
Chapter 168: The Truth Behind the Black Mist! Cultivation Soars! (A Chapter of Ten Thousand Words)

[Because of the commotion you caused here, both the emperors of the Purple Spirit Realm and the Blood Demon Realm sensed the anomalies in this place. The emperors of the Purple Spirit Realm even came to investigate the situation.]

[When they learned that you had killed the Nine Abyss Demon Emperor and wiped out all the experts of the Nine Abyss Demon Sect, they were all greatly astonished. After all, in just a thousand years, you had grown from a newly-promoted emperor to such a terrifying level.]

[However, soon these emperors felt elated. Now that the two realms were about to border each other and a great war was about to erupt, your display of such formidable combat strength at this moment was undoubtedly heartening.]

[If you could continue to enhance your strength in the upcoming war and break through to the quasi-god level, it would be even more exciting. After all, as soon as the two realms came into contact, they sensed the emergence of a new quasi-god in the Blood Demon Realm. The pressure on them was truly immense.]

[If the Blood Demon Realm realized that the Purple Spirit Realm didn't have a new quasi-god, it would be a disaster.]

[Next, after a conversation with you, the emperors invited you to oversee the front lines. However, you chose to refuse and decided to continue your surveillance here to prevent the Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao from resurrecting and escaping.]

[Hearing your decision, the emperors felt somewhat perplexed. After all, the Nine Abyss Demon Emperor was already obliterated, and this space hadn't recovered for a long time. They thought you were being overly cautious.]

[However, since you had made up your mind, they didn't try to persuade you and quickly departed. After all, as emperors, they couldn't stay away for too long; if something happened, it would be troublesome.]

[As for the quasi-god on the side of the Blood Demon Realm, sensing your presence, they were quite wary. They believed that there was something hidden in the Purple Spirit Realm. As a result, they decided to conduct a thorough investigation of all the hidden experts in the Purple Spirit Realm before launching a full-scale war.]

[From the Blood Demon Realm's perspective, they had been living in fear for the past ten thousand years since the great battle. They had no idea that the Purple Spirit Realm was hiding a second quasi-god. Moreover, the power of the Condemnation Emperor was even more terrifying. If it weren't for his strange disappearance, or if there hadn't been another quasi-god behind him, there was a high probability that the Blood Demon Realm would have suffered a major defeat.]

[In this regard, the Condemnation Emperor was stronger than the quasi-god Mo Shang Li, who had saved the Purple Spirit Realm. Besides, he felt somewhat disdainful towards Mo Shang Li. Back then, he was only at the Emperor realm, but it was clear that Mo Shang Li had intended to join the battlefield later, waiting for the Condemnation Emperor to be severely injured before taking action.]

[He even suspected that Mo Shang Li was hoping for the Condemnation Emperor's death. Such a person was too ruthless, even more so than the Blood Demon Clan's mindset. At least the Blood Demon Clan was cruel externally but wouldn't easily harm their own kin, especially not during a two-realm war.]

"A strange situation during that great battle ten thousand years ago," Wang Ping muttered.

[Although he had some knowledge of the events from the previous simulations, he knew only part of the story, mostly through oral accounts or historical records. This information wasn't as reliable as the judgment of an emperor who had participated in the actual battle.]

[Furthermore, this was a life simulation from the perspective of the quasi-god Condemnation Emperor, and there was no need for God's perspective to sow discord or manipulate.]

[It could be said that the authenticity of this information was not one hundred percent, but it was close to ninety-nine percent.]

"Mo Shang Li," Wang Ping murmured, his gaze flickering.

[Upon careful consideration, that guy was indeed ruthless. His appearance in the great battle ten thousand years ago was too coincidental, making him look like a savior.]

[In addition, if the Condemnation Emperor had survived, he wouldn't have been able to divert so many resources from the Purple Spirit Realm, including depleting its divine source, just to break through to the divine realm. This completely disregarded the sustainable development of the Purple Spirit Realm and jeopardized the future of its inhabitants.]

"This guy is ruthless," Wang Ping muttered and couldn't help but have a lower opinion of this predecessor.

