
Chapter 174: Wang Ping, Truly Shameless (A Chapter of Ten Thousand Words!)

This purple talent, Destiny Connection, gave Wang Ping many ideas right away.

For example, this purple talent seemed to be able to connect to individuals below the Saint realm.

In the eyes of the upper realms, the God Emperor realm might not seem like much, but in reality, it was not the case.

The upper realms had their golden ages and their end times.

During the golden age, the God Emperor realm might be considered insignificant, nothing special.

But in the end times, cultivation became difficult, and it was rare to find a Saint. In this context, the God Emperor realm became the true top-tier experts. Those who could achieve the God Emperor realm during the end times would be considered exceptional individuals, even in the golden age.

Furthermore, this purple talent, Destiny Connection, could not only connect to God Emperor realm experts but also connect to descendants of the upper realms like the Imperial Princes and Imperial Clan heirs. Their fates would be intertwined, sharing both glory and suffering.

In such circumstances, this was definitely a powerful tool, extremely useful in the Life Simulator.

For example, now that Wang Ping had this talent, he could easily connect to the two upper realm individuals who had come to the Purple Spirit Realm.

Whether he connected to the upper realm youth with a high status or the old servant, he could resolve his current difficulties and learn the details about the sealed demonic artifact.

In short, if this purple talent was used well, it could definitely break the deadlock and prove useful in the future.

Of course, this was something he would only use in the Life Simulator. In reality, Wang Ping would never dare to use it. Connecting one's fate to someone else was too dangerous, as it could easily lead to disaster.

"System, I choose the purple talent, Destiny Connection."

After getting excited, Wang Ping made his choice without hesitation.

As for the red talent, Fire Profound Body, it might provide a slight boost to his cultivation in the Burning Heaven Emperor's Scripture, but compared to the value of this purple talent, it was insignificant.

"Ding, talent selection successful. Life simulator activated."

The system's voice rang out, and Wang Ping's consciousness flickered as he entered the immersive simulation state.

"System, fast forward, please."

Wang Ping didn't hesitate to request a fast-forward.

"Ding, fast forwarding."

The system's voice sounded again, and the screen appeared, displaying familiar text.

[On the first day, you chose cultivation.]

[Over twenty years later, after Red Wind disappeared, you left the Azure Flame Valley and found the secret realm in Ji Bingyan's memory, entering it. The trial within this secret realm posed a great danger to quasi-deity cultivators, but for you now, it was nothing.]

[You easily passed the trial by force. In the end, you obtained the divine source left behind by the senior quasi-deity. However, you knew very well that this divine source might help a lower realm quasi-deity break through to the quasi-deity level, but for you, who practiced the Burning Heaven Emperor's Scripture, it was barely enough to fill the gaps in your teeth.]

[Moreover, this divine source was insufficient for you to smoothly break through to the quasi-deity level. So, you put it away and never thought of using it for cultivation. Instead, you wanted to exchange it for the friendship of the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan.]

[After all, Ji Bingyan, the Xuanbing Emperor, was a reincarnated descendant of the Ji Clan from the upper realms. After establishing a good relationship with her, when she ascended, it would be beneficial for you to go to the upper realms. In addition, you felt indebted to Ji Bingyan and naturally wanted to give her the divine source.]

[Next, you went to the Eternal Frost Land and met the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan. You were very warm in your attitude. She was very surprised by your arrival, as she had never heard of an emperor like you in the Purple Spirit Realm.]

[In response, the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan invited you to sit. After discussing the path of cultivation, you pondered how to give some things to the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan.]

[Currently, you and the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan are just acquaintances. If you directly give her so many valuable items, it will undoubtedly arouse suspicion. However, you can't reveal her identity as an upper realm Ji Clan descendant, which would be even more troublesome.]

[After much thought, you could only come up with an idea. You told the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan that you are a junior in cultivation, and your ancestors were saved by her during the invasion of the Purple Spirit Realm thousands of years ago. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been born. Because of this, you've always heard about the deeds of the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan and greatly respected her. You've always wanted to repay her.]

[After saying this, you took out the divine source, divine-level techniques, and divine arts, handing them to the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan.]

[The Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan looked at the items you took out in shock, not expecting such a story and your generosity. She didn't accept the gifts, saying that when she protected all beings during the great battle thousands of years ago and resisted the Blood Demon, it was her duty. She didn't need such rewards.]

