demon Body might not provide as much assistance in understanding the Dao as your spacetime Dao physique, but it excelled in accelerating cultivation.

However, Lin Qinghe seemed to have only reached the Seventh Stage of Virtuous Godhood after a thousand years, as if she had been cultivating at her own pace.

After some contemplation, you believed that Lin Qinghe might not have ventured into the demonic path yet. Instead, something had occurred in the future that led her to accept the Swallowing Immortal Demon Body and choose to grow stronger in that way.

Thinking about it this way, you realized that your actions in the previous simulation might have prematurely forced Lin Qinghe to expose herself and choose to rapidly strengthen herself through the demonic path, which was counterproductive.

With this in mind, you pondered whether to approach Lin Qinghe and uncover what had happened to her that made her choose to accept the Swallowing Immortal Demon Body and fully embrace the demonic path.

As the text simulation reached this point, it paused, and various scenes appeared in Wang Ping's mind, along with insights into his cultivation.

Finally, Wang Ping's perspective shifted to within the Dao Palace.

"Here comes another branching storyline. Trying to approach Lin Qinghe? Isn't that seeking trouble?" Wang Ping furrowed his brows slightly, feeling conflicted.

Last time, it was an exploration, and he ended up being possessed by the remnant soul of the Grand Saint. This time, approaching Lin Qinghe recklessly might lead to trouble.

"Speaking of which, this Lin Yan even has a name." Wang Ping recalled the plot from the text simulation, and his gaze became curious.

While it wasn't an absolute rule, characters mentioned by name in text simulations were not just ordinary extras. Generally, individuals mentioned by name had some significance.

Logically, if someone was the unlucky victim of being swallowed by the Grand Saint's remnant soul, it should be the remnant soul with a name, not the person being possessed.

"Don't tell me... Lin Yan wasn't swallowed by the Grand Saint's remnant soul, but instead, he destroyed the remnant soul?" Wang Ping suddenly considered this possibility, and his gaze became intriguing.

If that were the case, Lin Yan would be exceptionally interesting, carrying secrets of incredible magnitude.

"This is getting interesting. Maybe I'll try to investigate later," Wang Ping chuckled lightly, making a mental note of the name Lin Yan.

Subsequently, Wang Ping remembered the matter of the branching option this time and felt conflicted.

"As for future explorations, it's better to use the free simulation. While it's true that inferior divine sources are no big deal for me now, as long as I don't advance my cultivation, it's still a risk if the subsequent rewards don't refresh," Wang Ping contemplated.

"This, it's all the painful lessons you learned while searching for resources in the lower realm, which left you feeling pressured."

"In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed. During these hundreds of years, many things happened in the Taiyuan Ancient Star, and it was far from peaceful. However, you paid no attention to them, silently cultivating, accumulating the foundation for a breakthrough to True Godhood as if it were a matter of course."

"For this reason, hundreds of years passed, and you still haven't broken through to True Godhood, but the time for your breakthrough is not far off."

"However, at this point in time, you had no intention of continuing your cultivation. Instead, you chose to leave seclusion."

"The reason for leaving seclusion was that the time for the Mo family's descent to the lower realm was approaching. You planned to bring the experts from the Dao Palace with you to the lower realm, not only to stop the Mo family but also to obtain the black magic stone from the Mo family's young master. Additionally, you intended to take action against the semi-divine realm demon head sealed on the Xuangui, searching its soul for the secret of the Black Abyss Demon Sovereign's inheritance."

"A secret realm created by a Grand Saint's remnant soul had produced such enormous secrets. If you could truly obtain the Demon Sovereign's inheritance, the harvest would undoubtedly be astonishing and not something to be missed."

"When you mentioned the news of inviting Divine Kings to accompany you to the lower realm along with sacred artifacts, the Dao Palace's master was greatly surprised. However, he didn't ask further questions and chose to help you invite an elder at the Divine King realm to accompany you to the lower realm."

"Thus, under the guidance of the Divine King realm elder from the Dao Palace, you obtained the coordinates of the Purple Spirit Realm and descended directly to the lower realm."