[If he ever went to the upper realm in the future, he would need to be cautious around him. There was no "brotherhood" in such cases. With this person's nature, he was more likely to stab him in the back.]

[There was no crying when old friends met; this concept didn't apply here. With this person's character, the possibility of betrayal was greater.]

[While Wang Ping was lost in thought, the text simulation came to a halt at this point.]

[Then, various scenes flashed through Wang Ping's mind, and finally, his field of vision changed.]

[Although he was still near Xuan Gui, there were terrifying residual energy fluctuations and spatial distortions ahead, appearing extremely ominous.]

"Am I entering an immersive simulation mode? Could it be that this is another branch option route?" Wang Ping raised an eyebrow, surprised.

[It made sense; it appeared to be another branch. One option was to leave immediately, while the other was to continue waiting here to prevent any possibility of Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao resurrecting.]

[Given the circumstances, Wang Ping felt that his cautious waiting was the right choice. It seemed that Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao indeed had some means of revival. Although his method was not as powerful as a revival symbol, which would bring him back to his peak state, leaving only a weak soul behind, the ability to conceal himself and manipulate the timeline was astonishing.]

[Next, Wang Ping inquired if Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao had any last words. Chu Xiao coldly snorted, indicating that he surrendered. His revival method could only last up to half a year.]

[He had not expected Wang Ping to continue waiting for half a year. He must have thought it was a real death sentence.]

[However, Chu Xiao sneered again, claiming that Wang Ping's victory wouldn't guarantee his peace. With that, Chu Xiao chose to self-destruct.]

[Wang Ping had intended to stop Chu Xiao from self-destructing, but ultimately failed. After all, they were of the same realm. While Wang Ping had stronger combat power, capturing Chu Xiao alive was still challenging.]

[Even when Wang Ping had Cai Yonglong bestow an invincible defense upon Chu Xiao, it merely delayed Chu Xiao's self-destruction. Wang Ping didn't dare to make Chu Xiao's defenses invincible, as it would leave a chance for escape.]

[At this point, the Xuan Gui was utterly speechless. He had never expected Wang Ping's extreme caution; it was excessive even for a fossil like him who had lived for tens of thousands of years.]

[Soon after, Wang Ping continued his surveillance and established various

 barriers and traps in the vicinity to prevent Chu Xiao's feigned death. He was determined not to leave any room for Chu Xiao.]

[Seeing this, Xuan Gui couldn't help but shake his head, but he also found Wang Ping's actions reasonable. He believed that he needed to continue to watch and prepare for a counterattack. If he carelessly let his guard down and let his enemy revive, it would be a real trouble.]

[In the blink of an eye, half a year passed. During this time, Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao did not revive, and Wang Ping breathed a sigh of relief. However, he remained vigilant, choosing to set up multiple killing formations and illusion arrays here, with Xuan Gui monitoring the area.]

[Wang Ping thought that even without these branch options, he could have waited for half a month or a month. But since there were branch options, he couldn't just let Chu Xiao go. He felt that he had to wait until Chu Xiao was completely dead.]

"System, fast forward," Wang Ping requested in his mind after making his decision.

[With his thought, Wang Ping continued to gaze at the simulated screen.]

[Half a month passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao did not resurrect, and Wang Ping breathed a sigh of relief. However, he remained vigilant, choosing to wait even longer.]

[Seeing Wang Gui's agreement, Wang Ping finally left the area and went to the frontline of the Purple Spirit Realm. By now, the quasi-god battle had already taken place, and though Wang Ping sensed it, he did not participate in the fighting.]

[Now, he had arrived at the frontline and found Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan. He directly revealed his intentions to her. He wanted to initiate a full-scale war, join forces with her to kill the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-gods, and then conquer the Blood Demon Realm.]

[Wang Ping's thoughts surprised Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan. She immediately opened a space and engaged in battle with him. Wang Ping and Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan fought, revealing his full strength for the first time, utilizing his divine artifact to assist in the battle.]

[Wang Ping's strength astonished Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan. Having a divine artifact also left her in awe. She had never expected the Purple Spirit Realm to possess such an item. She couldn't help but envy Wang Ping for having it. However, she had no intention of seizing it.]

