
Chapter 166: The First Battle Against the Nine Abyss! On the Road to Becoming a True God

"I wonder if Cai Yonglong's Golden Finger can defend against the Curse of the Uncanny," Wang Ping silently thought to himself.

If it could defend against the Curse of the Uncanny, then he could use it on Bai Tianhong. Then, as long as he managed to kill the Uncanny within three seconds, everything would be fine. However, trying to kill a quasi-divine figure like the Condemned Emperor within three seconds would be extremely difficult. Unless he became a god, there would be little hope of achieving such a feat.

"Wait, I seem to be involved in this too," Wang Ping suddenly realized, his face changing as a chill ran down his spine.

He had killed people on the Xuan Gui Continent in the past. The one he remembered most was the first Elder Ye Chen. Wang Ping didn't know Ye Chen's true origin, but he was from the Xuan Gui Continent and had the potential to be a descendant of the Condemned Emperor. After all, the ability of the Uncanny was not restricted to direct descendants or those with a strong bloodline. Branch bloodlines or hidden bloodlines could also be affected. Over the years, it was impossible to know how many generations the bloodlines had passed through on the Xuan Gui Continent.

"Wang Ge, what's wrong? Your expression suddenly turned so serious," Cai Yonglong noticed Wang Ping's changed expression and was somewhat surprised.

"Cai Zi, your Golden Finger might come in handy," Wang Ping patted Cai Yonglong's shoulder and sighed. He had truly overlooked this point before, but now he realized that there was a significant risk involved. If he ignored this matter, there could be trouble in the future. Even if he escaped to another world, he could still be affected by the Curse of the Uncanny, controlled by the Uncanny.

As for the idea of deliberately letting the Uncanny out during future simulations to learn about this issue, sorry, but that might not happen. Given his personality, once he knew about the Uncanny's abilities, he would not give Chu Xiao, the Nine Abyss Demon Emperor, the opportunity to release the Uncanny. Without releasing the Uncanny, he would not be able to completely control the Condemned Emperor's body, making it a very dangerous hidden danger.

"Hmm," Cai Yonglong was puzzled, not understanding why Wang Ping suddenly said this. While his Golden Finger was useful, it wasn't that significant, at least in his opinion. After all, Wang Ge had already evaluated it before.

Wang Ping smiled and looked at Cai Yonglong and Red Wind, without explaining further, and walked towards Bai Tianhong.

"Tianhong, do you want to know about your origins?" Wang Ping asked Bai Tianhong.

Bai Tianhong, who was practicing swordsmanship in front of the waterfall, was taken aback when he saw Wang Ping and Cai Yonglong approaching. "I've seen Elder Tai Shang. Elder Tai Shang, do you already know about my origins?"

"Yes. However, it's a bit troublesome to explain it all slowly. I'll give you enlightenment," Wang Ping shook his head slightly and reached out to touch Bai Tianhong's forehead.

In an instant, a wealth of information about the Purple Spirit World was poured into Bai Tianhong's mind. Wang Ping had no intention of hiding anything about his origins or the Condemned Emperor's past.

"Am I really a descendant of the Condemned Emperor?" Bai Tianhong was shocked when he came to his senses, completely unaware that his background was so astonishing, and that such a terrifying battle had taken place in the past.

"Elder Tai Shang, I want to follow you for cultivation, I want to become stronger!" Bai Tianhong said eagerly.

"Not now," Wang Ping refused with a shake of his head. Taking Bai Tianhong outside had no meaning. He was doing all this out of interest.

"Alright," Bai Tianhong said with some regret. Since the Elder wasn't willing to take him outside, he would work hard to cultivate and go out on his own.

"When I defeat the great enemy, you can truly embark on the path of cultivation. Don't worry; this time won't be too far away," Wang Ping said, then left with Cai Yonglong and Red Wind.

After Wang Ping and the others left, Bai Tianhong came back to his senses and bowed deeply in the direction where Wang Ping had disappeared.

Next, Wang Ping visited some places on the Xuan Gui Continent and met a few familiar people, such as Xia Yuan. Finally, as the setting sun's afterglow dyed the sky, he prepared to leave the Xuan Gui Continent. If he stayed any longer, the Old Turtle would probably become impatient.

"System, if I do a paid simulation, what resources will it consume?" Before leaving, Wang Ping inquired about the new pricing for the Life Simulator in his heart.