[Seeing the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan reject your gifts several times, you felt helpless. You admired her character once again. Facing such valuable gifts, very few people in the lower realm would refuse. In the eyes of other quasi-deities, it would be good enough for an emperor like you to give out so many precious items.]

[However, you were also troubled by the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan's refusal. After all, you wanted to make it up to her. Besides, you hoped to have her help when she ascended to the upper realms. Without her assistance, it would be difficult to survive in the upper realms.]

[After much thought, you came up with another idea. It might not work with the Xuanbing Emperor Ji Bingyan, so you planned to take a different approach. You intended to start from Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er, take them as your disciples, and teach them cultivation. After all, you had already seduced both of them, especially Ji Xue'er, with whom you even had a child.]


Seeing the content of the text simulation, Wang Ping was left speechless.

Damn, did the simulated Wang Ping let himself go too far? To establish a connection with Ji Bingyan, he started making moves on Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er.

Are you sure you're trying to make amends?

This is clearly an attempt to establish a connection with the Ji Clan, it's shameless.

However, Wang Ping could also understand the simulated Wang Ping's thought process.

In the end, while Wang Ping was confident in the purple talent, Destiny Connection, it was still uncertain whether it could break the deadlock and whether the two upper realm individuals could help him ascend to the upper realms.

And Wang Ping had a pessimistic view of the fate of those two in the upper realms as well.

Two individuals with only quasi-deity-level power, trying to provoke that sealed demonic artifact, that was

 quite reckless. Perhaps their families provided them with some powerful items, giving them the confidence to subdue the demonic artifact. But plans could never keep up with changes. The demonic artifact was too dangerous, and even with the means of saints, it would be difficult to subdue it.

So, having multiple preparations was necessary. After all, it was still unknown whether Red Wind had been summoned back to the upper realms.

In the end, he could only rely on Ji Bingyan to lend him a hand when she ascended. With the status of a quasi-deity in the upper realms, he could receive cultivation resources, and then he could ascend to the upper realms legitimately.

"If I think about it this way, maybe I was too impatient before. I shouldn't have rushed to re-cultivate the Burning Heaven Emperor's Scripture. If I had practiced a regular cultivation method, I could easily become a quasi-deity and then ascend to the upper realms. After reaching the upper realms, I could resume my cultivation. It wouldn't have been so troublesome."

Wang Ping's eyes flickered as he thought about it. However, in the end, he shook his head and gave up on this idea.

Without the strength of his re-cultivated quasi-deity power, he wouldn't be able to defeat the quasi-deities of the Blood Demon Realm, nor could he forcefully probe Ji Bingyan's memories to learn about the divine source. Without knowledge of the divine source, he would find it challenging to break through to the quasi-deity level.

And he had doubts about the existence of the divine source in the Blood Demon Realm as well. If the Blood Demon Realm had the divine source, the quasi-deities there would have already broken through to the quasi-deity level.

So, both realms likely lacked the resources, and it was likely that only one person could ascend to the upper realms.

"Did the previous ascenders have no one to bring back large amounts of divine source to their homelands in the lower realms? Were they unable to return, or did they not want to return?"

Wang Ping silently contemplated. He felt that, apart from people like Mo Shangli, most of the ascenders probably couldn't afford the cost of descending to the lower realms.

After all, while upper realm individuals could descend to the lower realms, they had to suppress their cultivation. Moreover, descending to the lower realms required the use of powerful artifacts to stabilize the chaotic spatial flows, and it also involved considerable expenses.

Even in modern times, people need to prepare travel funds for long journeys. It was even more challenging to descend from the upper realms to the lower realms.

Thinking it over, Wang Ping continued to gaze at the screen, curious to see what kind of mischief the simulated Wang Ping would get into next.

"Through your clever maneuvering, you successfully took Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er as your disciples, guiding them in their cultivation. With your abundant resources, their cultivation progress skyrocketed."

"However, as time passed, you began to waver. Because once Ji Bingyan absorbed Ji Xue'er and Ji Bingyue, would that mean their equivalent deaths? This was a problem."

"If they were going to die, you couldn't bear to let these two obedient disciples die. In the end, you hypnotized yourself, thinking of the bigger picture, and forcibly erased your memories about Ji Bingyan's secret technique."