[In the end, after the battle with Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan, Wang Ping verified his current combat strength. He indeed had the power to fight against a quasi-god. However, if the battle lasted too long, he would still be defeated; he wasn't a match for her.]

[However, this level of strength was enough to assist Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan in killing the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god.]

[Thus, the two of them reached an agreement and decided to launch a direct assault on the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god. The great battle began, leaving the emperors of both realms in shock. They hadn't expected Wang Ping to be so formidable. The Purple Spirit Realm was elated, while the Blood Demon Realm was utterly dismayed.]

[The quasi-god of the Blood Demon Realm was particularly frustrated. Even in a two-on-one situation, he, a quasi-god, had no chance of survival. In the end, in the lower realm, anyone who could reach this level was no weakling. It was challenging to defeat two opponents on one's own.]

[If he had this level of strength, he wouldn't have delayed it until now; he would have initiated a full-scale war and conquered the Purple Spirit Realm.]

[And so, the battle ended, the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god was slain with the help of Wang Ping, and the emperors of both realms were left in awe.]

[However, the Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao began to laugh again, indicating that killing him wouldn't guarantee a peaceful life. He then chose to self-destruct.]

[Before the self-destruction of the Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao, you had the intention to stop him, but ultimately, you couldn't prevent it. In the end, the two of you were of the same realm, and although you had stronger combat power, capturing him alive was still very difficult.]

[Even when you had Cai Yonglong bestow an invincible defense upon Chu Xiao, it only delayed his self-destruction. Moreover, you didn't dare to make his defenses invincible, as it could leave room for escape.]

[At this point, Xuan Gui was utterly stunned. He hadn't expected that your cautious surveillance would actually lead to you encountering Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao. This guy, despite being reduced to ashes, managed to feign death and come back to life after six months, which was quite extraordinary.]

[Xuan Gui was somewhat baffled, wondering if he had been in slumber for too long. Were the emperors of this era all capable of such mysterious revival methods? Did he need to be vigilant and continue monitoring?]

[You paid no heed to Xuan Gui's confusion and continued your surveillance and preparations, setting up various killing formations and illusion arrays, making sure there was no room for Chu Xiao to escape.]

[Seeing your determination, Xuan Gui had no words but agreed to your request.]

"This guy, Chu Xiao, is finally dead," you muttered as you watched the simulation.

Nine Abyss Demon Emperor Chu Xiao, the number one target on your hit list, had finally met his end. Since there was no immersion simulation mode, the possibility of him feigning death was minimal.

"It's a pity I couldn't find out the details of his plans. According to his calculations, he might have used the calamity in the Purple Spirit Realm as a cover to break through to the quasi-god level, and perhaps even further to the virtual god level," you contemplated.

"Speaking of which, Chu Xiao followed the path of dark cultivation, with various connections to the netherworld. Based on the descriptions in this life simulation, he might have intended to collect the resentful souls to accelerate his breakthrough."

The possibility was quite high, and it explained his desire to bring calamity upon the inhabitants of the Purple Spirit Realm.

"He's ruthless. Unfortunately, with me around, he's destined to fail and meet a permanent end," you commented once again, then continued to gaze at the screen.

[After Xuan Gui agreed, you left the area with a sense of relief and headed to the front lines of the Purple Spirit Realm. During these ten years, the quasi-god battle had already taken place, and although you sensed it, you didn't participate in the fighting.]

[Now, you had arrived at the front lines and found Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan. You directly revealed your intentions to her. You wanted to initiate a full-scale war, join forces with her to kill the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-gods, and then conquer the Blood Demon Realm.]

[Your thoughts surprised Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan. She immediately opened a space, engaging in battle with you. You and Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan fought, revealing your full strength for the first time and using your divine artifact to assist in the battle.]

[Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan was astonished by your strength. Having a divine artifact also left her in awe. She had never expected the Purple Spirit Realm to possess such an item. She couldn't help but envy your possession of it, but she had no intentions of taking it from you.]