If he didn't do a simulation at least once, he felt unsafe. Of course, Wang Ping also knew that he couldn't afford the resources needed for a paid simulation at the moment, so he planned to do a free simulation later. He just wanted to ask about the price of a paid simulation first to get an idea of what to do next.

"Ding, the host's cultivation has reached the first level of the Emperor Realm. A paid simulation will require ten King-grade items or one Emperor-grade item," the system's voice rang out.

"They don't require Primordial Essence anymore? Well, it's quite expensive, needing ten King-grade items or one Emperor-grade item for a single simulation," Wang Ping sighed inwardly.

King-grade items in the Purple Spirit World were weapons nurtured by Kings with various materials, refined through cultivation, and finally tempered by tribulations. As for Emperor-grade items, they were even more precious. The price of ten King-grade items couldn't compare to that of a single Emperor-grade item. Of course, King-grade and Emperor-grade items could also be obtained through rewards, but there was an issue of probability.

If he chose the Emperor-grade item as the reward, he could perform another simulation. However, sometimes there might not be two options for rewards, and selecting the Emperor-grade item would mean missing out on other rewards, which might not be worth it. The only gain would likely be insights into various cultivation methods.

"System, is a free simulation also immersive? Can I gain insights from it?" Wang Ping asked in his heart.

"No. While there may be insights during the simulation, they will disappear when the simulation ends," the system replied.

"Well, free simulations aren't that great, are they? It seems they really don't want me to take advantage of them," Wang Ping commented and frowned slightly.

"Free simulations are still just tools for gathering information. The challenge is how to collect a large number of King-grade and Emperor-grade items to continue with paid simulations," Wang Ping thought to himself.

However, he didn't regret choosing cultivation previously. While not selecting cultivation might have allowed him to perform a few more simulations to see if he could get more high-level talents, it would only have been a few more times. As the available reward options were exhausted, he would eventually have to choose cultivation.

"And Wang Ping knows the nature of the Life Simulator. After getting an advanced talent once, don't even think about refreshing any more advanced talents for a while. It's all green and white trash talents after that.

Apart from that, without choosing cultivation, he really doesn't feel safe. He has a feeling that he could be killed by the senior time-traveler Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao at any moment.

"Never mind, let's think about that later. For now, I need to use the free simulation to test a hypothesis and see if that guy Chu Xiao has the ability to catch me."

"System, I want to do a free simulation."

Wang Ping thought for a moment and said in his mind.

With that, the system's voice rang out: "Ding, Life Simulator activated, free simulation begins."

In an instant, Wang Ping's consciousness knew that he had entered a state of immersive simulation.

"System, give me a fast forward."

Wang Ping thought for a moment and spoke up.

In a flash, a familiar screen appeared, and text floated up.

[Day 1, you tore through space and left the Xuan Gui Continent with Cai Yonglong. Shortly after you left, you were caught by Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao.]

[Looking at Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao, you clearly understand one thing. Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao definitely has some means to accurately locate you through the second-generation chat group. It's just that this method hasn't been obtained in your simulation, or you haven't practiced it, so it didn't appear in the previous life simulations.]

[For this reason, you feel a sense of gravity and are very grateful for choosing cultivation. Otherwise, if you were caught by Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor, you would definitely be targeted by him in the Tianjian Sacred Land. That would be troublesome.]

As the text simulated up to this point, Wang Ping's mind filled with various images. His field of vision changed, and he appeared in a chaotic space turbulence.

On the other side, there were two figures, one black and one white.

The leader was none other than Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao, the "senior time-traveler" he dreamed of killing.

As for the person in white behind him, it was clearly the second Emperor of the Nine Ghosts Devil Sect, the White Demon Emperor.

"Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor, what's the meaning of blocking my way?"

Wang Ping's gaze flickered as he protected Cai Yonglong and Red Wind, speaking coldly.

Although this simulation was for exploration and experimentation, he was most worried about this situation, which had indeed occurred.

To be honest, it was troublesome.

In this simulation, he had no other means at his disposal.

Otherwise, Wang Ping could have easily deceived people and tried to kill Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao.

With the golden fingers of Cai Yonglong, Chen Kang, Chen Si, Wu Jun, and Liu Mei, Wang Ping believed that the probability of killing this guy, while small, still existed.