"When you arrived in the lower realm, you discovered that the Purple Spirit Realm and the Blood Demon Realm were still in conflict. Although you had left many contingencies in the Purple Spirit Realm for Ye Chen and Ji Bingyan, Ye Chen, as the Son of Destiny, still needed time to grow. When you were cultivating in the lower realm, it took you 1,500-1,600 years to help Ye Chen break through to the Virtuous Godhood Seventh Stage. Not to mention after you left the upper realm, Ye Chen, at this point in time, was still just an emperor."

"As for Ji Bingyan, because you didn't interact with Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er, combined with the lack of time spent getting to know Ji Bingyan, she didn't accept the resources you offered. Currently, she is still at the quasi-divine level, facing off against the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-divine entities."

"After descending to the lower realm, you directly killed the Blood Demon Realm's experts, leaving the Purple Spirit Realm experts stunned. After catching up with Ye Chen and others, you arrived at Xuangui, broke the spatial seal, and entered the small world, easily subduing the demon head."

"Then, you had the Divine King realm elder from the Dao Palace help you with the soul-searching. After all, this demon head was a semi-divine realm expert at its peak. Although it was now incredibly weak, you had reached the level of a Half-Step True God, but soul-searching it was still unstable. It was safer to have the stronger elder do it."

"With the assistance of the Divine King realm elder from the Dao Palace, the demon head screamed in pain, enduring the agony of a forced soul-search, eventually becoming dull, with a fragmented soul. The Divine King realm elder from the Dao Palace also obtained numerous pieces of information from his mind."

"It turns out that this demon head indeed knew the secret of the Black Abyss Demon Sovereign's inheritance. However, the inheritance of the Black Abyss Demon Sovereign was not in the lower realm but in the upper realm."

"Initially, the Black Abyss Demon Sovereign was incredibly powerful, but his ruthless and domineering behavior earned the hatred of many cultivators. He once fought the Supreme Emperor at the Supreme Realm, and that battle plunged the world into darkness, making it an arduous struggle even for the Supreme Emperor."

"In the end, the Black Abyss Demon Sovereign was defeated, and even his lifelong magic weapon was seized by the Supreme Emperor, causing him great humiliation. In his weakened state, with his inner demons ever-present, he deviated from his cultivation path. After leaving behind the location of his inheritance in the upper realm, he eventually passed away."

"To open the inheritance ground and obtain the inheritance, it was necessary to reclaim his lifelong magic weapon, the key to unlocking the Black Abyss Demon Sovereign's inheritance. However, the Supreme Emperor, who was only at the Semi-Divine realm at the time, sealed it in the Purple Spirit Realm to prevent the Black Abyss Demon Sovereign from recalling his magic weapon, which had the potential to become an Emperor weapon."

"As for how this semi-divine realm demon head, who only had peak Semi-Divine realm cultivation at its peak, knew so much, it was because he accidentally encountered a strange cultivator who claimed to be the 'Heavenly Calculator.' This so-called Heavenly Calculator boasted that he could calculate everything and told him about the Black Abyss Demon Sovereign and Supreme Emperor."

"At first, he was skeptical and couldn't understand the purpose of this self-proclaimed Heavenly Calculator. However, he was ultimately attracted by the Black Abyss Demon Sovereign's inheritance and succumbed to greed and ambition, deciding to venture to the lower realm to seek the inheritance."

"However, in the lower realm, he was apprehended by the so-called 'Protector of the Way' and sealed here, without even seeing the Black Abyss Sovereign's magic weapon. It was truly a tragic fate."

"So, this Black Abyss Demon Sovereign had such a history." Wang Ping read the content of the text simulation and marveled.

Even though he was defeated in battle with the Supreme Emperor at the same realm, the fact that he didn't lose too easily was undoubtedly a matter of pride.

The Black Abyss Sovereign had the potential to become an Emperor with his magic weapon, even in another world.

After changing the world, there was a need to introduce various new characters, lay down many things, and make the plot more subdued, which resulted in a significant decrease in progress, QQ.

(End of this chapter)