[In the end, after the battle with Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan, you confirmed your current combat strength. You indeed had the power to fight against a quasi-god. However, if the battle dragged on for too long, you would still be defeated as you weren't a match for her.]

[Nevertheless, this level of strength was enough to assist Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan in killing the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god.]

[So, the two of you made an agreement and decided to launch a direct assault on the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god. The great battle began, leaving the emperors of both realms in shock. They hadn't expected you to be so formidable. The Purple Spirit Realm was thrilled, while the Blood Demon Realm was in utter dismay.]

[The Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god was particularly frustrated. Even in a two-on-one situation, he, as a quasi-god, had no chance of survival. In the end, anyone who could reach this level in the lower realm was no weakling, and defeating two opponents on his own was a challenging task.]

[If he had possessed this level of strength earlier, he wouldn't have delayed it until now; he would have initiated a full-scale war and conquered the Purple Spirit Realm.]

[However, he still had one last card to play. At this point, he screamed in fury, demanding the Blood Demon Clan to offer sacrifices to him, threatening that if they didn't, they would all die, and the Blood Demon Clan would face extinction.]

[In the face of this dire situation, the powerful Blood Demons had mixed expressions. Eventually, they revealed their sinister intentions and decided to make the sacrifices.]

[Sensing this development, your and Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan's expressions changed. You hadn't expected the Blood Demon Clan to have this ace up their sleeve. Such a method had never appeared in the past ten thousand years.]

[If the Blood Demon Clan had possessed this sacrificial method ten thousand years ago, they wouldn't have been driven back to the Blood Demon Realm by Mo Shang Li, and things would have unfolded differently.]

[You had an uneasy feeling. According to the usual tropes of fantasy novels, Ye Chen was the protagonist, blessed by destiny. The greatest antagonist should have been the quasi-god of the Blood Demon Realm. However, with Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan's presence, a single quasi-god couldn't serve as the final boss.]

[This meant that the Blood Demon Realm was destined to produce a true virtual god-level powerhouse. Then, Ye Chen would need to break through to the virtual god level, resulting in a climactic battle where he would ultimately slay or seal the Blood Demon Realm's deity. Only then would the story of the chosen one reach its perfect conclusion.]

[As for the great battle from ten thousand years ago, in a typical development where no anomalies occurred, that mysterious figure, Mo Shang Li, was probably the greatest antagonist. In a scenario where both sides were heavily wounded, he might assassinate the Condemnation Emperor and the quasi-god of the Blood Demon Realm, claiming the title of 'Savior.']

[Once you had clarified your thoughts, you felt a great sense of urgency to stop the Blood Demon Realm from offering sacrifices. But it was too late. The secret magic created by the Blood Demon Clan over the past ten thousand years had its limitations. It required the Blood Demons to willingly offer sacrifices for the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-gods to gain the power of sacrifice. Without voluntary offerings, they couldn't forcibly absorb it. However, once there were massive offerings from the Blood Demons, their power would increase at an unimaginable rate.]

[In the end, with heavy hearts, you discovered that the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god had already risen to a level far beyond that of a quasi-god. Although you clearly sensed that he hadn't reached the true virtual god realm, likely due to a lack of divine source, his power was far beyond what a quasi-god should possess.]

[Facing such a formidable Blood Demon Realm quasi-god, you and Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan were definitely not his match. Therefore, Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan sighed and once again used the forbidden secret technique of the Frozen Emperor from ten thousand years ago.]

[Ultimately, the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god was frozen, and Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan perished as a result, with no possibility of revival.]

[After all, it had been miraculous enough for Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan to live a second life with quasi-emperor-level cultivation. Now, the idea of living another life was impossible.]

[As you looked at Ji Bingyan, who had been frozen and lost all signs of life, becoming a beautiful sculpture, you sighed and regretted involving her in the assault on the Blood Demon Realm quasi-god.]

[However, you were well aware that even if you hadn't done so, such events would still have occurred in the future. The Blood Demon Realm quasi-god's trump card was there, and he would definitely use it when facing desperation.]

[This was something you couldn't change. As for continuing your cultivation and attempting to take action after reaching the quasi-god level in the future, it was also a challenging task.]