Even if he couldn't kill him, it would be enough to escape.

However, Wang Ping didn't want to reveal all his cards.

After all, if Cai Yonglong's golden fingers were not exposed, they might have unexpected effects in the future.

"If I say no, what will you do?"

Wang Ping squinted his eyes, prepared to take action at any moment.

"In that case, you'll die."

Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao said coldly.

"You can't."

Wang Ping said coldly.

As he said this, Wang Ping directly summoned the Blaze Emperor Tower without hesitation, letting it explode its source of power.

In an instant, a terrifying explosion swept through this area of space turbulence, making it even more chaotic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Ping directly used his own secret technique to tear through space again, attempting to escape into the distance.

Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's face was icy, and he suppressed the energy turbulence caused by the explosion of the Blaze Emperor Tower with a wave of his hand.

On Wang Ping's side, his expression changed as he realized something was amiss with the space.

No matter how he tried to tear through space, he couldn't escape from this area.

The other party had used some means to twist and seal off this space.

Although he was mentally prepared, once Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao took action, he wouldn't leave any room for him. However, the other party's methods still made Wang Ping feel uneasy.

At this moment, Wang Ping also noticed that the second Emperor of the Nine Ghosts Devil Sect, the White Demon Emperor, had not taken action and was standing quietly behind, holding a pitch-black formation disk, looking at him coldly.

"This formation disk is what's preventing me from escaping."

This thought flashed through Wang Ping's mind as he began to plan his escape.

"I've already said that you won't escape. However, I can give you one more chance. Come with me to the Nine Ghosts Devil Sect, and I can spare your life."

Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's cold voice sounded as he made a sudden move, reaching out towards Wang Ping.

In an instant, a black handprint appeared, carrying terrifying power.

Wang Ping's expression changed, and he used his full power to perform his divine technique, attempting to block this terrifying strike and protect Cai Yonglong.

Among those who had reached the Emperor Realm in both realms, none of them were ordinary individuals.

Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao belonged to the upper echelon among these powerhouses.

Although Wang Ping's self-created techniques and divine techniques were superior to Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao, the gap in cultivation was too great. He was definitely not his opponent.

With just one strike, Wang Ping's face turned pale, his body cracked, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood. His Emperor-level aura had weakened considerably.

However, Wang Ping managed to barely withstand the attack, saving Red Wind and Cai Yonglong from falling.

"Heh, being able to withstand my casual strike shows some skill. Life and death are just a thought away. What's your choice?"

Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's hands were shrouded in the terrifying Nine Ghosts Devil Qi again as he spoke coldly.

"You, who have cultivated to the Emperor Realm, established the Nine Ghosts Devil Sect, and are known as the Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor, do you really think that an Emperor would bow down and choose to submit when facing death, seeking a meager existence?" Wang Ping taunted after recovering from his injuries.

"Even Emperors are human, and humans can experience fear. Why is it impossible for them to choose survival?" Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao remained cold and indifferent, unaffected by Wang Ping's taunts.

He had given Wang Ping a chance, engaged him in conversation, but did Wang Ping really think he was wasting time and words?

Wang Ping was trying to buy time and find an opportunity to escape, but he was also delaying time to ensure Wang Ping's demise.

He was a cautious and ruthless person. If he didn't take action, he had already decided to kill Wang Ping completely.

Even though his strength was much greater than Wang Ping's, and he had trapped him here, any other Emperor would have already considered Wang Ping doomed. But he wouldn't. Even when hunting down an Antimony Realm ant like Wang Ping, he would make careful arrangements to ensure a complete kill.

Moreover, Wang Ping was also a time-traveler like him, and there were unknown factors on him that needed careful consideration.

Besides, trying it out was worth it. If it succeeded, it would be a reason for celebration. If it failed, he didn't care, as it was just a matter of talking.

Next, Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor didn't say much and continued to take action.

Wang Ping could tell that this guy hadn't used his true strength and was testing him step by step, planning to kill him completely in the end.

Otherwise, with the gap in their cultivation levels, Chu Xiao could have easily killed him with a single blow or forced him to use Cai Yonglong's golden finger ability.

The disparity in their cultivation levels was too great, and Wang Ping didn't have his own exclusive Emperor Weapon, so the difference in their combat power was too significant.

As thoughts surged within him, Wang Ping made a choice.