[In the blink of an eye, several hundred years have passed. During these centuries, you diligently comprehended the pseudo-laws of fire and sword. You successfully comprehended twenty percent of the pseudo-law of fire and twenty percent of the pseudo-law of the sword.]

[Just shortly after you comprehended twenty percent of the pseudo-laws, Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er both awakened, realizing that they were fragments of Ji Bingyan's soul. Their feelings toward you became extremely complicated, tearing through the fabric of space, they left.]

[You quickly discovered their departure and followed them. There, you met Ji Bingyan. You questioned Ji Bingyan about the situation. Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er remained silent but eventually told you the truth. They were fragments of Ji Bingyan's split soul, and they had to return to the main body.]

[You couldn't accept this and began to question Ji Bingyan. She hadn't expected such a turn of events and was troubled. However, she could only reveal the truth.]

[You found it even more unacceptable and told Ji Bingyan that if she wanted to cultivate, you could provide resources to help her break through to the quasi-deity level or even the virtual deity realm, but she must not absorb Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er.]

[Ji Bingyan hesitated. Once the secret technique was used, when the time was right, she had to recall the fragments. Otherwise, her soul would remain incomplete and unable to progress.]

[At the time, she also knew that there was no way to cultivate normally to the quasi-deity level in the Purple Spirit Realm, which was why she had chosen this method. Otherwise, she wouldn't have used such a risky secret technique.]

[Seeing Ji Bingyan's hesitation, you grew anxious and tried to stop her with force. However, Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er prevented you from acting recklessly.]

[In the end, you stopped, feeling lost. After apologizing to you, Ji Bingyan, she continued to cultivate in seclusion with Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er. Although they needed to return to a three-in-one state, the process was long, and their levels of cultivation had to be very close.]

"This development is giving me a headache."

Wang Ping looked at the simulated content, feeling quite puzzled.

If he had known, he might have just stayed in the Eternal Frost Land and discussed matters with Ji Bingyan openly, explaining his intentions to gain her favor directly. It would have turned into a transaction without much sentiment, but it wouldn't have been so complicated.

Starting with Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er, building a deep emotional connection, had made things much more complex.

"Well, I hope everything goes smoothly. Otherwise, this behavior isn't compensation at all."

Wang Ping sighed and continued to watch the screen.

[In the blink of an eye, several hundred years have passed, and the Blood Demon Realm invaded. You decided to take action. In front of all the powerhouses in the Purple Spirit Realm, you effortlessly slaughtered all the Blood Demon Realm's experts, gaining fame and shocking the world.]

[Seeing your terrifying strength, Ji Bingyan, who was in a crucial stage of her cultivation, was also astonished. She hadn't expected you to be so powerful.]

[Next, you went to the Blood Demon Realm in search of the divine source. However, you found that the Blood Demon Realm also had no divine source left. The divine source in the Blood Demon Realm had also been secretly drained by the quasi-deities of the Blood Demon Realm. They had attempted to break through to the virtual deity realm, but they had failed, wasting those divine sources.]

[You felt helpless about this situation. Your talent was lacking, and you had wasted resources by forcing your way through. It was truly a divine retribution.]

[Afterward, you returned to the Purple Spirit Realm and finally unsealed the seal within the Xuanwu Beast, releasing it and defeating a hidden threat.]

[After Ji Bingyan broke through to the quasi-deity level, you visited her and discovered that she had made an astonishing decision. During the absorption of Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er, she didn't choose to dominate their personalities with her own but instead retained their individual identities, coexisting with her own.]

[In other words, if Ji Bingyan wished, she could release Ji Bingyue and Ji Xue'er, effectively allowing them to use her body as their own. This preserved their lives, albeit with many potential risks.]

[You were overjoyed by this and presented the divine source, divine-level techniques, and divine arts to thank Ji Bingyan. Although Ji Bingyan wanted to decline, you explained that it was not only out of gratitude but also because you hoped that after Ji Bingyan broke through to the virtual deity realm and ascended to the upper realms, she could help you ascend as well.]

[Ji Bingyan was very surprised and puzzled as to why you didn't break through yourself. You shook your head, explaining that there were not enough resources in the lower realms to facilitate your breakthrough to the virtual deity realm. After some contemplation, Ji Bingyan finally agreed seriously.]