[Even if you had the opportunity to break through to the quasi-god level in the years to come, you knew that facing a Blood Demon Realm quasi-god whose strength was now close to the virtual god realm, even with two against one, you wouldn't stand a chance.]

[To overcome a virtual god-level opponent was something you understood you couldn't achieve with your current capabilities. Unless you possessed a much more powerful trump card, there was no possibility of defeating the Blood Demon Realm quasi-god.]

[As for using the Reflective Barrier to deceive him, you had already experimented with it. While the Reflective Barrier could reflect attacks from quasi-god-level opponents, it didn't double the damage and instead weakened the attack.]

[Clearly, the upper limit of this red talent was the virtual god realm, and it couldn't reflect the attacks of virtual god-level experts.]

[Of course, there was another hidden danger. Although you had speculated that the black mist was released by the anomaly, it was still just a conjecture and not necessarily correct. If the black mist wasn't released by the anomaly, then everything that had transpired in the battle and its outcome would be meaningless.]

"Ice-sealing Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan, she truly became a tool," Wang Ping commented as he watched the simulation. Without the butterfly effect, her existence served as a stepping stone for Ye Chen.

Honestly, it was somewhat pitiful.

In a sense, perhaps his previous speculations were all wrong.

Ji Bingyue might not be the main character's identity. Instead, Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan had the potential to become the main character.

"Hmm, maybe I'm overthinking it again. Speaking of which, Ji Bingyue and Ji Xuer seem to have completely disappeared from the plot," Wang Ping muttered, furrowing his brows slightly.

Whether it was Ji Bingyue or Ji Xuer, in the life simulation, neither had appeared for a long time, not even a trace of text or imagery.

Although he knew that he had reached a high level, and everyone he encountered had turned into prominent figures, it still left him with a strange feeling.

In addition to this, he also remembered Ji Bingyue's unexpected fall in the early simulations.

At that time, he had considered it suspicious.

However, as the simulations continued, he had stopped paying attention to it.

"Ji Bingyan and Ji Xuer have similar appearances, and they are also strikingly similar to Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan. Could it be that the three of them have a relationship beyond that of ancestors and descendants?"

Wang Ping couldn't help but ponder, feeling like he was touching upon some hidden secrets.

"Perhaps I can explore this further in the future," Wang Ping thought to himself, then continued to gaze at the screen.

[Next, you continued to gaze at the newly born Eternal Frost Territory, feeling a complex mix of emotions. Just as the other emperors approached, both astonished and similarly conflicted, they were horrified to discover that the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god had not perished!]

[Although the Blood Demon Realm's quasi-god had been frozen, he still possessed immense vitality, and his aura was gradually growing stronger, albeit unable to break free from the seal.]

[Seeing this, all the emperors felt a chill run down their spines, knowing that sooner or later, the Blood Demon would break free.]

[You didn't expect the quasi-god of the Blood Demon Realm to die, but instead, his situation would further develop over the long course of time. This wasn't surprising at all, as it was a normal progression.]

[The normal plot development would have been the Blood Demons being sealed, and then breaking free to engage in a double god battle with Ye Chen. However, Ye Chen had already spent these long years training to godhood with Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan's delay.]

[Next, you didn't say much and left the place, hoping to break through to the quasi-god realm in the coming years.]

[As you departed, the other emperors scattered one by one, commanding the cultivators of the Purple Spirit Realm to hunt down the surviving weak Blood Demon Realm cultivators.]

[You, on the other hand, didn't choose to go into seclusion immediately but headed to the Blood Demon Realm.]

[Because all the high-level forces in the Blood Demon Realm had perished, no one could stop you. Thus, you easily infiltrated the Blood Demon Realm and began to plunder resources.]

[You found the Elemental Demon Blood Pool, hoping to take it away, but when you arrived, you found that it had dried up.]

[Evidently, the Blood Demons had sacrificed something, not just living beings, but also the Elemental Demon Blood Pool through some means.]

[You felt a bit regretful about this but had to leave it behind.]

[In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred years passed. During these years, you practiced diligently, but apart from stabilizing your cultivation, you didn't make further progress to reach the quasi-god realm.]