With a solemn expression, Wang Ping completely ignored Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's attacks and quickly rushed towards White Demon Emperor.

White Demon Emperor's cultivation was only at the third level of Emperor, and he couldn't possibly be Wang Ping's match. Wang Ping had a chance to shatter the formation disk and escape from here.

"Divine Technique: Purgatory Ghost Blade!"

Seeing that Wang Ping had his back turned to him, Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao snorted coldly and a pitch-black long blade appeared in his hand. He swung it fiercely towards Wang Ping.

Terrifying blade energy erupted, creating a scene resembling the purgatory of the Nine Ghosts Domain, carrying boundless death energy as it slashed towards Wang Ping.

Facing this strike, even a newly promoted Emperor like Wang Ping would have been gravely injured if they dared to take it head-on, and their essence would have been severely damaged.

However, Wang Ping truly disregarded it.

As the blade was about to strike Wang Ping, a not particularly strong energy barrier appeared.

Normally, such an energy barrier would, at best, defend against attacks of the same level and couldn't possibly withstand the full force of an Emperor's strike, let alone a full-power strike from someone like Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao.

However, in this case, something unusual happened.

Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's full-power strike landed on this energy barrier, but it had absolutely no effect, only creating some ripples.

This terrifying strike, on the other hand, significantly increased Wang Ping's speed, allowing him to approach White Demon Emperor even faster.

"What kind of ability is this?"

Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao furrowed his brows.

From the battle between Wang Ping and Blade Brother, he knew that Wang Ping had various strange abilities.

Things like weakening, confinement, his abilities were unreasonable.

Of course, it was also possible that these abilities belonged to someone else and not Wang Ping. This would explain why Wang Ping was carrying so many weaker individuals when performing missions.

This current ability might belong to Cai Yonglong, a weaker time-traveler.

However, regardless of whose abilities they were, they were quite bizarre, being able to bestow a fragile energy barrier that could block his full-power strike, a defense that should have been impossible for an ordinary artifact, let alone an Emperor.

Indeed, the third-generation chat group had undergone some strange changes. It seemed that these time-travelers had some terrifying abilities unknown to others.

Various thoughts flashed through Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's mind as he continued to attack, unleashing a flurry of strikes against Wang Ping.

However, no matter how powerful his attacks were, they couldn't break through this energy barrier.


At this moment, Wang Ping shouted angrily and swung his sword at White Demon Emperor. He also unleashed a full-power strike.

His path was intricate, and Illusion-type divine techniques were the easiest for him to disrupt his opponent's focus and create opportunities for a kill.

In this case, under normal circumstances, Wang Ping had some confidence in instantly killing White Demon Emperor.

However, the current situation was clearly not a normal Emperor showdown. Facing Wang Ping's terrifying strike, White Demon Emperor, although briefly trapped in an illusion, still had a smirk on his face. He held the formation disk and remained unfazed.


In the next moment, Wang Ping's strike was directly blocked by a pitch-black barrier that couldn't be pierced, not even by spatial divine techniques.

Seeing this, Wang Ping's pupils constricted.

Although he had known it wouldn't be that simple to successfully kill White Demon Emperor, the level of preparation by Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao still left him in awe.

This guy had really spared no expense to kill him.

Whether it was sealing the space within the spatial turbulence, making it impossible for him, an Emperor highly skilled in spatial divine techniques, to escape, or the energy barrier that could defend against his full-power strike, they were definitely not ordinary items. Even Emperors would covet them.

"I've told you that you won't get away. If this is all you've got, then you can die." Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao snorted again and took action once more.

However, this time, he didn't use an offensive divine technique, but a restraining one.

In the Nine Ghosts Domain, endless vengeful spirits began to emerge, rushing toward Wang Ping, forming chains of ghostly energy to seal off everything around Wang Ping.

"Invincible defense may seem strong, but as long as it's bound, it's just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Can you maintain your abilities indefinitely?

Everything in the world has its limits; it's impossible to maintain invincible defense indefinitely.

"You win. However, capturing me alive is impossible," Wang Ping sighed and acknowledged Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's victory.

At this point, Cai Yonglong's Golden Finger had already run out of time, and he had no chance of escape.

In fact, the moment he was caught by Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao, there was no chance of escape.

This guy acted with a determination to kill and left no possibility for escape.