[Over the next few decades, Ji Bingyan went into seclusion once again, using the divine source to successfully break through to the virtual deity realm, triggering a heavenly tribulation. After overcoming the arduous ordeal of the heavenly tribulation, she reached the virtual deity realm and ascended to the upper realms.]

[Ji Bingyan's breakthrough to the virtual deity realm and her ascension to the upper realms astonished many cultivators in the Purple Spirit Realm. You, however, didn't envy her. Instead, you attempted to follow Ji Bingyan's ascension path into the upper realms, but you failed. You were somewhat disappointed but didn't dwell on it too much.]

[After all, you were still waiting for the arrival of the two upper realm individuals. Once they appeared, you might have a faster way to ascend to the upper realms. However, it was also riskier.]

[In the blink of an eye, several years have passed, and you successfully waited for the arrival of the two upper realm individuals, who appeared outside the Primordial Forbidden Land.]

[You welcomed their arrival, but they were puzzled and frowned at your welcome. You looked at them, questioning their identities in the upper realms and how they knew about the demonic artifact in the Purple Spirit Realm.]

[In response to your questions after welcoming them, the two were even more confused and couldn't understand your identity. However, the young man had no interest in answering the questions of a lower realm emperor, so he remained cold.]

[Seeing this, the old servant by his side snorted and decided to take action against you, delivering a powerful slap.]

[You weren't surprised by the old man's action but were very cautious because you realized the old servant's strength was terrifying, far from being a simple virtual deity realm expert. The lower realms only allowed powers of up to the fourth level of the virtual deity realm, so he must have suppressed his cultivation. His true strength was likely seventh level of the virtual deity realm or even higher.]

[In the blink of an eye, you decided to directly use a secret technique to enhance your strength and confronted him head-on with the Burning Heaven

 Emperor Fist. As the Burning Heaven Emperor Fist erupted, you barely withstood his attack but still suffered injuries, coughing up blood and cracks appearing on your body.]

[Seeing you withstand his attack, the old servant was surprised. After all, even though he suppressed his cultivation, he could still unleash the power of the third level of the virtual deity realm. The attack just now wasn't his full strength, but it couldn't be underestimated. It was definitely an attack that lower realm emperors couldn't resist.]

[Compared to the old servant's surprise, the young man was very surprised, and his gaze became fiery. He had realized that you had practiced the Mortal Realm Chapter of the Burning Heaven Emperor Scripture and even mastered the Burning Heaven Emperor Fist. In other words, you possessed the Burning Heaven Emperor Scripture - Mortal Realm Chapter. If he could obtain the Burning Heaven Emperor Scripture - Immortal Realm Chapter and bring it back to his family, it would be a significant achievement.]

[For this reason, the young man showed a friendly expression and said that if you were willing to submit to him and let him brand you with a slave mark, he could take you to the upper realms and cultivate you into a powerhouse.]

[You sneered, saying that the young man wasn't worthy. This made the young man's expression turn cold, and he ordered the old servant to suppress you and forcibly read your mind. The old servant, however, sneered and said that you didn't know your place and was ready to attack you again.]

[You contemptuously looked at the two of them, using the Purple Wind - Fate Connection ability to bind yourself directly to the young man. Suddenly, a black thread connected to him, causing the young man's pupils to contract with surprise and suspicion, unsure of what you had done. He couldn't even perceive it.]

[Following that, the young man began to feel intense pain and realized that his body was cracking, suffering injuries. This shocked the young man, and even the old servant's face turned pale with fear, guessing the truth about the black thread that appeared earlier.]

[You sneered and explained the ability of Purple Wind - Fate Connection to them. You continued by stabbing your own heart again. The young man's heart ached, and he began to bleed once more. Although this injury meant nothing to him and he could easily recover, he felt fear and humiliation.]

[As an upper realm genius with cultivation at the fifth level of the virtual deity realm, he had been outsmarted by you, a lower realm emperor. It was incredibly humiliating. If this matter spread to the upper realms, he would undoubtedly become a laughingstock, and his Mo Family would suffer the same fate.]

[In his rage, the young man claimed that his cultivation was higher than yours, and even if you harmed yourself, he wouldn't die. You chuckled, stating that this had nothing to do with cultivation. Even if you had the cultivation of a God King, if you died, he would die too.]