[You weren't surprised by this. If becoming a quasi-god were so easy, Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan wouldn't have gone through such hardships, hiding in the Eternal Frost Territory to cultivate.]

[Xuan Bing Emperor Ji Bingyan had taken that step over a thousand years ago but had only truly reached the quasi-god realm a hundred years ago, which demonstrated the difficulty of her breakthrough.]

[Next, you calculated the time and knew that the black mist would soon appear to destroy both worlds. Therefore, you entered the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground in advance to discover the true nature of the black mist.]

[As you ventured deeper into the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground, even you felt a strong sense of danger. However, you didn't have any intention of retreating and continued to move forward.]

[In the end, you didn't make it to the deepest part of the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground as you couldn't withstand the pervasive invasion of the black mist, even with a divine artifact protecting you.]

[You sighed softly at this and could only stop and watch from a distance. Here, you could only rely on your naked eyes because your spiritual sense would be obstructed and even damaged. However, even with your eyes, you couldn't see very far, just like an ordinary person in thick fog.]

[It could only be said that even powerful emperors were no different from ordinary people when faced with something far beyond their level. This world was cruel in such a way that unless one reached the utmost extreme, there would always be a risk to life, and many incomprehensible things would exist.]

[While you quietly waited, you noticed that the black mist within the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground became denser, posing a significant threat to you. As a result, you were forced to retreat backward to avoid being directly killed by the black mist.]

[Though you were aware that not addressing the issue of the black mist would only delay your death, perhaps delaying it could help you gather some information, which you didn't want to miss.]

[At this point, you were surprised to find that within the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground, two unfamiliar figures had appeared. The auras of these two figures were completely inscrutable to you, which astonished you. Even as a quasi-god, you should have been able to discern some of their details, but now you couldn't see through them at all.]

[However, this strange event had occurred, and two people had appeared simultaneously. One of them was a young man with a folding fan, and the other was an elderly man. Your intuition told you that the young man held a higher status.]

[As you scrutinized these two individuals, they were also assessing you. To be precise, the young man gave you a cold look before the elderly man behind him made a move against you.]

[As soon as the elderly man acted, he displayed power far surpassing the quasi-god level, revealing the strength of a virtual god. This shocked you to the extreme, as you hadn't expected this elderly man to be a virtual god-level expert.]

[You couldn't comprehend why such a powerful existence as a virtual god-level being would still exist within the Purple Spirit Realm. Moreover, rather than dealing with the Blood Demon Realm quasi-god, they had suddenly appeared in the forbidden area of the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground to attack you.]

[However, before your death, you quickly realized everything. These two individuals were most likely not from the Purple Spirit Realm but came from the higher realms. Their purpose for being here was to obtain something deep within the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground. Perhaps this thing had created the black mist and formed the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground's hidden secrets.]

[If that were the case, whatever was within the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground was undoubtedly incredibly valuable and represented a significant opportunity. Otherwise, it wouldn't have attracted powerful beings from the higher realms to come down and search for it.]

[You even suspected that the reason the two realms were about to be destroyed was not due to natural disasters, but rather a deliberate act by these two powerful beings from the higher realms. After all, the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground had existed for so many years without any issues. It was only after these two individuals appeared that trouble suddenly arose, which was too much of a coincidence.]

[After you understood these matters, the elderly man directly killed you. However, due to the Resurrection Talisman, you began the countdown to death.]

[During this period, the young man with the folding fan didn't spare you another glance and continued to venture deeper into the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground. It was as if you were nothing more than an insignificant ant, not worth his attention.]

[Shortly afterward, the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground erupted, and the black mist surged out, destroying both realms. You, too, were revived. However, despite becoming a complete Emperor with formidable power, you still couldn't resist the lingering black mist and energy, which rapidly disintegrated your soul and flesh.]

[Helpless, you sighed and could only fall unwillingly.]

[Because of your death, this simulation comes to an end.]