It seemed that his earlier idea of becoming an Emperor and being able to contend with others, even if he couldn't win, was somewhat naive.

Facing a normal Emperor at the Grand Perfection Realm, he could indeed escape using spatial divine techniques.

However, facing someone like Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao, a "time-traveler predecessor," he had no chance of escape.

"Now that you've accepted your fate, you can die. White Demon, do it," Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao sneered and ordered.

He could sense that the strange barrier had already disappeared.

In other words, Wang Ping couldn't block their killing moves anymore.

However, even though he had pushed Wang Ping to the brink, he still had no intention of personally killing him.

No one knew whether Wang Ping had the ability to take his enemies down with him.

This was not impossible, after all, Wang Ping, like him, was not an ordinary cultivator but had a connection to the countless realms.

Such items that could take down enemies together with their user did exist in these countless realms, and he had to be cautious.

With Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's command, White Demon Emperor directly summoned a black bead that had accumulated terrifying power and unleashed a horrifying black beam towards Wang Ping.

This strike was extremely terrifying and could severely injure top Emperors at the Grand Perfection Realm.

In the face of this terrifying strike, Wang Ping had no doubt that he would be killed.

He couldn't withstand a strike that could severely injure an Emperor at the Grand Perfection Realm.

He couldn't escape either because he had already been bound by Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao and couldn't break free.

"Is this the end?" 

Seeing Wang Ping's soul and body completely devoured by the dark light, leaving no trace, Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao furrowed his brow, gazing at the spot where Wang Ping had fallen, feeling somewhat conflicted.

He had prepared so many trump cards to deal with Wang Ping and had thought that Wang Ping would have many means to counter him.

But the reality was that, apart from that pitifully short-lived defense barrier, Wang Ping hadn't demonstrated any other extraordinary abilities from the countless realms. None at all.

"It seems I overestimated you," Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao muttered to himself.

Although he didn't know how far the third-generation chat group had developed, Wang Ping probably wasn't an important figure in it.

This time, he had completely over-prepared to deal with Wang Ping, and it was a waste to use so many means.

After all, these things were quite expensive.

However, Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao had no intention of leaving immediately. He continued to unleash powerful divine techniques at the spot where Wang Ping had fallen for nearly an hour, preventing Wang Ping from pretending to be dead.

For time-travelers like them, making sure an enemy was truly dead was a required course.

"Lord Chu Xiao, although we've sealed off this space, your full-scale attack has caused such a commotion that other Emperors have likely sensed it. We must leave immediately," White Demon Emperor, accustomed to Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's almost pathological finishing moves, reminded him.

"Those old guys, their noses are as sharp as ever," Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao snorted. He could sense that the strange barrier had already disappeared.

However, even though he had pushed Wang Ping to the brink, he still had no intention of personally killing him.

No one knew whether Wang Ping had the ability to take his enemies down with him.

This was not impossible, after all, Wang Ping, like him, was not an ordinary cultivator but had a connection to the countless realms.

Such items that could take down enemies together with their user did exist in these countless realms, and he had to be cautious.

With Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's command, White Demon Emperor directly summoned a black bead that had accumulated terrifying power and unleashed a horrifying black beam towards Wang Ping.

This strike was extremely terrifying and could severely injure top Emperors at the Grand Perfection Realm.

In the face of this terrifying strike, Wang Ping had no doubt that he would be killed.

He couldn't withstand a strike that could severely injure an Emperor at the Grand Perfection Realm.

He couldn't escape either because he had already been bound by Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao and couldn't break free.

"Is this the end?" 

Seeing Wang Ping's soul and body completely devoured by the dark light, leaving no trace, Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao furrowed his brow, gazing at the spot where Wang Ping had fallen, feeling somewhat conflicted.

He had prepared so many trump cards to deal with Wang Ping and had thought that Wang Ping would have many means to counter him.

But the reality was that, apart from that pitifully short-lived defense barrier, Wang Ping hadn't demonstrated any other extraordinary abilities from the countless realms. None at all.

"It seems I overestimated you," Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao muttered to himself.

Although he didn't know how far the third-generation chat group had developed, Wang Ping probably wasn't an important figure in it.

This time, he had completely over-prepared to deal with Wang Ping, and it was a waste to use so many means.

After all, these things were quite expensive.

However, Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao had no intention of leaving immediately. He continued to unleash powerful divine techniques at the spot where Wang Ping had fallen for nearly an hour, preventing Wang Ping from pretending to be dead.

For time-travelers like them, making sure an enemy was truly dead was a required course.

"Lord Chu Xiao, although we've sealed off this space, your full-scale attack has caused such a commotion that other Emperors have likely sensed it. We must leave immediately," White Demon Emperor, accustomed to Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao's almost pathological finishing moves, reminded him.

"Those old guys, their noses are as sharp as ever," Nine Ghosts Devil Emperor Chu Xiao snorted.

"Senior Xuan Gui, do you know this fallen emperor?" When Xuan Gui spoke up, the emperors were surprised and curious, asking questions.

"I know, but not really. I only know that he was a newly ascended emperor who suddenly appeared on my back. The way he appeared surprised even me, as there was no sign of spatial fluctuations; he just appeared out of nowhere. However, to prevent him from interfering with the seal, I asked him to leave my back quickly. Unexpectedly, right after he left, he was attacked by Nine Yin Demon Emperor Chu Xiao, along with White Demon Emperor." 

"Newly ascended emperor." Hearing Xuan Gui's words, the emperors were somewhat astonished, not expecting that he was merely a newly ascended emperor. 

But why would a newly ascended emperor be attacked by Nine Yin Demon Emperor, let alone with White Demon Emperor? Such treatment seemed reserved for someone else.

"Why did Nine Yin Demon Emperor attack him? I don't know. All I know is that he was young, with extremely vigorous vitality. He couldn't have been more than a thousand years old. An emperor under a thousand years old falling like this is a significant loss to our Purple Spirit Realm," Xuan Gui's voice carried a tone of regret.

It must be said that Nine Yin Demon Emperor's methods were indeed powerful. The distance from where they were to his location was not too far, yet the Three Emperors' battle did not alert him immediately, which was quite intimidating.

"What? An emperor under a thousand years old, how is that possible!" Space Emperor and the other emperors' pupils contracted, showing expressions of shock.

It's not that their composure was weak, but becoming an emperor was no simple matter. Xuan Gui's words were too shocking; even as emperors themselves, they couldn't hold back.

An emperor under a thousand years old, was that even possible?

To put it into context, the quickest recorded time to reach the Nirvana Realm in the Purple Spirit Realm was 1,500 years. It was inconceivable for someone to become an emperor in less than a thousand years.

Moreover, if this hadn't been said by Xuan Gui, they would have dismissed it as a joke, thinking he was playing with them.

But because it was Xuan Gui who said it, the credibility was incredibly high. Xuan Gui was an ancient being who had lived for tens of thousands of years, with an extraordinary sense of life. Besides, his personality wasn't one to joke around.

In other words, this mysterious newly ascended emperor was indeed under a thousand years old.

"It is indeed a pity." Space Emperor and the other emperors sighed as well.

Calculating the time, it had been one or two thousand years since the realms connected. If this newly ascended emperor hadn't perished, perhaps there would have been another emperor at the pinnacle of the realm.

Even for quasi-gods, there was still a slight possibility. Although it was a slim hope, it existed.

With such a powerhouse, they could be much more at ease when the realms connected in the future.

Now, they were killed by the menace that was Nine Yin Demon Emperor Chu Xiao.

"We must find a way to lure Nine Yin Demon Emperor out and kill him before the realms connect; otherwise, there will be endless trouble. Who knows if he will attack other emperors," said Furious Thunder Emperor irritably.

"We should discuss a plan indeed. From the lingering aura here, he is very likely at the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm. It's too dangerous," Space Emperor nodded.

Afterward, the Sea Clan Emperor and the emperors from the East Wastelands left the area.

Xuan Gui retracted his divine sense and continued his slumber.

Half an hour later, a figure appeared out of nowhere in this area.

That person was Wang Ping.

"Thank goodness for the Resurrection Rune; otherwise, I would have truly perished this time. Although this is just a simulation, I can't continue to explore the subsequent developments, which is a bit of a pity," Wang Ping muttered to himself after resurrecting.

However, the gains from this experience were not bad. He had learned a lot about the hidden cards of Nine Yin Demon Emperor Chu Xiao, which would greatly benefit him in their next encounter.

"Next, System, fast forward," Wang Ping said in his mind.

"Ding, fast-forwarding."