[This statement left the young master of the Mo Family with an extremely unpleasant expression, unable to comprehend how you, a lower realm emperor, possessed such a terrifying secret technique. The old servant was trembling and dared not say a word.]

[Seeing that the young master of the Mo Family had an unpleasant expression and dared not act, you knew that you had the upper hand. You continued to inquire about their identities in the upper realms, their purpose in coming to the lower realms, and the secret of the demonic artifact in the Purple Spirit Realm.]

"This Purple Wind - Fate Connection is indeed ruthless, directly controlling the young master of the Mo Family from the upper realms. Everything should go smoothly from here."

Wang Ping watched the simulated content with a smile, silently contemplating.

[Facing your inquiries, Mo Family's young master remained silent. Concerning the demonic artifact, if he revealed it, the Mo Family would be in great trouble.]

[Seeing Mo Family's young master not speaking, you once again resorted to self-harm, making his complexion even more unpleasant and shaky. He was an upper realm genius with a long life ahead, and he didn't want to perish so easily.]

[After some contemplation, he eventually told you everything. He hailed from the Mo Family in the upper realms and was the current young master. The reason he came to the Purple Spirit Realm was that he accidentally learned about the sealing of a demonic spear in the Purple Spirit Realm. Rumors had it that this demonic spear was the personal weapon of the Abyssal Demon Lord, containing the legacy of the Abyssal Demon Lord. Therefore, he specifically came to the lower realms in search of this great opportunity.]

[Upon learning the details of the demonic spear, you were greatly surprised. You hadn't expected it to be the Abyssal Demon Lord's personal weapon, a tier above even the Saint Artifacts you had speculated. It was truly powerful, explaining why these two individuals had destroyed both realms upon arriving in the lower realms and concealed the information.]

[Of course, there was also the possibility of their failure and their deaths. Thinking up to this point, you questioned Mo Family's young master about his confidence in subduing the supreme divine weapon. Faced with your inquiry, Mo Family's young master's gaze flickered, but he didn't answer.]

[You questioned him again. It was at this moment that Mo Family's young master seemed prepared in advance. He suddenly sealed himself, locking away all his cultivation. This change made your complexion shift, as the Purple Wind - Fate Connection talent was two-way. If the other party sealed themselves, you would be sealed as well.]

[In other words, you became a fish on the chopping block, at the mercy of others. After all, the other party had a seventh-level virtual deity realm expert present, and sealed as you were, you were no match. Consequently, you contemplated self-termination.]

[However, the old servant had already prepared himself. Just as you were about to end your own life, he forcibly captured you. This made you sigh inwardly, realizing you had been careless. If you had known, you should have dealt with the old servant before Mo Family's young master.]

[Nevertheless, you weren't too worried. After all, Mo Family's young master wouldn't dare to forcibly read the old servant's mind because doing so would also affect Mo Family's young master.]

[Mo Family's young master sneered, stating that you, a lower realm barbarian, were seeking death by opposing him. However, he wouldn't let you die but instead let you live well. Once they returned to the upper realms, he would ask the Mo Family's patriarch to naturally break your secret technique. By then, he would make you beg for life and wish for death.]

[You remained composed, unperturbed, and countered Mo Family's young master, asking how he planned to subdue the demonic spear now that he had sealed himself. This made Mo Family's young master's complexion darken, and he snorted coldly without replying.]

[Subsequently, Mo Family's young master ordered the virtual deity realm old servant to lead the way into the Primordial Forbidden Land. You entered the Primordial Forbidden Land, and as you delved deeper, terrifying black mist made it difficult for even the virtual deity realm old servant to resist.]

[However, Mo Family's young master was evidently well-prepared. He took out protective artifacts crafted by the Mo Family's patriarch. Eventually, you succeeded in advancing despite the dense black fog and reached the demonic artifact.]

[Staring at the demonic artifact, Mo Family's young master was extremely excited, envisioning his future in the upper realms after subduing it. Then, he produced a special breaking formation talisman, intending to break a portion of the seal.]

[The formation talisman successfully broke a part of the seal. However, it was at the moment when this part of the seal was broken that the black mist suddenly intensified. The energy it contained continued to grow, and the defense provided by the protective artifacts dimmed visibly.]