As the text-based simulation ended, Wang Ping's mind was filled with various scenes. Finally, his consciousness blinked, and his view changed. This time, his view was within the Tai Chu Forbidden Ground. The scene he witnessed was that of the young man with the folding fan accompanied by the elderly man, and how the elderly man effortlessly killed him.

Wang Ping gazed deeply at the two individuals, thoroughly memorizing their faces and auras.

  Finally, the scene faded, and Wang Ping voluntarily exited the immersive simulation, returning to reality.

  It was at this moment that various insights once again surged into his mind.

  The divine-level techniques and powers he had created, along with insights into other aspects, were abundant, not something he could absorb all at once.

  In response to this, Wang Ping ignored Chi Feng and Cai Yonglong, casually set up a formation, and began to absorb them on his own.

  In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

  After a month, Wang Ping had absorbed all of these insights and thoroughly digested them.

  "Ding, reward generation successful. Host can choose two items from the following rewards:

  ① Emperor Realm perfection in cultivation.

  ② Red Talent - Reflection Barrier.

  ③ Blue Talent - Taunt.

  ④ Lifebound Imperial Weapon - Illusionary Void Sword."

  At this moment, the system's notification sounded, causing Wang Ping to open his eyes, his gaze filled with determination.

  "System, I choose ① Emperor Realm perfection in cultivation and ④ Lifebound Imperial Weapon - Illusionary Void Sword."

  Wang Ping looked at the list of rewards and made his choices without hesitation.

  Currently, he needed cultivation to confront the Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao.

  Therefore, selecting cultivation was a must.

  As for the Red Talent - Reflection Barrier, although it was a bit of a pity, it didn't matter much. After all, the maximum utility of this ability was at the quasi-god level, and it wouldn't be useful in the void god realm. There was no need to regret it.

  Moreover, obtaining a Lifebound Imperial Weapon and giving up a Fiery Emperor Tower was a great deal. His Lifebound Imperial Weapon had the potential to increase his combat power and value significantly, far surpassing the value of the Fiery Emperor Tower.

  "If I can keep refreshing item rewards, maybe I can enjoy premium simulations for free. The feeling of enjoying something for free is truly exhilarating."

  Wang Ping muttered to himself.

  As Wang Ping made his selection, he felt his cultivation rapidly increasing at an astonishing speed.

  Emperor Realm Fourth Stage.

  Emperor Realm Seventh Stage.

  Emperor Realm perfection.

  "After gaining cultivation and achieving perfect mastery, these small perks are truly comforting."

  Wang Ping, feeling the profound cultivation within him, couldn't help but sigh.

  At this moment, a longsword exuding the aura of the imperial path appeared in front of Wang Ping. It was none other than Wang Ping's Lifebound Imperial Weapon - Illusionary Void Sword.

  "Now, I have three Lifebound Weapons. It's quite interesting."

  Wang Ping held his Lifebound Imperial Weapon - Illusionary Void Sword and took out the other two Lifebound Weapons, muttering to himself.

  The other two Illusionary Void Swords were respectively Quasi-King-grade and King-grade, and their grades were somewhat lower.

  "However, there's no need to despise them. I'll focus on cultivating them, let them grow, and then fuse them together, perhaps they can undergo a transformation."

  Wang Ping's eyes sparkled as he silently contemplated.

  Next, Wang Ping retrieved his weapons and disbanded the formation.

  As the formation was disbanded, Cai Yonglong and Chi Feng looked over.

  "I'll go deal with someone first, and then I'll take you out later."

  Wang Ping looked at the two of them and spoke.

  He had already understood Chi Feng's background.

  However, the branch of the Chi Clan that Chi Feng belonged to, which had fled to the Purple Spirit Realm, was not a direct bloodline but rather a remote branch, akin to a distant relative of the clan.

  Therefore, their assets when they descended to the mortal realm were limited to a divine-level technique, a divine-level ability, and a lower-grade divine artifact.

  Hence, although he had been impressed by the Chi Clan's name earlier, he had realized the truth through the simulation and accepted it.

  If they were direct blood relatives, they wouldn't have fared so poorly in the mortal realm.