The system's voice echoed again.

[After you were resurrected, to prevent Nine Yin Demon Emperor from discovering that you hadn't actually died and would come back for revenge, you intentionally revealed your aura to attract the emperors who had left back to this place. In the end, whether it was Xuan Gui or the other emperors, they all sensed your aura and were extremely shocked, returning here.]

[They were curious about how you survived Nine Yin Demon Emperor's attack, but you didn't explain too much. In the end, you expressed your desire to visit the Sword Saint Land and discuss plans to deal with Nine Yin Demon Emperor Chu Xiao.]

[The emperors all agreed, and except for the Sea Clan Emperor and Xuan Gui, the other emperors went to the Sword Saint Land. They were very curious about you and wanted to get to know you better. You welcomed them and had a pleasant conversation, eventually discussing how to deal with Nine Yin Demon Emperor Chu Xiao.]

[However, in the end, you didn't take action together with the strong emperors until you discovered where he was hiding and how to kill him.]

[While you were discussing the plan, Nine Yin Demon Emperor Chu Xiao discovered that you were still alive and guessed that you had a method of resurrection. He was quite unhappy about it, but he wasn't too worried. Now that he had figured out your true strength and hidden cards, he could easily kill you if he caught you again.]

[However, what troubled him was that he had only obtained a Heavenly Tracking Rune in exchange, which he had used to track your location before. Now he didn't have a means to bet on your whereabouts.]

"I knew this guy couldn't have locked onto my location. It turns out he had such a good thing. Without a doubt, he obtained it from other time travelers in the Second-Generation Chat Group. So, if I infer from this, the Second-Generation Chat Group also has items for transferring."

Wang Ping looked at this simulated content and made a guess.

Of course, it was also possible that Nine Yin Demon Emperor Chu Xiao obtained it from the Purple Spirit Realm. After all, there was a force like the Heaven's Machine Pavilion that could deduce heavenly secrets.

"No, there was a simulation where Chu Xiao went to the Heaven's Machine Pavilion to find me. When the Heaven's Machine Pavilion didn't cooperate, he angrily destroyed it. This shows that this Heavenly Tracking Rune was indeed something he obtained from other time travelers."

Wang Ping remembered the previous simulation content and arrived at a clear conclusion.

It had to be said that immersive simulations and text simulations had their advantages and disadvantages.

Text simulations lacked detail in combat, only briefly describing how he was killed and not providing details about the opponent's strength.

However, text simulations had an advantage in that they had a god's-eye view, allowing them to describe the opponent's psychological state and depart from his perspective to narrate the story.

Immersive simulations couldn't do that. In immersive simulations, he

 had no idea what the opponent was thinking, what was happening elsewhere, or what others were thinking.

"Hehe, with the existence of a life simulator, all your cards will be exposed as the simulation progresses. Let's see how you can fight me in the future."

Wang Ping sneered in his heart and continued to focus on the simulated content.

[Shortly after, you left the Sword Saint Land and went to the Eternal Frozen Land. After all, in the Purple Spirit Realm, except for the Eternal Frozen Land, you didn't feel safe in other places. Right now, you only wanted to continue cultivating and raising your cultivation to the seventh stage of the Emperor Realm.]

[As long as your cultivation reached the seventh stage of the Emperor Realm, along with improvements in other aspects, you would truly not fear Nine Yin Demon Emperor Chu Xiao. Although he was powerful, if your cultivation kept pace, you could confront him head-on.]

[When you arrived at the Eternal Frozen Land, you were sensed by Frost Emperor Ji Bingyan. However, she had no intention of appearing. She just thought of you, a newly ascended emperor, as someone who came to the Eternal Frozen Land to cultivate and cultivate the pure Yin power for the younger generation. After all, this had happened many times before, and she had gotten used to it.]

[However, when you directly expressed your desire to meet her, Frost Emperor Ji Bingyan was surprised. In the end, after some thought, she chose to condense her strength into an incarnation to meet you.]

[You talked a lot, and then you started discussing the Dao. Frost Emperor Ji Bingyan was very surprised, not expecting your understanding of the ice Dao to be so amazing, surpassing her own techniques. She became interested in you as a result.]

[In the end, you called each other Daoist friends, and your relationship grew closer. You took the opportunity to express your desire to practice and comprehend the Dao here.]

(End of this chapter)