[This change alarmed Mo Family's young master, who quickly resorted to other cards—the sacred artifacts of the Mo Family. However, due to his self-sealing, he couldn't fully unleash the power of the sacred artifacts, and the artifacts couldn't defend against the black mist. This left Mo Family's young master greatly terrified, muttering that it wasn't as recorded. You, witnessing this scene, couldn't help but be speechless, realizing that it wasn't Mo Family's young master destroying both realms to conceal the information but rather the demonic artifact going berserk and the outbreak of the black mist.]

[Of course, you were well aware that if Mo Family's young master had managed to subdue the demonic artifact, he would likely have proceeded to destroy both realms to hide the information.]

[Ultimately, all of you were swallowed by the black mist, leaving no complete corpses behind. However, due to the resurrection talisman, you came back to life. Together with you, Mo Family's young master also revived.]

[However, because you were within the black mist, you died again.]

[Due to your death, this simulation comes to an end.]

"Ugh, this Mo Family's young master is something else. He was so confident in subduing the demonic artifact, but it backfired spectacularly, causing him to lose the family's forbidden and sacred artifacts."

Wang Ping watched the simulated content with a puzzled expression.

"Also, this Purple Wind - Fate Connection talent is quite ruthless. I thought it would be a breeze, using it to intimidate strong enemies and easily deal with them after resurrecting with the talisman. But now you tell me that both parties can resurrect together? That's not as great as I imagined."

Wang Ping recalled the mechanism of the Purple Wind - Fate Connection, his expression twitching slightly.

"If both can resurrect together, I could use it to save someone by connecting to them and then resurrecting them with the talisman. But that would essentially make us 'joined at the hip,' which could be quite troublesome."

Wang Ping contemplated another use of the resurrection talisman and the Purple Wind - Fate Connection, feeling somewhat conflicted.

"Anyway, I don't need to overthink it. I'll use it when it's useful, and if not, I'll just leave it. It's a simple rule."

Wang Ping made a decision.

At this moment, Wang Ping exited the simulation state, and various images appeared in his mind. Then, he gained insights into his pseudo-laws, comprehending them to a level of twenty percent.

"Ding, the reward has been successfully generated. Host can choose one of the following rewards:

1. A random Imperial Artifact.

2. Purple Wind - Fate Connection talent.

3. Red Wind - Fire Profound Body talent.

4. A portion of divine source."

"System, I choose option 2: Purple Wind - Fate Connection talent."

Upon selecting his reward from the list, Wang Ping received additional information about how to use the Purple Wind - Fate Connection talent.

"In simple terms, I just need to glance at the target,

 and I can initiate the connection. Quite domineering."

"Alright, there's no more resource for paid simulations. This could be a bit tricky."

Wang Ping rubbed his chin, feeling somewhat troubled.

"System, can I use low-grade divine artifacts for paid simulations? If so, how about a few simulations?"

Wang Ping couldn't help but inquire within himself.

To his surprise, the system remained unresponsive, leaving Wang Ping somewhat speechless and leading him to comment, "I guess you're quite picky when it comes to accepting specific items and won't even consider high-value ones. You're quite selective."

"Next, it's time to make a move. I should deal with the anomaly first. With my current strength, suppressing the Condemnation Emperor who has been possessed by the anomaly should be a breeze. Speaking of which, letting the Condemnation Emperor squeeze out some power for Lin Yuanyuan is not a bad choice."

Wang Ping pondered for a moment and made a decision.

With his current strength, suppressing the Condemnation Emperor would be a piece of cake. During this process, having Lin Yuanyuan directly extract power from the Condemnation Emperor and draining the anomaly would be killing three birds with one stone.

Once the Condemnation Emperor was freed, although he would die somewhat shamefully, it would still be a relief for him. With the anomaly gone, he would gain a significant amount of group points.

Moreover, Lin Yuanyuan would also gain tremendous strength and become the second most powerful member in the group. She could replace him in rescuing other group members and helping them grow stronger.

With this in mind, Wang Ping opened the group chat.

Wang Ping (66): "Lin Yuanyuan, I'm giving you the permissions. Come over, and I've found a quasi-god for you."

Lin Yuanyuan (80): "Quasi-god!?"