  In the upper realm, the Chi Clan, even if they were in decline, would not have reached such a miserable state in the mortal realm. Even with the curse upon them, they would not have been on the brink of extinction at the hands of a small family.

  For this reason, his journey to Cangyan Valley with Chi Feng didn't hold much significance.

  There was no means of alleviating Chi Feng's curse there; they could only leave it to fate.

  However, since he had already said he would take Chi Feng away, he had to follow through. Perhaps the true spirit of the Cangyan Emperor would be lenient because of Chi Feng's identity and reveal more hidden stories.

  "Uh, deal with someone first? Who?"

  Cai Yonglong was bewildered.

  "Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao."

  Wang Ping replied indifferently.


  Cai Yonglong stared in disbelief at Wang Ping.

  The Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao was a Demon Emperor, according to Wang Ping's previous description. He was a top-tier Emperor Realm expert. Now, Wang Ping was saying he would deal with him.

  Doesn't this mean that Wang Ping has also become a top-tier Emperor?

  It had only been a short time.

  Cai Yonglong was dumbfounded. He was just a peak Xuan Dan Realm expert, and he had only reached this level by relying on the Divine Empowerment. Wang Ping had already become a top-tier Emperor.

  "Life Simulation System, truly divine." Cai Yonglong sighed inwardly.

  Next, Wang Ping didn't say much and directly tore through space, entering it.

  At the same time, in a certain area of the sea, the Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao opened his eyes, wearing a cold and ruthless expression.

  He had already sensed that Wang Ping had left the back of the Black Tortoise and was currently undergoing spatial movement.

  Through the Celestial Tracking Symbol, he had long discovered that Wang Ping was an Emperor. However, he was worried that Wang Ping had other hidden cards.

  Therefore, the Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao, with a murderous intent in

 his heart, also tore through space and entered it, saying coldly, "White Demon, accompany this Emperor to slaughter an Emperor."

  The White Demon Emperor nodded and also entered the spatial passage.

  Not long after, the Nine Nether Demon Emperor and the White Demon Emperor blocked Wang Ping's path.

  At the same time, the White Demon Emperor deployed an array that sealed off this space.

  In response, Wang Ping remained calm, showing no concern. He simply disregarded the Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao and spoke indifferently, "Nine Nether, while you're thinking of killing me, have you ever considered the possibility of being killed yourself?"

  "If this Emperor wants to kill someone, no one can survive, not even you."

  The Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao snorted coldly, a pitch-black demonic blade appearing in his hand. His terrifying demonic path avatar also manifested, exuding an oppressive aura.

  "The Demon Blade is not a bad spoils of war."

  Wang Ping looked at the Nine Nether Demon Emperor's Demon Blade and said with a light smile.

  Both the Nine Nether Demon Emperor and the White Demon Emperor's Imperial Weapons could be used in simulations, and Wang Ping wouldn't miss out on them.

  "You are audacious! Let me see what you're capable of."

  The Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao shouted, launching a full-powered attack without holding back.

  His attack was full force, with no reservations, unlike in the life simulation where he had held back.

  This was because Wang Ping was exceptionally composed, indicating that he wasn't afraid.

  Furthermore, despite seeing through Wang Ping's cultivation through the Celestial Tracking Symbol, he couldn't see through him now, and Wang Ping gave him a dangerous feeling, indicating that he was not simple.

  He had always been a cautious person, so he wouldn't hold back like he did in the life simulation.

  "Supernatural Skill - Fire Abyss!"

  Seeing the Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao's attack, Wang Ping also held his Illusionary Void Sword and mobilized the surging mana within him, slashing towards the Nine Nether Demon Emperor with a sword.

  In an instant, this space was transformed into a sea of flames.

  Vaguely, the Purple Spirit Illusory Fire surged within it.

  And within these flames, an abyss formed, covering everything. Each strand of flame within it either contained terrifying sword qi or the power to tear space apart. It was diverse and unpredictable.

  As the divine skill, Fire Abyss, was unleashed, the demonic blade of the Nine Nether Demon Emperor Chu Xiao was instantly swallowed up by the fiery abyss, causing his expression to change dramatically.

  (End of this chapter)