Cai Yonglong (1): "What the hell! Wang Ge is actually planning to deal with a quasi-god? That's too terrifying!"

Qin Tian (77): "Wang Ge, it's simply terrifying. Your strength changes every once in a while."

Zhang Hu (5): "I envy you! I also want the strength of a quasi-god."

Chen Yao (71): "Well, Yuanyuan is about to become the second-in-command in the group. I'm envious."

This time, even Chen Yao was envious. She used to think that her attribute point system was very strong, but now it seemed that someone like Lin Yuanyuan, who had a heaven-defying golden finger, was far superior. With a powerful backer, she could instantly jump several major levels in strength.

Although Lin Yuanyuan had paid a great price to become stronger, Chen Yao couldn't help but feel that she was enjoying it.

Soon, Lin Yuanyuan was teleported to Wang Ping's side.

The moment Lin Yuanyuan appeared, Wang Ping immediately protected her. After all, Cangyan Valley was not a place for just anyone, and the spiritual energy there was too restless.

Next, after bringing along the toolman Cai Yonglong just in case, Wang Ping tore open the space and headed to where Xuangui was.

"Emperor Tianyan, why are you here again? And you've brought another woman with you."

Seeing Wang Ping appear again, Xuangui asked with some suspicion.

After all, it had only been a little over a month since Wang Ping left, which, for Xuangui, was just a short nap.

"Senior Xuangui, I've come this time to ask you to let us meet the Condemnation Emperor sealed within you."

Wang Ping smiled faintly and stated his purpose.

"Meet the Condemnation Emperor? Absolutely not. He has been possessed by a mysterious entity and has completely fallen into darkness. It's extremely dangerous. And once the seal is loosened, and he escapes, the consequences would be unimaginable."

Xuangui's tone became serious as he outright refused Wang Ping's request.

"If I have the strength to kill him and eliminate the future troubles, what then?"

Wang Ping's expression turned serious as he spoke.

"Are you sure you can do such a thing?"

Xuangui looked skeptical.

Although Wang Ping had killed the Ninth Abyssal Demon Emperor, the gap in strength between the Ninth Abyssal Demon Emperor and the Condemnation Emperor was immense.

Even if Wang Ping had the power to kill the Ninth Abyssal Demon Emperor, it was impossible for him to deal with the Condemnation Emperor.

Even in his sealed state, the Condemnation Emperor was still formidable.

"Of course, I can."

Wang Ping smiled faintly and exuded a terrifying aura.

"This aura..."

Feeling Wang Ping's aura, Xuangui couldn't help but shiver.

After all, Wang Ping had cultivated the Emperor's Scripture, and his aura contained a trace of imperial might, which was terrifying in itself.

In addition to Xuangui's powerful perception, he could sense this trace of imperial might.

Apart from that, Xuangui also clearly felt that Wang Ping's power was too overwhelming.

Not to mention a quasi-god, even a virtual god might not be comparable.

For a moment, Xuangui had some doubts about whether Wang Ping was an emperor or a virtual god.

However, the only thing he could be sure of was that Wang Ping indeed possessed the power to suppress the Condemnation Emperor.

In fact, if they were to fight, it would be like Wang Ping crushing an ant.

"Ah, after so many years, someone has finally grown to the level where they can kill the Condemnation Emperor."

Xuangui sighed with a mixture of emotions, feeling somewhat melancholic.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

However, his old friend was about to die, and he had complex feelings about it.

He wanted to save the Condemnation Emperor, but he was well aware that there was little hope for him in his current state.

"Come in."

Thinking of this, Xuangui moved his head to the surface of the sea and opened his huge mouth, where there was a strange spatial fluctuation. This was the only way to enter his internal space.

"Thank you for trusting me, senior."

Wang Ping nodded and, with a shocked Lin Yuanyuan and Cai Yonglong, entered Xuangui's body.

"Trust? No, I don't trust you; I trust your strength."

Xuangui shook his head and closed his mouth.

He didn't trust Wang Ping; he simply believed in his strength.

Moreover, Wang Ping was so powerful that he had no right to refuse.

If he refused, Wang Ping could instantly kill him and then deal with the Condemnation Emperor. This would pose too great a risk, so he chose to cooperate with Wang Ping.

(End of this chapter)